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  1. RIDGEWOOD BBQ...that is all. End of story!
    5 points
  2. swva_havok_fan

    7 on 7

    As Billy Bob from Varsity Blues once asked... "Is that the play where I go downfield and look like I'm lost?"
    5 points
  3. See the MCclung years at Gate City for proof this statement is true.
    3 points
  4. cityofRaven

    Union looses Huff

    Very much like their ascent has been.
    3 points
  5. Unchained

    Union looses Huff

    The last time the Blues were relevant was when PV and Appy were:) I am not hearing the folks from BSG and Appy year after saying we are winning a state title. Of course expectations are high,but we're not claiming to be a juggernaut.
    2 points
  6. When, specifically, was Union actually considered a legit state title contender, outside of being included in a group of ~10 schools who could potentially win a title? In what year was Union was regarded as the state title favorite? Aside from Graham, Appomattox and Radford, what school has achieved at a consistent higher level? I agree that Union has bungled at least a couple chances to bring home hardware, but none realistically since about 2017. So when has Union underachieved? If we are gonna ding a program for unrealistic expectations from some fans, theres a lotta programs gonna be dinged.
    2 points
  7. Unchained

    Union looses Huff

    You are a Richlands fan right?
    2 points
  8. Here's a little more info... https://www.timesnews.net/sports/high-school/air-raid-offense-innovator-mumme-joins-east-coaching-staff/article_84d47053-ca75-5788-9ced-f557379334aa.html
    2 points
  9. That clinic was put on by the OC at East. He and Mumme go way back, and the OC runs Mumme's business. If it wasnt for Bedwell, Mumme wouldn't be in Bluff City.
    2 points
  10. Nice, lol. Got to hand it to the homies in Bluefield,VA. "Creativity" is legitimately solid. The locker rooms could be known as "public changing facilities" with operating hours of....... Thursday through Tuesday closed, but open Wednesday 1pm to 2pm
    2 points
  11. CPF

    Updated football fields

    The Grundy paper said that Grahams field cost was 2.9 million and Tazewell was 2.8 million. They aren't spending that kind of money on a practice facility. My prediction is Graham plays there in 2025.
    2 points
  12. I talked to one of the teachers at Graham High today who I've known for decades. He said it's a bit ugly right now in Bluefield with a couple of high powered folks in town putting up a fight against building the stadium. He said it will get done, but by the time the resistance is overcome including getting funding, he said 3 to 5 years.
    2 points
  13. No sense for you to come in here with any voice of reason. It ruins the dramatic effect!
    2 points
  14. I would say it’s Fairmont’s to lose. They were already good but have brought in a ton of transfers. Bridgeport will be good too. One of Princeton, Bridgeport, or Fairmont will win AAA.
    2 points
  15. Shane Wicks was announced as the new HC at Honaker.
    2 points
  16. Tazewell don’t play a home game till September 20th, so they should be good!
    1 point
  17. Bleachers are close to being done and paving the track in the next few days
    1 point
  18. I can definitely see those two. I guess I didn’t include Glenvar because it seems like when they have a bad season it’s really bad. Give Union the edge there but also no state title for Union, obviously. 1-1 in playoff games between the two. Poquoson is interesting. They weren’t in 2A the entire time but since coming back they are always solid.
    1 point
  19. tornado99

    Union looses Huff

    I’m inclined to agree with you. Radford has previously been mentioned. Stuart’s Draft, maybe? I’m a little lazy to research, but Glenvar has seemed to be pretty solid. Either way, no shame in their results. I think some may have had unrealistic expectations based upon the assumption mentioned only. After Richlands has fallen off in recent years, I would be pretty happy with Union’s consistency. (I wholeheartedly believe improvement is coming.) Some arguable measure of expectation could be compared to that past success of approximately 2004-2016, but again that and Graham are the only comparisons I can think of locally in 2A.
    1 point
  20. That's basically how Huey Long got LSU's stadium expanded when he was governor of Louisiana in the 30s
    1 point
  21. V-Cats

    Schedule Changes

    We're in the even-numbered year of the cycle so there's usually not any schedule changes but there is one of note I wanted to bring to y'all's attention Virginia High was able to remove Jenkins from their schedule and will now host John Marshall from Richmond, whom they played for the Class 2 basketball state championship in February We can only assume that the November 1st matchup will turn out better than the title game
    1 point
  22. jeffro

    Updated football fields

    Probably had room for parking on back side, but the size of the drainage field they must be expecting Biblical proportion flood
    1 point
  23. CPF

    Updated football fields

    There is room for it with the grass fields out front but we will see.
    1 point
  24. Might be Linebacker. Was still filling out frame last year. Lots of growth there.
    1 point
  25. I couldn't believe this when I read it, but it's legit. He's coming for 2024 as an assistant. I've never seen Sullliavan East, but I imagine they like to throw it, and if they don't throw it much, they are certainly about to throw it......alot. https://heraldcourier.com/sports/high-school/high-school-football-coaching-innovator-mumme-to-serve-on-sullivan-east-coaching-staff/article_4a927ec0-3fea-11ef-8ad0-47e401f3dd5b.html
    1 point
  26. Fix for Graham may have a breakout year
    1 point
  27. Ridgewood uses ham provided by Clifty Farms and they used to get first choice of the hams! The baked beans are cooked under the hams while being smoked with the drippings fall into the beans!
    1 point
  28. I would also keep an eye on two Tazewell linemen, Beavers and Taylor.
    1 point
  29. Hate seeing chipnbogey say it isnt as good as it used to be. Used to have to get there about an hour before Ridgewood opened to get a seat. Baked beans were great. I have yet to try the blue cheese dressing but everyone raves about it. Even those who dont like blue cheese. The other thing thats really different about it is they shave their smoked pork instead of pulling it. Lots of old Nascar memorabilia and signatures and a couple of presidents I believe that had stopped there. They said anytime Regan was near the area he would have them get drop by TRI to have someone get it for him. That could be a tall tale though.
    1 point
  30. yes Hill , nearly unstoppable last year even while being double teamed. BEAST!
    1 point
  31. In my opinion, I feel like their quality has went downhill. The blue cheese dressing is the only thing we order anymore. If you come this way and want BBQ, go to Project BBQ in JC. Sonnnnnnnnnn......
    1 point
  32. He did a Air Raid Clinic at East last summer, so there must be some connection with the HC at East.
    1 point
  33. Regardless of his role, big or small, this is a HUGE win for East. I imagine Mumme has some faith in the HC down there if he's going to work for them(I assume he could of had his pick of schools to help out at nationally).
    1 point
  34. We are just a few short weeks from scrimmages. Can we post scrimmage schedules here, so they are all in one place? Thanks!! Tazewell is @ Lee on 8-16 @ 6:00. Not aware of any others yet for the Dogs
    1 point
  35. tbgfan

    Day of Sadness

    My heart is heavy for the carnage witnessed today as an American. It brought back memories of the day of JFK's assassination. I can remember the somberness as news came to us of this horrible event. Even being young I still felt the pain and darkness that had befallen our nation. If I had been of voting age, I would have voted for him. He had a heart for the nation and made tremendous inroads in helping the underprivileged. His personal life was flawed with deficiencies. He didn't institute policies for votes, but instituted programs to help the underprivileged. He saw the less fortunate, the ones who needed to hear him speak with his Boston brogue on the Capitol steps that January day, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." It became a mantle for his presidency. Today's politicians have made the message "You're an underdog, and we can help you. You are entitled. No citizenship required, no patriotic duty, no standing and honoring our flag, no respect for law." I can remember the horse drawn casson carrying President Kennedy's body through the streets for his funeral service. The rider less horse with boots turned backwards in the stirrups. All these images imprinted in my mind. Today could have easily been another day of "death" for a former President of the United States. God's mercies were birthed new this morning for President Trump. Only heaven knows the upheaval that could have been a dagger in America's democracy, if it had been a different outcome. For the families who went on a sunlit blue day to demonstrate their support for their candidate, and are coming home without their loved one, may God's peace and comfort sustain them in the days ahead. Our hope must be a passion for what is possible. If we give a word of grace, a word of hope, we can give a word of compassion. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Compassion looks outward not inward. It lets us be of value instead of receiving valuables. It keeps us grounded to be of service, but doesn't make it a grind in "doing unto others, as you would have them do unto you."
    1 point
  36. This 💯
    1 point
  37. Thanks for sharing. I remember that now. It HAS to eventually be the plan to build a stadium at some point right? It looks beautiful and while I’m sure the outdoor learning center will be fantastic, it’s potential as a stadium is high!
    1 point
  38. SwvaOG

    Union looses Huff

    That is just one side of the ball. If they keep Bostic at QB and pull him from defense, they lose two all-Region caliber DBs. That defense goes from being really good at pass defense to very average.
    1 point
  39. BKFootball

    Union looses Huff

    Graduated all the d line except 1 graduated both middle linebackers, so that O line that was just going one way will now most likely have to go both ways.
    1 point
  40. Problem is the entire county is nothing but limestone,except pocahontas.when you have limestone mixed with years and years of water seeping in the limestone gets washed out hence sinkhole. Just happened in the wing at ghsin the corner. It was fixed so school got now is fine.as for the field I am pretty sure it will be fine. Those surveys I would say was done on the entire campus.
    1 point
  41. It's next year just in time for the Wise Central to dominate the Mountain 7 in every sport for he next decade!
    1 point
  42. UnionGuy2017

    Union looses Huff

    I don’t think it’s necessarily a coincidence.. nor do I feel like it’s a worry for the Union football program. I think the best word honestly is just disappointment. In a world of what if’s, Sykes is throwing to Huff this year. That’s a pretty lethal group when you pair them with the talent coming back on the offensive line aswell as all of the young guys coming this year. And that’s not to mention who is IMO the best player on the team, Keith Chandler.
    1 point
  43. I’ll say it again…..sound like a broken record. Ridgeview can surprise people if they can get some good coaching. It will interesting to watch the next couple of seasons as the big hold back class will be 9th graders this year. According by to rumor mill, those who will be varsity has already been decided (continued tradition of no true open competition tryouts). Some good talent but a lot of coaches kids and daddy ball kids in one class now. It will be interesting to see if the coaches do what’s best for the team or what’s best for their respective kids. Someone is gonna be pissed because they are all worried about offense and most of the kids play the same position. And f they can get the daddy ball dads to focus on defense they could be really good. Plus I think O’Quinn will be back and highly motivated this year……a-lot of veteran talent back on the Ridge.
    1 point
  44. THS soccer lines have been installed for about a week. They’re gray so they don’t really stand out.
    1 point
  45. Union_Fan

    7 on 7

    Hmm...for some reason, this strategy sounds familiar.🤔
    1 point
  46. Issue for us is....preparing for the pass. Our Defense isn't going to see a spread O or many wide sets from the offense in practice. Couple that with this offensive age being more and more pass happy, and it Partially.....Partially explains why when seemingly one WR for the opponent goes out for a pass, our defensive backfield resembles an electrical circuit doused with water. Add 2 or 3 more opponent WRs running a pass route and our Defensive backfield resembles anarchy.
    1 point
  47. Just like the football team, some of those bears came from Lee County.
    1 point
  48. Sad to hear. Prayers that Coach Tiller turns his life to his Creator. No personal accolades, no accomplishments fills the void that God does. He anchors us daily, not just on the mountain top, but in the valleys when people disappoint, situations rock our lives. I think there is already a great Richlands alum on the Tiger staff, that is worth considering, Shane Wicks. The upcoming players know him, he knows the system and he can bring continuity in this time. Prayers for all. 🐯🙏
    1 point
  49. Russel County dealing swiftly with a problem, nice. Someone tell him to apply at Tazewell County, over here no one ever gets fired for anything. He might even get transferred to central office for higher position and a six figure salary.
    1 point
  50. The words "Former Home of Greg Mance" was going to be a tough fit in the end zone.
    1 point
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