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Posts posted by gridironguru
  1. Of course, when you involve the "Misadministration", anything's possible.


    But...any such ruling has to be within the bounds of Heller.


    I'm as anti-Obama as a reasonable person can be. But when conservatives attack Obama, it cannot be with the formula "Obama + Executive Order + Guns = YER TAKIN' MAH GUNZ!" (as the one to whom I originally responded). That makes conservatives look misguided and stupid, and is counterproductive to the conservative argument.


    Joe Biden made the statement that Obama could do an executive order another report said that Eric Holder would meet with him to see if it could be done. I know the Second Amendment well and I also know they'll try to carve it up if they can. I also know that they want to ban assault type weapons and high capacity magazines which is a foot in the door for broader things if there allowed to that. I'm not misguided and I'm not stupid. I did not intend to offend anyone ( But I don"t care if I did) with my post so ease up a little bit my friend.

  2. Quote me this executive order, and post a link, si vous plait.


    I have other needles to hunt from other haystacks.

    Besides the fact that executive orders cannot take precedence over Constitutional mandates or enacted legislation.




    I said pondering he hasn't done it yet but Eric Holder and he are supposed to meet about it according to Joe " weekend at Bernie's" Biden. It's scary that they would even think of such a thing.

  3. You forgot about Belfry they consolidate with Williamson,Tug Valley,Logan and anybody that real good in Pike Co lol just kidding. East Ridge is a huge school but with Football as competitive as it is in Pike Co. kids can travel to any school they want within 30-40 minutes from home . Shelby Valley loses kids to Pikeville and they all lose kids to Belfry.

  4. You're looking for a benefit of being right-to-work? That's simple, Lance.


    Not being forced to join Unions is a benefit in and of itself. You are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul. Why willingly give up the right of self-governance to be bound by an organization without your best interests at heart?


    But imagine the Union strikes because of something borderline insane, such as the belief that $71K/year isn't good enough pay anymore: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-09-17/news/ct-met-chicago-teachers-strike-details-20120917_1_cps-teachers-teacher-evaluation-chicago-teacher-strike. You're FORCED by the Union to sit out the strike. You face being unemployable in the entire state if you cross the picket line. Now, which do you think is more beneficial to the worker: earning a better wage than 99.6% of the world, or getting the lights shut off? What if you have a family? Which is more important: your union "solidarity" or feeding your kids? Common sense, no?


    Let's go even farther. Unions work on a rigid seniority system, which is as inherently flawed as anything ever conceived. The bare minimum is lauded, and incompetence is rewarded. Any system that mandates preference on a 10-year employee who does jack squat over a 9-year employee who is the division's best producer is laughably idiotic.


    Let's go even farther. When you know that you're going into a seniority system that requires everything short of an act of Congress to fire you, where's the incentive to achieve? If you're not getting one iota more praise for doing the maximum as opposed to doing the minimum, why try harder? In fact, trying harder means that production increases, and as production increases, the workforce must contract if the demand is the same. So, if you're too low on the ladder, you could work yourself out of a job if you overachieve. Bizarre, isn't it?


    Let's go even farther. Say you want to work your way into management. Instead of trying your hardest and getting management to notice you, you have to wait on enough people to retire or die before you're even considered. Goodbye, any hope of getting your dream job before you're 60.


    Let's go even farther. Do Unions even protect their workers, anyway? As best I recall, the UAW sat on its hands while LEAR transferred from GM to BMW and moved out of the area. 20 years of labor, POOF! Look at Hostess. Instead of contracting the workforce and allowing 60% of the workers to continue working, the Grain Millers forced Hostess, and its 18K workers, out of business. SOLIDARITY! Solidarity...as in...you're all out of jobs.


    Once a Union is created, its survival and activities trumps the needs of the individual workers. You would think, as badly as the UMWA has failed this area, that more people would see it.


    I don't care if people on this board blast me for what I've just written. But I tell you one thing. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ every waking day that I'm not forced into the constraints of being in a useless, gutless Union.


    Totally Agree

  5. What it tells me is that the layoffs weren't necessary to begin with. All they were was a ploy to help the GOP to scare up votes...and a little corporate greed to boot.


    I'd love to tear into you on this but my old gray haired granny told me years ago to never argue with an idiot they'll just bring you down to there level then beat you with there experience.

  6. John I work in that area and for at least 5 years I've heard that "Haywood needs to go" banter but it comes from the ones that wouldnt know a football from a cow pie. Like Mance he's deep in th eplayoffs year end year out and there's another crop of Pond Creek mules on there way up as there middle school won state this year. It's a football town I love it.Your right about Haywood he is a class guy I've met him several times down to earth and a old school 'I'm gonna run it untill you stop it kind of coach.

  7. Well if history is any indicator, the U.S. Federal Government would march their armed forces into whatever states seceded, defeat whatever resistance they were met with, destroy the states infrastructure and ability to sustain itself, and finally occupy those states until all freedom of choice and will to fight is gone. I think that about sums it up.


    Obama has already done that to all 50....I couldn't resist lol

  8. A lot of good men and women in the Hurley,Grundy,Phelps,Mouthcard area lost their job today. Looks to be 3-5 months before the thought of anybody be called back.


    John Teco has there eggs heavily in the met coal basket and the market is getting glutted domesticaly and with limited port space the export of Coal is just" you can move what you have room to move". The export market is there it's just getting it From point A to B.(No new ports either cant get permits)

    Let's hope for an old fashion winter that could help with the steam market and maybe get some people back to work on a bright note a couple of jobs are getting ready to start back up in Pike Co (150 people) thats the only good news I've heard in a while. My job is Idle had some prospects of new owners which went out the door when the votes where counted Tuesday night. It's going to be hard to attract investors who are willing to make a commitment to something that are goverment wants to abolish it seems. Race Fork has been solid as a rock over the years and I pray the reduction in force is only a temorary thing and everyone gets back to work soon. Everyone asked for a bailout except Coal all we asked for was to let us work it's so un american whats happened to this industry and before any Coal Haters start hollering it's market driven not political your wrong because we have a anti coal President thats driving the bus and I'm sure if you could see into there so called Blind trust youd see them invested to the teeth in Natural gas. God bless everybody and I hope and pray for better times for all of us.

  9. the coal industry has been on and off since the 80s...this is nothing new...and just my opinion this layoff business is nothing more than election year politics. If the county did everything based on the coal industry alone and what was going on "right now" you would never know what to plan for.


    This Poplar Gap project has been cooking for a long time, some of the heaviest hitters in the county are behind it...the coal industry might waiver, but you can bet your butt that the Gap project won't....that's already a done deal top to bottom...it's going to happen.


    Lance I know what your saying but coal has never faced what it's facing now. You bet your ass if theres no coal severance money and you have a big exodus out of Buchanan county which you will if Coal goe kapooey you'll see a lot of stuff happen that you wouldnt think would.

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