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Posts posted by redman

  1. Hey Duck( James ) mad man Quit Postin about yourself tryin to make yourself look good play football if u wanna talk about somebody else lookin good or playin good talk about your other teammates not yourself if somebody thinks you work hard they will say soo .... JUST Quit POSTIN ABOUT YORSELF

  2. Smiley Ratliff, Was a great coach and a great man nothing more you could ask for.

    Johnson, was great coach and a REDNECK lol the kind of guy u get from the head of a holler somewere lol but from what i have heard he was a great coach ..


    Tommy Blankenship , was a good coach to..

    Hurley has had some good coach's its hard to pick just one of them and even if you do they are gonna be somebody to tell you that your wrong lol but that my thougth

  3. Yea all the players that was still alive came back lastyear the night we played Big Creek uhh Coach Smily had me and bout 7 other guys crying be4 the game he told us some great stories that night thats just one of those things u'll never fotger about in life was a great group of men ... but they had to drive about 5 hours just to play a game wasnt meny teams around back then !!!!! <font color="red"> </font>

  4. God man if u only ever played for hurley the 82 team was great ... i hear the stories all the time .. and yes they say the cliff was ROCKIN ... heard some other stories too not sure how true they are but i did get to see some year books and the guy was right in the books i seen a guy told me that they never got socred on until they was in high school pee wee never gave up any points greatest team hurley ever seen and prolly ever will the way its going over here anymore and iv heard good stories about the 86 team but its hard to tell when ya talk to Mark Cooper lol .... LET'S GET THE OFFSEASON ROLLIN!!!

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