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Everything posted by birdman
  1. Look, as a player who played under Akers for three seasons I can honestly say Akers was dealt a bad hand. It seems to me that he kinda got thrown on a team full of players who never took to him at all. This combined with the low talent, low funding, etc., didn't start him out on the best foot. But let's not completely blame the bad hand he was dealt either. He wasn't a good coach to us, any way you look at it. Just watching the team play 2017-2019 reflects that. In fact I promise that if you ask anyone who played under Akers at gate city, they would tell you that. I'm glad he's doing better now at fc, and I wish that it continues, so don't get me wrong on that. But the truth is that yeah, he got dealt a bad hand, but on the issues he could help, he didn't. I haven't been in the loop with gate city football this past year so I really don't know how Houseright is doing coming from the players perspectives. My hopes is that he gives the players a leader who want to play under him and hopefully attract more talent than what we've had over recent seasons.
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