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cityofRaven last won the day on July 10

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About cityofRaven

  • Birthday 12/26/1986

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    Your mother's basement.


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  1. And? We're not talking about Richlands, we're talking Union. The program that's been hailed as this State Title contender every year since the consolidation only to be known for its underachieving.
  2. Very much like their ascent has been.
  3. Shane Wicks was announced as the new HC at Honaker.
  4. When Council High is closed, can we get an update on the Eagle logo with a snake in its mouth?
  5. We're all brothers in God's eyes.
  6. Just like the football team, some of those bears came from Lee County.
  7. How many actual eagles though?
  8. Why not the "Golden Eagles?" In reality, Eagles isn't good. So many better options imo.
  9. I think a termination has already taken place. I hope he gets the help he needs, and I hope Honaker gets their guy.
  10. You had me until you stabbed me in the heart with your Crimson Tide comment... lol Buy you are right. We played with pride in representing our area and wanted and played to win, but playing and learning were the main objectives it the grand scheme. I get that our population can't handle 5-6 teams in Richlands like the old days but there should be more than 2 so that kids can get some time in game situations.
  11. Fundamentals have fallen at some Class 2 schools as well. The importance of a Pee Wee Championship trophy has taken a hold of some coaches and made them forget what they are there for. Pathetic really.
  12. Is "We Borrowed Money From Former Rival Graham's Hidden Funds High School" too wordy?
  13. Plot twist, a dome stadium built around the new turf at GHS becomes the premiere facility in the Bluefield area while Mitchell Stadium becomes a Cole Auto Mall location.
  14. Which shade a green have you guys decided on?
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