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Everything posted by BearDawg
  1. Later in the game we went heavy T. Owens scored his 4th td. We were in T from about the 25-30 but I was at the far end. Only point I meant was they seemed out of sorts and had only one stop defensively while we were in the T. Wasn’t advocating coming out in it all game. No sir haha.
  2. Marion definitely did NOT like the T. Struggled to handle it all night. Look for a good dose of it Saturday as well.
  3. I think it’s RUDE to ask for a seat after rejecting a couple of open invites to join us. I’m sure the graham folks will save him a spot.
  4. Qualls will be out there with them at times as well.
  5. Yes sir. And any can run it from a base formation. The thing is, Cooke doesn’t seem to like contact on offense. Goes out of bounds a lot. I’m not bashing him. Dandy of a ball player. Do not twist my words please. My question is, can he handle getting snakes in the mouth? A lot? All of our backs, even the smallest one, will lower the boom on people. And our Front seven has been fantastic this year. But our LB’s have been rock solid as well. They like to hit and track the play very well. Great disciplined corps. People say we don’t cover the pass well. Sure we have gave up some yardage. Who doesn’t. But we also only give up 10.5 PPG. Motown West had a fast defense. Couldn’t handle the pounding they got every play. We are a Turner coached team. Smash mouth is a way of life. If graham can’t with stand the hits, it’ll be a tough night. But if they go toe to toe, could have a great game. I still think Union comes out on top.
  6. Richlands also took y’all to OT. Held y’all to 13 through regulation too correct? Sounds like tit for tat when comparing Richlands. Plus Richlands had the benefit of facing us every year and twice this year.
  7. Graham seemed to struggle containing Ford in your Marion game. I’m tickled at the anti Union stuff on here. So pro Tazewell county. We have many more weapons than one player. But hey, y’all might be spot on. But I doubt it. Too many weapons and home field advantage will seal the deal for Union.
  8. You sir, win the prize!!! Lol. Well played.
  9. Count me in too pal. Got butterflies like when I played lol.
  10. That happened the week of the central game.
  11. What is the diameter and square footage of the Death Star? For all the teams that have come to Bullitt Park, how would you rate the fan bases impact on your team and it’s performace. Aka 12th man comparison.
  12. If your talking about after you enter 9th grade, You can transfer you can transfer like that...if you don’t mind setting for 365 days for elegibility. And the court appointed guardian transfer that was mentioned earlier in this thread...it’s a 90 SCHOOL DAY sit. If the family moves, your good to go that day. I’ve heard the vhsl does look into it though. Entering 9th grade you go where you want and are eligible.
  13. I e thought all season Giles would unseat Appo in Region C. I have no bias towards or against either team. It’s hard to stay hungry for three seasons i would imagine. Not saying Appo isn’t. But it’s easier to take for granted at this point in their impressive run. I’m going with Giles due to their fans backing. Appo can handle the wing. CC will vouch for that. But Giles seems confident theirs is more reliable. Praying for no injuries.
  14. He was only defensive player of the week for his team last year before a broken neck ended his season. But he came back. Not the same. But still more of a ball player than you probably ever was. That kind of injury will change the way a kid plays. But I hope we meet someday prick. If you “think” we are rude, then I’ll show you a special kind of crazy for talking about my kid. So consider yourself advised douche. Truth be told, your the kid who never put the pads on because you were too afraid. Of you quit when consolidation struck and couldn’t handle having to work for a position. Or your a daddy’s boy and never had to work for anything.
  15. You are right. Union did get a transfer from Wise. MY SON. He’s always wanted to go to Union. Things finally worked out for him to transfer back in feb. not that it’s any of your business. Not every transfer is a sports related one. So before you run your mouth, check your facts. If you want any more of the story, I’ll be glad to talk to you about it. I’m from Appy. My mom works at Union. Our family is there. He is were he belongs. If that bothers you, don’t come to our games.
  16. My son said we didn’t NOT tip the ball. And that pic isn’t very good angle. No depth perception. Not sure what it matters though. Missed kick or tipped. Same end result. Great sportsmanship displayed by both teams btw.
  17. He may as well have cussed Coach lol. Kick a field goal ?.
  18. You took the words from my mouth. I have more respect for Richlands then any other opponent I’ve ever played. Well coached. Fans are great. Players are polite. I can’t brag enough on the preparation they did against us. Job well done. Heck, I’m proud of them. Great ball game. Reminds me of Appy at Gate City in 1993. The hook and ladder play. Wow!!!! Safe travels back to Richlands all.
  19. Funny you said rude like that. I know a central person that used it like that to describe us. Starting to think the numbers 6 and 3 mean something to you. But that’s fine. Don’t come and join us. Can’t say you weren’t invited.
  20. At 11pm as I was locking my chair to the fence in line at Bullitt Park, a BSG cop pulled up behind me to check what I was doing. We spoke for a couple seconds and he mentioned that the reward was up to $5K he thought now.
  21. Yes indeed @T52OS, come and join some Bear fans and enlighten us with your knowledge of our program. We are not hard to find. We might even offer you something to eat.
  22. Never said they played. That would have to be a state finals game. And the schedule strength numbers for GC and Richlands, I would agree that Richlands has a tougher schedule.
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