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Why All the Anger After the Regional Tournament?


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Ok, I know that people get angry when they lose, but, I am from Graham and the damage inflicted by angry wrestlers after their matches, was unacceptable. Our locker rooms were trashed, lockers dented and vents kicked and punched in. I don't know why this was necesary to ruin OUR facilities. I was dissipointed in the behavior of those wrestlers.

any thoughts anyone?

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They must not like the assist.princ. at GHS because of his bad attitude,somefolks say he treats people like they are trash at sporting events.thats just what i was told.But that don't give anyone the right to trash your school,and someone should be held responsible.

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it is a wrestling thing, lose a match punch a locker. i have seen it many times before. i think it is a written code or something. if you lose, you have to go and let everyone know it was the lockers fault, the doors fault, the window or something else, because there is no way that anyone could have a chance of beating them without outside help.

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I know it may be a wrestling "thing" but i don't think it's right to trash someone elses stuff. i agree with you bluefieldrocks, and it was graham's stuff.

I know our assistant principal very well, and he treats everyone fairly and with respect. He did nothing to bring about everything.

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Nobody cares about some "code" that has no legal binding to let you trash other peoples stuff, if you lost, don't try to act tough and punch stuff, because we already know that there's at least one other person who could do it harder, and you just lost to him. The schools that used those locker rooms, and more specifically the players themselves should be held LEGALLY responsible for damages incurred. It's only right. It's not a matter of "oh, i'm sorry, i was angry" it's a matter of a schools equipment and ones own ability to go back and work harder, not be too cool and destroy something. This is unnacceptable, and if you're a wrestler and you read this, and you know you are responsible, you are a disgrace, control yourself. Nobody thinks your some big man, your a vane, arrogant, brat.

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This does sound like a pretty serious situation. Legal action should take place if the damage is enough, but I think that it comes down to the athlete controling himself and using the loss as motivation instead of a basis to destroy stuff. How does the saying go? "A winner is truly defined by how well they climb out of the depths of defeat," or something like that.

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Maybe the assistant princ. should explain what happen to the school board or do they already know?This is a very serious matter.I'm sure they would get some answers,since this could cost the tax payers money.Someone should have been in charge of these kids.

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Someone should have been with them and if they were than they shouldn't have let that happen. Plus, it shouldn't have happened in the first place. It's called control and respect. What happened to it?

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Theres a thing called Right and Wrong.. I was raised to respect other peoples things. If I tore it up, I fixed it. If I failed I worked harder to succeed next time.. Blaming a locker or door, to me is like putting on a show! Make the wrestlers responsible for their actions. Then, it comes down to the coaching staff. Where's the disicipline. If its let go, no schools will have lockers for their kids!! Then, after they're gone.. they won't be any doors left!! And on and on!! It's gotta be stopped.. regardless if it's Richlands, Tazewell, Grundy or Carroll.. Now's the time to help the kids be a better citizen.. Don't make excuses or justify something that is socially Wrong!!

Find the wrong doers and make them pay. If they dont have the money to replace the locker, then, give them some community work to do to help offset the cost!! It beats jail time!! lol

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Maybe the assistant princ. should explain what happen to the school board or do they already know?This is a very serious matter.I'm sure they would get some answers,since this could cost the tax payers money.Someone should have been in charge of these kids.


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These kids should have been in charge of their actions. We hold them accountable on other matters of right/wrong. This situation is no different. Indirectly blaming an asst. principal for perceptions on his character is passing the buck and blurring the debate. Admittedly, if the supervisor of the wrestlers was negligent then he/she should be held accountable...only partially, though.

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hey man, it was a tongue in cheek thing about "code". i do not agree with trashing anything. but the wrestling gods see no evil in this stupid act. i agree they should be accountable for their conduct, like be kicked off for the year.

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The Code!! Sounds like an weak excuse for turning your head!! "Wrestling Gods"? Do they say its ok? I bet if it came out of your pocket you'd feel diferently about the "Wrestling Gods".... The wresting gods might say.. Now boys lets not do that or you will get in trouble!! lol

Make'm pay or puttem in jail!! Crimes a Crime... Thats the Right Code!!

Learn them to be responsible for their actions!

Lack of discipline leads to this kind of behavior.

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