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  1. Good luck to him, sounds like he has a good roster to start with
  2. Heard they have there new man, Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Good luck to all
  3. Pray all is well regarding this situation, has there been any clarity to the situation? Season is about 5 weeks away!!
  4. That’s all that matters, students! New principal is coming from a football school and hopefully that shows moving forward with that program. Winners win!
  5. I come from a family of teachers so yes all teachers deserve more for sure! But in Virginia it is paid by county, so unless you are one of the Tofu eating faires that make the decisions on money ..... shut up or move to another county!
  6. Stop it, all teachers are valuable! But most are gone at 330 and he and his coaches are there until 7 three nights a week and 12 or 1 am the other two. While also playing daddy, guidance counselor, bus driver, cook , custodian , field manager and many other duties - coaches earn there money!
  7. Who has a kid that will be Oc, principal or new coach
  8. all in the family well except for.......
  9. Good luck to all involved with wise program wish them the best, there are many good folks in the area. With the influx of talent they will have the next couple of years , it will be a good watch from a far!
  10. This 👆 100%, maybe post of the year! Parents listen
  11. Search, multi state? No way then
  12. so i cant get the article to open, how long was he a coordinator and coaching at Wise. I remember him playing i think at Powell Valley ?
  13. Heard a lot of good things about him, he will do great
  14. If you only knew, good luck to all involved!
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