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Richlands girls varsity

longhorn fan

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I don't like namecalling, but has anyone tried to speak to this coach, to the athletic director, or to the administration? Would it do any good? Just wondering????? If several people were to voice their opinion, would they get the hint?????



Records speak for themselves. It doesn't take an Einstein to figure this one out. Parents need to take a stand an put the pressure on the school board to get rid of the loser at RHS. The girls deserves the same respect as the boys. I say "school board" because the principal at RHS is too ignorant to realize what is going on. Maybe if she got off her fat duff and gave two hoots about the girls program something would be done. Maybe RHS should get a new principal as well. This one has worn her welcome out. I know that no self respecting business person in Richlands wants to deal with her anymore. RHS has the potential to have a state championship contender girls team in just a few short years and the administrator is too dense too realize it. RHS varsity girls basketball program needs a change NOW!!!! Wake up and call the school board, parents.
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