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Posts posted by littlraskul
  1. [ QUOTE ]

    yeah but if you say tantrums arent allowed..then how can you put Zach Cline on first team when he has had many problems with anger...


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    from what i saw this past season, many players had tantrum issues...particularly in soccer.

  2. [ QUOTE ]

    kitts didn't get tested anywhere near as much as payne did in the goal in my opinion. payne may have had her emotional breakdowns only bc she was very passionate about the game and was frustrated by her teammates not listening and helping like she felt they should have been...payne took a beating in the goal by having so many shots taken at her and i sincerely doubt tazewell's keeper had to deal with that problem at any point in their season.


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    absolutely, kitts wasn't "tested" as much as payne, as she was playing on a far better team. but, by your logic, goalies who are "tested" deserve more credit despite losses than "untested" goalies deserve despite wins? i don't think so. all things equalized, kitts is objectively a better--and way smarter--goalie than payne, imo. she may not have as many saves, but you can't penalize her for benefitting from a better defense. it'd be interesting to look at the common opponents tazewell and carroll had and see both gals' goals allowed line.


    plus, abbey--unlike keisha--exercised self-control. you can't make the argument that passion automatically excuses a 16-17 year old young woman's infantile behaviour. heck, i've seen plenty of little league athletes who love the game they're playing with all they are, yet manage to act appropriately, despite being frustrated. bottom line: tantrums have no place in varsity level athletics, no matter what the sport. furthermore, they shouldn't be tolerated by coaches, no matter the player's importance to the team.


    and i absolutely agree with carrollfan on the rankings/voting. and, you're also right in that it happens all the time. (see: allie hunter in regional/state basketball voting) why rank players if you aren't going to stick by the ranking? i've been saying that for months.

  3. [ QUOTE ]

    it is funny how a player is suppose to ranked 3rd in the district and she gets 2nd team because the tazewell coach puts her players in front of her. Payne from carroll deserves to be on the 1st team.


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    i tend to disagree. kitts is a far better goalie, and doesn't have temper tantrums, throwing equipment at officials. personally, i'd have put c. arellano above payne...

  4. [ QUOTE ]

    none of them are the brightest crayons in the box either shall we say lol, except KT and i think she'll start cuz she's real athletic


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    play nice, james... although she still plays young, i do agree with you--kt will start because she gives us the best chance down there. however, if i was picking a team on the playground, those would all be my last few picks. they're just not strong enough or consistent enough right now, any of them.

  5. [ QUOTE ]

    Yet another reason why the Class A-sized schools in the SWD should drop to Class A...


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    bingo. this is across the board, not just in soccer. i'd be very surprised to see any swd teams get out of regional play (minus grundy wrestling and richlands football) for at least the next 3 years.

  6. [ QUOTE ]

    actually being an inside person on the NRVOA i know for a fact that they broke away from NRVOA to form their own assocation.


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    unless this happened within the last year, your information is mistaken. i was heavily involved with the nrvoa for a few years, up until last year.


    not like it matters, though, really. aoa does all swd contests. how often do people actually compliment officials? not often.

  7. [ QUOTE ]

    let's not also forget that these officials for the district are officials who chose to break away from the association they were part of and form their own group of officials...


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    actually, the refs who are responsible for carroll's district games are the officials from the aoa, not the nrvoa (which broka away a while back.) and, the games people tend to be complaining about the officiating in are district games.

  8. [ QUOTE ]

    Teaching is best left to teachers and coaching is best left to coaches.


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    i am so done with this discussion of my ethics or whatever this has turned into, except to say only this much, possibly to take away some of this so-called "anonymity" of which you speak: i fully agree with you that teaching is best left to teachers, and coaching is best left to coaches.


    that being said, for the record, i am both a teacher and a coach.

  9. [ QUOTE ]

    Kids sign up to have fun. That's the purpose... Winning is a goal...They're kids! They deserve to log onto this board (that wouldn't exist without them) without seeing critical remarks from an anonymous stranger.


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    let's be honest: kids sign up for little league to have fun. young men and young women play varsity sports for the opportunity to compete, to win, and to enjoy the benefits of being part of a team. fun is what happens along the way. rec league ball is strictly for fun; varsity level sports, that's not the primary objective, and if any varsity coach tells you otherwise, they are being blatantly dishonest.


    by your same logic, then, players deserve to walk into a rival's gym and be greeted with cheers and applause. any critical remarks made on this board are only different from verbal ones made in the stands in that one can revisit the site and experience them more than once. at the very least, this board teaches players the valuable life lesson that some "anonymous strangers" say things you won't agree with, and you should handle such remarks with grace and dignity rather than take their words as gospel before screaming "you shouldn't say such things about kids" when something is said that you don't necessarily agree with.


    i do believe, though, that all players deserve to be spoken of in an honest, reasonably objective, and nonthreatening manner. and as i have previously stated, if my posts offend you that badly, please skip over them.

  10. [ QUOTE ]

    littlraskul, ...criticism of student athletes is something I don't like at all. The primary purpose of high school sports is to have fun. Reading negative comments about yourself on a public message board... not so much fun. These players are not pro athletes making millions of dollars. They're just kids and all that can ever be asked of them is their best. If you view it as constructive criticism meant to help the player improve... fine but that's the job of the coaches and it should be done in private.


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    actually, if you go back and reread my posts, i have, admittedly been critical of allie as both a player and a leader, but i have not done so in a malicious manner. other than her leadership, i have not attacked her character, because i do not know her personally. plenty of posters on here are also critical of other players, and i don't see that as a bad thing. i'm not going to sing the praises of players who i don't feel are worth the hype, and i am always realistic--and try to be objective--about the content of each of my posts.


    if players or coaches are on this board reading the idle chatter of random people, and are offended by it, that is an internal issue with them that is no different than hearing and reacting to the negative comments of players/fans/random people in the stands. classify me as a mere idiot and disregard my remarks if you must, but i do not intend to change my pattern of thought or the general tone of my posts.


    oh, and i disagree with you that the primary purpose of sports is to have fun. if yours was a true statement, then why do we keep score? while fun is obviously a byproduct of sports, at the varsity level, it isn't the main objective. ask coach mance what his #1 goal was this past season, and i doubt he'd say it was "to have fun" first and foremost.

  11. [ QUOTE ]

    yea i dont think it'll matter as much as usual this year not having a big man bcuz really no other team does except tazewell...and the scorefest thing thats what our JV team did 2 years ago and we won district it'll be that team plus the seniors that didnt play Jv that year


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    big men help tremendously, if only off of putback points. true, grundy lost ashby, carroll lost strickland, etc, but no team in the swd shoots well enough consistently that they can afford to get into a shootout every game. show me a 5-guard team that's won state--heck, even a 4-guard team--and i'll rethink myself.


    as far as tazewell having a big man, imo, they don't. they have tax, and while he is undoubtedly a competitive force, he is a "big man" by another definition, not a pure post player, as i mean when i say big man.


    carroll has rogers returning and marshall coming up. rogers doesn't impress me much, but marshall could be a nice addition, potentially, if he would get in the weight room in the offseason. track is helping him stay in competitive shape, but he needs to get stronger, as do all of carroll's players. it surprises me that there isn't anything resembling an offseason s&c program for the team...


    oh, and james, let's not be presumptuous: when you all won the jv tournament, yes, you did it without travis and jacob. however, don't assume we were the only team moving talented young players up to the varsity level. yes, you all have potential (minus the lack of center) but don't get complacent.

  12. [ QUOTE ]

    I think Carroll can be there in the 2nd column too...


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    i honestly don't see the carroll boys being a serious contender without a big presence and scoring threat inside. even with a year to mature, rogers can't provide that (and can't stay out of foul trouble even if he could provide it,) and if you all can convince him to play, stevens can't provide that, either. imo, it would be a giant mistake to move singleton to center; he's a natural 2 or 3 guard, not a big man. oh, and let's not forget your point guard/deep threat coming back from serious shoulder surgery... just too many question marks.


    the only chance you'd have is if you get into a nightly scorefest with everyone else, and even then, that's not reliable because shots don't always fall. you'll be solid, and you may make regionals, but i wouldn't look for the cavs to win the swd. i'll pick them 3rd.

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