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Everything posted by Beaver_GATA
  1. This thread was just a joke. I'm tired of seeing people refer to Freddy's offense as a "playstation offense". If you watched our offense and think that it comes from video games, then your football I.Q. is nothing to brag about. Seriously people, enough of the "playstation offense" crap! What Freddy did was study film and use our talent to create mismatches against the defense. How else does a quarterback average over 20 yards per completion! Congrats to young Coach Freddy for doing something that past Offensive Coordinators for BHS have failed to do---utilize OUR talent and athleticism. Go Beaver!
  2. Hands down, the award goes to young Freddy Simon. His playstation offense rewrote every passing record at Bluefield High School. Just imagine if he had been at the helm when other great Beaver quarterbacks had come through the system! If the '96 and '97 teams had opened their offense up like this year, think of the records that would have been set during those seasons (thats just two years that come to mind, feel free to add any year that you prefer). Imagine Yubrenal at tailback, Dews at fullback, Disibbio at Tight End, Tynes and Amaker at receiver. The scary thing is that a close and reliable source to young Freddy has told me that only about 60% of the offense was installed this season. Freddy only installed the Texas Tech and Florida portions of his NCAA 2004 playstation offense. For next season he is going to install the Clemson, and Boise State passing plays to the Beaver offense. I'll post more when I get more information. The future looks bright! (not that it hasn't always). Let me hear what y'all think of Young Coach Simon's offense.
  3. I don't like to post(I just like to read), but I can't help myself after the mention of Freddy's "playstation offense". One of his best friends told me during the season that the run game was simply a modernized version of the old beaver offense that has worked for over 40 years now, but that the passing game was a combination of Texas Tech's and Florida's offense on NCAA Football 2004 for Playstation. The young man that told me this is a very close and reliable source, and I would be willing to take his word over anyone else on this board. I'll just make one observation; if Freddy the III had been offensive coordinator the previous 12 years, his dad would have more championship rings than he does fingers! PLEASE feel free to respond with any and all emotions that are evoked while you read this post! BEAVER! BEAVER! BEAVER!
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