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Posts posted by BigBlueAlum
  1. There's a lot of loan forgiveness programs (mostly for people in the military or public service) who can have the remainder of their loans paid off if they've paid for 10 years and still owe. Obama wanted to change that number to just 5 years at one point (so basically under that plan, if I got a teaching job, I'd only have to pay my loans for 5 years, then the rest would be forgiven).


    You would have to get a teaching job in a rural area and work there for 5 years, correct?

  2. Oh, I don't know...just a wild guess.


    Here's something to ponder: I don't know one single Conservative who would oppose a requirement to show an ID when voting. I know very few Liberals who are for it. Wonder why?


    What are you even talking about? How about instead of taking wild guesses you actually read what I'm saying, that would make debating you much less painful.


    By the way, your anecdotal evidence brings nothing to the discussion.

  3. I think its absurd that anyone can vote without showing picture ID. I have no political motivation in this, it just seems like a very basic concept to me.


    Im not trying to be a jackass here but can someone explain to me why requiring a picture ID makes it harder for minorities to vote? Because I honestly dont see it. Any US citizen can get an ID card from the DMV for under $20.


    Even if voter fraud isint a major problem I dont see how requiring ID hurts anyone.


    This past election it was more so a problem with repulicans trying to hastily push these laws through, not giving those without ID enough time to get one. If you doubt the motives behind these laws then please watch the video I posted above.

  4. My comment about cheating did not point to either party. You also need to read it again. The fact that you assumed I was pointing fingers at the Democratic party speaks volumes. My comment applies to anyone who cheats, period.


    To your point that showing ID makes it more difficult for minorities, you need to ask the question "why is that true"? Is there a reason for any adult of voting age in this country, minority or not, not to have an ID? You have to have a social security card to get welfare don't you? Why is showing ID a problem? It certainly would keep dead people from voting like they do in every election, I would think. No cheating? Not a big problem? We really have no idea how big the problem is. Sticking our heads in the sand by saying it's not a problem doesn't help fix it.


    Where did I assume you were pointing the finger at the democratic party? Even though you were, even in thr title of the thread. I simply stated that republicans have been the ones pushing for ID laws, and these laws just so happen to prohibit minorities from voting. I'm sure its just a coincidence since conservatives do so well with the minority vote.


    Please listen to the comment made to the RNC committee, and then tell me the true motives behind voter ID laws:

  5. You need to read that again. It didn't say "unanimously", it said "overwhelmingly". That doesn't mean 100% of those states voted for Romney, it says that group of states that required ID's overwhelmingly voted for Romney. That's true.


    I would like to know why anyone would oppose voters showing ID's with all the fraud going on. Even if your candidate is overwhelmingly benefiting, it's a hollow victory if you have to cheat.


    Cheat!? Their is practically no evidence of in person voter fraud taking place in any of those states, or any state for that matter. If I wasn't on my phone right now then I would look up the national stats, but they are insanely low.


    All requiring a photo ID does is makes it more difficult for people to vote, mainly minorities (no wonder the conservatives are for it). Why fix a problem that doesn't exist at the cost of disenfranchising voters?

  6. He didnt compare Obama to Hitler to be honest. That was the way it was construed by anyone who cant think for themselves. His comparison of Obama and Boehner playing golf together to talk about an act Obama was trying to get through the house was like Hitler and Ben-Gurion playing golf to discuss his issues with the Jews. It was a simple analogy that, as usual in todays society was overreacted to by the mainstream. United States of the Dumb and Offended at its finest.


    Yeah, I'm sure he meant nothing more by it...

  7. A couple of more things I'll add 1) about the timeout before the half that Beamer argued about. I know the Miami player was injured and everyone could clearly see that while Beamer called his time out right before it was noticed by the officials that the Miami player was injured. Was there not one player or coach for VT that heard the head of the officiating crew come over the PA system and say that there was a player injured and that VT WAS NOT charge a time out? Did no one even think to look at the clock when the ball was ready for play and the play clock started? Wow!


    I agree that the coaching staff should have noticed that the clock was running. However, the time management issues happened on the play that LT ran on 2nd down and got within an inch of getting the first down, making it 3rd and an inch. I think Beamer expected the officials to stop the clock to measure and when they didnt, he called for a timeout (clearly shown on TV). The officials then measured, but instead of giving VT the timeout they started the clock again after they measured. Beamer and the team thought they had a timeout so they took their time getting set for the 3rd down play, it wasn't until after the next play when they got the first down that Beamer realized that the clock had been running the entire time.


    Source: I just watched the plays in question again on ESPN 3.


    Im hoping Romney will be a more moderate president, that his change in stance(to a more right agenda) is simply to secure the nomination(gotta play the game). IM hoping president Romney(if he wins) will be more like governor Romney(willing to work with whoever it takes to achieve a greater good).


    Haha! So you hope he has been lying to you the entire campaign just to get elected? If that's what you're banking on, then I think you are voting for the wrong person.


    I guess either way he is a liar, since he has completely changed most of his views throughout the campaign. I'm with you though, if he is elected I sure hope he goes back to the old Governor Romney before he decided to start pandering to the republican base...but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  9. Anyone who wins the opening is going to take the best spot, which is the person with the final word of the night. You want to be the one that leaves the last impression.


    I agree. And I was actually mistaken. Romney has won all thee tosses and he has elected to go first on the first question and therefore last on the closing remarks.

  10. Last night was by no means equal. Romney had a few opening statements, but it paled to Obama. Schieffer allowed Obama to go first more often, and would deny Romney the privilege to counter when he granted it to Obama liberally.


    I just went through the transcripts from last night and you are wrong. According to my count Romney was given first word 6 times to Obama's 5 times when the moderator proposed a new topic for discussion.

  11. He absolutely did. And, of course, the Liberals are crying "only thing Romney has to say is 'I agree with Obama, only I had done it first'". Actual Facebook quote, BTW. Nevermind that Obama had the first word in virtually every round.


    I like how you lump all liberals together because of one facebook quote, but get mad if someone generalizes conservatives based on a few idiots.


    And doesn't it alternate between the candidates on who gets the first word on each topic? And Romney has won all three coin tosses in the debates and has elected to go second in the opening question.

  12. I think I'd score it as a draw, with both candidates meeting their strategic objectives. Obama effectively underscored the fact that the whole world has not gone to hell under his watch, and Romney projected an air of executive professionalism.


    Not a game changer in the cosmic scheme of things at all. Still looks like the race will come down to Ohio.


    Oh, and I thought the "horses and bayonets" line was hilarious. But Obama lost the value of that humor when he went on with his ridiculous lecture about submarines and aircraft carriers. In a few short seconds he went from witty to petty.


    Idiotic comments like the one Romney made about the size of the Navy and Air Force deserve replies that would be suitable for a five year old. Aside from the fact that what he said was false, he also ignored the fact that we live in a completely different time as far as military strategy and technology goes.

  13. I thought Romney held his own against Obama and Candy in the second. We all saw her showing her bias. I thought last night`s was pretty even although I thought Obama did a good job being on the defensive from the start.


    Please tell me how he was against both Obama and the moderator? You watch WAY too much Fox News.


    Candy made one remark about Obama calling the attack in Libya a terrorist attack because Rmoney wouldn't shut up about it, and then she immediately went on to say that the administration also took 2 weeks to get their facts straight.


    When Romney was aggressive in the first debate he was called presidential and confident, but when Obama is aggressive he is on the defensive. You guys make me laugh.

  14. You really have to listen to what politicians actually say and not assume they say what you want to here.


    But...but...he's a Muslim from Kenya!


    It's so funny to me that myself and most liberals were able to accept the defeat in the first debate...for some reason you all (Not you, BIGkid) just can not admit that your guy got dominated in the last 2 debates.

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