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Paul Ryan


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Here's an up and coming politician who has detailed massive changes to the tune of being debt-free by the year 2063. The New York Times did a little write up about him, as well as provided a link to the information about actions he plans to pursue. What are your realistic thoughts about what he plans and if those goals are able to be accomplished?



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Here's an up and coming politician who has detailed massive changes to the tune of being debt-free by the year 2063. The New York Times did a little write up about him, as well as provided a link to the information about actions he plans to pursue. What are your realistic thoughts about what he plans and if those goals are able to be accomplished?




I'll throw out an old, tired quote: it makes too much sense to work.

This being, that the establishment isn't going to welcome the idea with open arms.


As far as short-term, I believe that his Roadmap will only see serious discussion by 2012 at the earliest, perhaps a vote in 2014 or 2017 if a GOP president is elected in the next two terms (almost a certainty).


But this man is EXACTLY the breath of fresh air that politics, and especially the GOP, needs. This article made my night. Fiscal responsibility with a respectable social conservatism: almost too good to be true!

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