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Posts posted by babyblue
  1. You handle their press and you can beat them. Remember last year. PH a middle of the road team got blown out 2 times.. it took GW over time to throw in a hail mary to win at the buzzer..

    The past several years they've been rated in the top teams in state just to fizzle out at seasons end. ":The team" I think will come out of region d again, unless the pioneer district has something.

  2. Great Post! Its a team game.. I've heard thats a prob at Taz. You have a really good coach that can take you but you have to listen and wanna work.. bitchin and belly achin aint gonna cut it. Try gettin that JV back out there.. its totally rediculus to not have your feed working for ya...

    Winning will get harder if you dont get those young kids playing gettin minutes!!!

  3. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing a TV CW Regional Final!! But both have to make it.. Regardless how good you might think CW is.. things happen.. especially to "not so deep teams". Injury, foul trouble... jealousy, an off night offensively plus foul trouble or be playing a hot team. I dont give nothing to anybody before its officially over!

    Our opinions make it fun on this board.. I like it!! lol

    Who else have you seen play that might challenge in region d?? i'm thinking Gate City only losses they have was in the Arbys. they also played oak hills red team but i havent heard a score..

    From reading the papers, Giles and George Wythe is the tops in region C... I forgot about Indian river or what ever their name is.. lol I think they gave Radford a scare at Radford in the 1st round of the Regionals. They returned all their players I think..

    I guess all in all it could come down to a team like Twin Springs who starts playing good at the right time and picks up a semi professional foreign player.. lol


    Oh, not to mention CW throws up a hellva lot of threes.. lol.. Beware a slow paced game that comes down to a 2 or 3 possession game. Sometimes the better team goes home a loser...

  4. You better hope richlands players dont read this post!! It might be all the inspiration they need to "bring it".. lol


    Jorys not better than garrett, and your team this year isn't as good as last years.. but your getting better as a unit.. lol... quite a step up from finishing 7th in the clintwood tourney to beating the BDD favorite.. winning is a positive thing for you and a loss for TV I think can be a positive... We'll see.

  5. wow.. beat TV once and your coach becomes the best in the state!!

    TV was with out their pt guard, which makes a big difference.. Put him on the floor and that changes everything. But a good win for you regardless. It seems the level of competion is down this year. You'll see what i mean as the season goes on. Now a district championship is very reachable, but a win in the region will be a major accomplishiment!!

    Oh, why is Riley transfering? Did you all run her off?? lol

  6. I'll have to say it was good getting to see these guys walk out on the floor a final time.. Also, kudos to the Haysi crowd especially the guy that yelled " Hey turn it around so we can see"... referring to the large picture. Then, came a large ovation from the Tiger crowd..

    It was a great moment and an inspirational one for the young Panthers team, and the faithful TV fans.

    I hope Garrett is ok and able to play the next game!! Whats the word on him.. I havent heard?

  7. From what i've seen Richlands has the best athletes and more of them... They've gotta start turning up the heat on teams... Pressure, Pressure and more pressure.. They cant be afraid of fouling.. In other words style their play after Gate City.. Every substitution the defensive has to pick up. Eventually, the refs will want to go home and will quit calling fouls.. then the blues can maybe own the 3rd or 4th quarters.

    Of coarse i know football put them way late.. But its district game time now!!


    Any other comments out there??

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