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About smiley
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  • Birthday 06/11/1995
  1. I am not the only one who does threads like this
  2. If you can't hang with the big dogs Ryanette, stay off the porch
  3. I did, I was just stating my opinion and people started in on me! I have always pulled for Richands and respected them....Some of the fans on here make me think differently about supporting them
  4. It's called a typo! They don't teach you that in the coal fields?
  5. Neither am I. You said I had little man syndrome! I did respect Richlands a lot and you guys are changing my mind on that
  6. Widdle RyanVT made It where I can't reply to him, Typical!Like I said this site is BIAS!! I will go back to the hogo, it's fair and balanced
  7. You must be another idiot liberal!!Nuff said
  8. I spoke what was on my mind. GW is a very classy team and Rural Retreat is not! Nothing wrong with that
  9. This site is bias! If you aren't praising Richland's or Union, the coal field hicks attack you
  10. Make me!! You coal field hicks think you are so tough
  11. Get out of your moms basement and get a job and a girlfriend, maybe you wont be so miserable. Or a boyfriend...you may roll that way
  12. You are one of the people that coach from the bleachers
  13. No one asked you to comment on this thread! I am in the hogo and know both teams well! You have no room to comment
  14. And? Are you trying to insult?
  15. Sounds about right! Falcons may not call off the dogs
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