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The GMen were the latest victim Friday night at the ERNIE. 30 to Zip. The Graham offense had a total of 44 yards. They did not have a clue about what to do against the powerful Richlands front line. Richlands won the game on defense and special teams. Hey Cola, can we get eight, er nine more shutouts???

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Wooooohoooooo!!! Awesome Game!!! Richlands had major momentum all night. Defense and special teams made BIG play after BIG play!


Hats off to Graham! They never quit and they held the Blues to their lowest point total of the year. They have a good second half of the season ahead of them.


Tonight was a playoff type atmosphere. The crowd never let up all night. Richlands fans are the best!!!


Special note to the cheerleaders and band. I saw the signs and heard the chants. They were GREAT!!!

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Wow, i go to bhs but i went to this game because my step-mom went to richlands, but this was a great game! richalnds is amazing! 5 games and 186 points and no one scoring on them! Amazing. but graham was definately not at there best, the 2nd string qb had to passing yards tonight, that's what really hurt them, but richlands defense was definately not lettting them by, and caleb jennings is DEFINATLEY back, great job to the whole team! i have a felling richalnds with go undefeated and unscored upon at least for the regular seasone! keep up the great work boys!

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