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About neil1960
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  1. Beaverteeth, you are full of yourself! I know they hang the state championship pictures there. So, what does that have to do with Mount View? Beating you is NOT like winning a state championship. It is just nice to beat a team with a great program. It is nice to win at any time during football season. You are SO JEALOUS and MAD that Mount View won the game this year. You are a poor sport and you spit out sour grapes. Poor, poor you. Your grammar and spelling were better this time. Good for you.
  2. Evidently you are not too intelligent, as your grammar and spelling both need improvement. What was it about the pictures hanging on the wall? What does that have to do with Mount View winning ballgames this year? You just want to act stupid, instead of have an intelligent conversation on this board. Must be a childish teenager.
  3. Well, we will just see. I predict that Mount View will be playing for SEVERAL more weeks. Wait and see.
  4. Not everyone from MV is complaining about the refs. And your smart remark about Oak Hill - well, buddy, a win is a win whether it is by 1 point or by 99 points. We beat Bluefield, didn't we??????? HA HA HA HA HA - the joke is on you!
  5. Talk about a sore loser! Grow up mister! You are so amusing! You have NO class, that is for sure!
  6. Do you think that we haven't checked out your team playing, too? Well, we've been there also. And, I'll tell you, Mount View is never TOO confident. They know better and they know that they will have to work for the win. See you there. By the way, we have new uniforms and new helmets too, if it is like you say - it's all in the uniform! LOL
  7. Bluefield quit playing Mount View because we beat them five years straight, Jerk!!
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