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About frmerBdawg
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    Tazewell VA
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  1. At least Wyatt let some others play which can only help in the long run.
  2. Fairly good game. Dawg's did shoot themselves in the foot a few times which could have done them in, but they did turn it around and pulled it out. One low point is the QB (Saunders). He needs to ride the bench for a week or until he changes his attitude. But he does get it honest his Dad has/had an attitude when we were in school. Coach Rider would have taken him out and they may have even had a Saturday practice to correct the problem. Hate to see the hard work of the others overshadowed by one a*#.
  3. Seemed to be a strong defensive game most of the night. Penlties killed some good field position. But you can't just run the ball up the middle all night long.
  4. Seems to me that some people just try to get others in trouble. When I was his age, it was nothing for boys to date( and have sex with) girls 14,15,16 years old. My wife was 16 when we started dating and I was 19 almost 20. So unless it was a forcable rape, I don't see anything wrong.
  5. Who are some of the leading candidates for the Head coaching job at Tazewell?
  6. The idea of a new state is not a new one. At one time it was discussed to create the state of Appalachia. But like it has been said, there is such a stigma associated with that area of being backward, uneducated people. I live in the richmond area now. Some of the most uneducated people that I have meet have 4yr college degrees. They couldn't scratch their butts without instructions.
  7. Does anyone think that Harris Hart will be back next year? Heard that he may step down. If so, who will take over?
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