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Posts posted by bigdogfan2
  1. Lance is right when that touchdown was called back that killed Tazewell. I seen where somebody said Gate City pulled ther starters I was sitting with Lance and we were talking about how they let there starters play the whole game. Tazewell played with alot of heart to be down by so much in the third quarter I remember when they would just hang there heads the last couple of years. Gate City is a really good team but the game was horribly called last night.

  2. How does B Strong intercept a pass from one of the Johnson kids -- they are on the same team -- Bradley may have thought the ball was coming to him.


    I would agree - there is discord among this RHS team - it could possibly be that players have dedicated days, weeks, months, and even years to the "Mance Machine" and now he [Mance] doesn't hold up his end of the bargain. It is my experience that the kids usually know and accept who is the better player at whatever position -- no one likes losing especially after they have experienced and lived through two a days.


    If you are the best and you earn the position -- you are accepted -- it's when other's feel that the position is 'given' to you or that you have not earned it that discord occurs.


    I do find it funny that the Richlands Fans are already bashing their team. It's just like last year -- loose a game and loose fan support -- I posted about the Powell Valley game turnout earlier --


    I do think that the fans need to understand that Gate City is a very good team -- with great football traditions.


    Good Luck Next week to the Blues.


    If you were there you would have seen what I was talking about intercepting the ball. They don't trust each other and b strong went up and snatched the ball from the johnson kid it was crazy they hit each other.

  3. I think that it wasn't the quarterback who was at fault tonight it was the offensive line. They did not block for cody every play he was rolling he was the only kid who scored a touch down tonight. So if he wasn't there it would have been 10-0. I Seen Bradley Strong intercept a pass from one of the johnson kids so there is alot of stuff going on in richlands. The kids need to mesh before something good is going to happen. I think the offensive line done great blocking for the vance kid thats why he made two big plays. Its not about cody right now its about the whole team becoming a unit. And shame on mance for not noticing his line not blocking. The only reason I would have pulled Cody was to let him get a break from the punishment the line was letting him have. This kid is a good football player but if you got 8 guys rushing with no blocking it dosen't matter who he quarterback is they are going to get punished. I hope that these kids can get over all the stupid stupid childish bull crap cause they could be something special later on.

  4. So how many years should a school or parents give a coach before they say "ok a change is needed?" Just curious? We are not trying to put politics into this nor are we saying he is a bad guy. How many years did they give Coach Hart before letting him go? I believe only one year. In my opinion that was to soon. I believe every new coach deserves 2 to 3 yrs. What I would look is to see if the record improves a little each year. If you call that political oh well, I call it intelligence.


    Your opinion is very valid but a num nut can coach those girls so who cares who the coach is.

  5. I think we are to quick to get rid of a coach anymore who cares about them they just don't have what it takes. Thats just like Coach Hart in Tazewell alot of hometown politics were involved and they got rid of him. He went to Bland and turned the program completley around. If the coach from Richlands wants to retire let him but he should not be pressured by parents. We have a right as parents to want the best for our kids but really what does it show about us if we just push someone out before they get a chance to prove themselves. We talk about how bad his record is and everyone knows how bad it is..... But small town politics rule in sports in SWVA. Let me see how much money it takes to get what I want.


    Blues Mom "Well the coach from Richlands doesn't think. That is why he has a record of 18 wins and lost 76 games. Out of those 18 wins only 5 district wins in the last 5 years."

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