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Jags52 last won the day on April 3

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  1. Not sure if that great planning by the AD or dumb luck. I feel like Tazewells hone/away split has always been kind of crazy there was a span where the first 5 games were on the road then 5 at home then it switched the next year which is very tough on the kids
  2. Knowing how and willing to is two different things
  3. Not so sure about Honaker rolling…
  4. Jags52

    11 games?

    Same could be said for spring sports if you team makes the state tournament in basketball your baseball players miss all of preseason and maybe a game or two
  5. Bubba to Honaker makes the most since keeps them running the air raid
  6. From what I understand region play off seeding will be up to each region if they want to use power points they can they just have to calculate it there will not be a state wide power points
  7. Let’s just do a relegation system like European soccer does. 4 years rolling period the top 4 teams as far as post season success move up a division and the worst 4 teams move down a division. This would have to include all sports post season success but it could work. That easily moves John Marshall and LCA up and keeps Riverheads from having a decade long straggle hold on class 1. You would have to do every 4 years to keep a two year miracle run of athletes from bumping up a small school to play with the big boys
  8. The lady that calculated all of that for the state retired this year so they left playoff format to each region. Region D either had to hire someone to do power points for the region or just use the same format that is used for every other sport. Since it works out with the 2 districts with 6 class 2 teams each that’s what they are going with. Now I have no clue how they are going to do 1D but with the consolidation of Buchanan county I can see them just doing hogo and making another district
  9. The question is how will this affect region 2D. At the moment we have 6 class 2 schools in the southwest district and 6 in the mountain 7 and power points are gone starting this season. So it’s just like every other sport the top 4 from each move on to the region playoffs. I am assuming Buchanan will be class 2 but what district would they be in? I have a feeling Lebanon will be class 1 again by the time this is a thing but asking Buchanan county high to come to Marion on Tuesday night for a quad basketball district games doesn’t make a ton of since. I say Buchanan goes the mountain 7 and John battle joins the SWD
  10. Interesting late football opening
  11. Most counties offer less. Head coach only brings home 5 or 6k
  12. The real question is will they go back to the under center wing T or switch it up and go full blown air raid
  13. I referring to the Lebanon situation and QB 1’s family says they are gone if the coach stays then that coach steps down.
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