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Barack Obama on guns...


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This is an excerpt from Glenn Beck, a CNN reporter, (not fox) on what Barack Obama says or really stands on guns...Interesting in my opinion...


BECK: Hello, America.


It`s primary day in West Virginia. Want to know the results, check the bottom of the screen. They`re there. I don`t think this is much of a story, because everybody said Hillary Clinton`s going to win, including Barack Obama. The real story here is why won`t the good people of West Virginia pull the lever for Obama? I say a big part of that reason is guns. And all this week, I`m taking a look at how your Second Amendment gun rights are under fire.


So, here`s "The Point" tonight. Barack Obama says he doesn`t want to take away your guns, no, no, no, no. But his actions tell a very different story, and here`s how I got there.


Sometimes the only way we, the people, can know what a politician`s going to do in the future is look what they`ve done in the past. I know, crazy concept. Back in 1996, when Obama was running for state senate in Illinois, he filled out a questionnaire that said he favored a ban on the, quote, "manufacture, sale, and possession of handguns."


Now he claims that was a misrepresentation of his views. But Barack can`t deny that his handwriting is right there on the questionnaire. And when it comes to his stance on guns, handwriting really is on the wall, as well.


Back in his Chicago days, Obama sat on a board called the Joyce Foundation. This is an organization that handed out nearly $3 million to anti-gun groups. They actually paid to support a book called "Every Handgun is Aimed at You: The Case for Banning Handguns." Wow.


Based just on those two undeniable facts, Barack Obama is obviously anti-gun. And you know what? That`s fine. That`s cool. If that`s who you are, that`s fine. Not everybody likes guns. And if that`s how Obama feels, you know what, Obama? Grow a set. You`re entitled to your opinion. This is America.


Here`s the thing. When you`re running for president, you`ve got to own your past. Standing behind your decisions is what being a man and president of the United States is all about. Whether it`s your 20-year history with Reverend Jeremiah Wright or your position as an anti-gun advocate, Barack, it is your record. It`s clear. Stand up and tell us the truth.



note: this of the first of many about the politician Barack Obama and his fallicies...

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Imagine that, a left wing liberal hating on guns but pretending to be gun friendly. Hummm.. were have we heard this before?


Clinton, Kerry, Clinton, Biden, Clinton, Gore, Clinton, Kerry, Gore......


Caveman Liberal say guns baaaad guns eeevilll

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