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Bluefield researcher

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Bluefield researcher last won the day on February 14

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    Princeton WV
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    researching and assembling High School football histories.

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  1. Princeton is a lot like Tazewell. County Seat. A lot of people that think that they know how to run a program and it causes endless problems for the coaches.
  2. Can you post the schedule?
  3. You obviously know what the buzz is.
  4. But Perry is now behind 14 points before the game starts at Ridgeview.
  5. I don't know but probably to balance out schedules. It is not uncommon for this to happen. Over a four year period you sometimes see schedules go: Home Away Away Home
  6. The VHSL has the district sites. Almost every school doesn't update their district schedules for the next academic year until after May. To be fair the only one that I have seen that has their state organization doing schedules is Kentucky. The WV, Ohio and Tennessee sites that I use are private. But there may be a Tennessee state organization sponsored site. I just have never looked because I just use Coach T.
  7. The Virginia High game does not match what was posted for Va High in post #1 of this thread.
  8. This is what I received for Tazewell. 08-22 H Chilhowie (benefit) 08-29 open 09-05 H Pulaksi County 09-12 H Grayson County 09-19 H Union 09-26 H Giles 10-03 A Virginia High 10-10 A Grundy 10-17 A Marion 10-24 H Richlands 10-31 A Graham 11-07 A Lebanon
  9. There is no rating penalty for playing single A in Virginia other than pride.
  10. I have his book. Unfortunately there are errors in it.
  11. There is no such thing as finding this answer "in no time".
  12. So it is all ego and emotional. We are going to spend all this money for something we already have just so we can be just as good as Tazewell and Richlands. We "deserve" it. You already have it for less hassle and cost than Tazewell and Richlands.
  13. There was a time maybe 30 years ago when NEITHER Graham or Bluefield paid rent. Since the stadium was in Bluefield the Beavers always got priority for scheduling and Bluefield always sat on the home side. When Bluefield's population could no longer support "free" rent both schools were required to pay rent. When this happened Graham insisted (and properly so) that they sit on the home side when they were the home team. This was not an issue with Bluefield High's administration but quite a few Bluefield fans and community members did not like it at all. There were also many times that Bluefield, WV city board members insisted on using some of the press box for their own purposes when Graham was the home team. But that was years ago also. Since then both schools have been treated completely equally including alternating Thursday game when there is a scheduling conflict. If the Bluefield, VA people think that they are going to save money on football you are sadly mistaken. It costs way more than 60k or even 80k to have a stadium. But if spending the extra money to satisfy their egos is worth it then that is their choice.
  14. You are hearing the Graham side of the story.
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