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Everything posted by ghs73
  1. from what i have seen the few times i got to see them they will run both the spread and wishbone and all their backs run very good. making it harder to defend just one back. but who knows what will happen.
  2. i dont think graham has ever made excuses for a loss only fans do that. not the coaches or players. sounds like you may be trying to make excuses yourself already before the game is played anyway.
  3. yes i know he does i checked out the schools and it is the pits not much on it at all and his is a good site the community should get together and help him with it.
  4. ghs73


    they were a big line for graham probably the biggest at graham in years and i have the video of the state championship game still.
  5. ghs73


    they are big and everyone gets out of their way lol
  6. that is good news for bluefield and everyone who loves highschool football that this young man is doing that good. just hope that he stays healthy for the rest of the season and lead the beavers to many victories except for one game left this year against the gmen.
  7. ty a friend i have has a nephew who plays for westside and wanted to find the link and we had found it once but could not find it again. do ty again
  8. does anyone know the westside highschool web site if so let me know please
  9. ghs73


    from bluefield 460 is the only good way to grundy and when you get thru town and see the redlight with a rock wall in front of you turn right the school is beside the hospital several miles up the road slate creek will be on the right
  10. he does if he stays out of trouble and works very hard while at marshall
  11. i have to agree graham was very lucky in this game but they also wanted this game more and usually the team that wants the game more does what is needed to win the game. to go the extra step to give everything that they have left in the tank. and this is the graham team this year. they want to win every game for coach this year and in the long run for graham high pride. they are good and still learning ast they go. looks like turnovers were down in this game. maybe they will get better with each game this year and have a good season for the coach the team and the school.good luck gmen and keep your heads up all season no matter if you win or lose a game you are graham high football. and remember that. play with pride with heart and win with grace and if you lose then lose with grace. dont brag how good you are just show it each week on the field. and leave nothing on the field after the game give it your all as you do each game. and make graham high and coach proud.
  12. ghs73

    TV Coverage ?

    darn i think goalie needs to come here and watch the sports on wvva on friday night and see who they actually cover anymore. heck even the beavers are starting to get left out of the coverage more and more which is amazing to me. knowing how wvva has been over the years.
  13. actually goalie i think that you are funny most times on your posts here. love yur spellin almost a good as mine is
  14. na i will just wait till you come here for the game this year. at least i got one game right lol
  15. i am going to get you goalie when you come to graham to play or is it at carroll county this year lolol
  16. ghs73

    TV Coverage ?

    well goalie wvva has never covered graham as much as blfd even when graham won the state title both in 89 and 95 just a little coverage the main coverage was from the cable co that taped the 89 state champ. game and replayed it the next day. but wvva not much coverage. and it should not matter if any team won the title these are local teams and should be covered by local news station not one over 45 min or more away. wvva is like 4 miles or so from graham. and less from blfd. but the same distance from mitchel stadium for either school. and i know people will say and have said well it is a wv station. that may be true but where does some of their add money come from. the va side. all the way down toward richlands.you can defend the tv station all you want because you are not the one that is not covered by a local station only 4 miles or so from your school. but in this area you will not get any sympathy for defending a station that covers a area that is over 45 min away instead of a area 5 min away.and for people to say that is the way it is well all i can say is maybe so but not the way it should be.
  17. that is ok just kindof gets old when you keep hearing the same thing after you acknowldge that you were wrong where the game is.
  18. you know i think i know that by now only 4 or 5 have already said it so i think i would know it by now.
  19. ghs73

    TV Coverage ?

    hey cola some day everyone in swva will learn what those of us here at graham have dealt with over the years with the local paper and tv station. nothing against beaver but they will follow the beavers to cover their games just about anywhere they travel to but will not cover a graham game. as far as the news paper graham away games usually are down at the bottom even when they are home and beaver away but when beaver home might as well start looking for coverage of graham. this is a fact of life being on the va. side this close to wv and the tv and newspaper both being in wv. they cover wv schools more. and they come here for the adds also maybe more so because more stores on the va side now than wv side. but does not change the coverage. so in the end swd sports are back page news locally no matter how good we are. so everyone has to get use to what graham has gotten use to over the years.
  20. ghs73

    TV Coverage ?

    you guys think it is bad that they wont drive 35 miles to cover you guys heck they wont even follow graham on any of their away games to cover them and we are local. they will travel to beckley or fayetville or oakhill to cover them but not graham so why do you think that they should drive there to cover richlands anymore than graham games.
  21. still will be a good game. either place, but i dont think that richlands will run all over graham like they have the first 3 teams. and this graham team is a different team with something to prove this year. i dont know if they will win or not but i dont see them being shut out. with 4 running backs that can run the ball who do you key on. blacksburg keyed on henry and stopped him but the others got the yards needed. graham is different than the firt 3 teams richlands has played. and the 3 are good teams but not like graham. either way it will be a good game but the storm warnings may not be as big in this game. by that time it may be a snow warning instead of a tornado warning. with just a few flakes of snow in the forcast. lol. anyway good luck to richlands the rest of the season. you guys are doing good and making the swd look good also.
  22. that may be true i dont know what their schedule is this year. i did not make it to games last year either so you may be right.
  23. that is in the past and if richlands does it more power to them. all records are made to be broken and what better than a swd team like richlands. but as we all know it is hard to do but if anyone can do it could be richlands this year. there is no sweat from graham on this issue. the only issue here is the next game. one game at a time. no need looking past the next game because you have to play them one at a time. i just hope that the kids from richlands are not thinking that. going 7 or 8 or more games unscored upon because if they do they will lose focus on what is important. the next game on their schedule.
  24. if you go back and read all the threads this past week or so you will see that most of the comments on here have been of the storm at richlands and very little has been said from graham people on here. only thread has been the 2 about the martinsville game in which richlands fans complained that there was already one on this subject. it took almost a week before finally someone stepped in and said to end the continous storm warning threads. so you need to come into the real world and go back and read. no one has said that graham is the " fastest defence" in the area.yes we won but barely but as it is always said by people a win is a win if by 1 point or by 48 it is still a win and graham right now is 3-0 just like richlands. not saying we are better than richlands either. that will have to be decided when the two play. i just hope that the week before the graham richlands game that the storm warnings keep up because this game is at graham i think this year and mitchell stadium is well suited to handle any storms that may arive in the area.
  25. no one has said that we are the fastest just that the graham defence is fast. but you will believe what ever you want no matter what the truth is. i have not seen anyone say that we are the fastest.
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