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sorry G-man thats the problem today Martin luther King jr. would be upset with us all u need to call a spade a spade look at all the ppl prosecuting vick and he hasn't even been found guilty yet. now if it where toney romo then there wouldn't be half the commotion. such as the topic that got locked you really dont realize how much goes on that People of color feel as if it happend because of color and won't open there mouth for fear of what the aftermath will be and as a black man im tired of it we have been sweeping things under the rug far too long. No offense here but things that black people see as discrimanation white people dont. and then we all go on day by day acting as if descrimination dosn't still go on now and we think to ourselves boy oh boy if martin could be here today to see the dream complete. am i saying that the coach we was talking about is racist by no means at all i know he loves black people yellow people and all colors of people its just that still u kinda have to wonder if

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OK, I'm going to be blunt about this and will let you reply to what I have to say and this will be the end of it.


Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form racist...period.




Here's a hint...quite making everything out to be about color. Only ignorance sees color.


This isn't the '50s & '60s anymore. We have a "man of color" running for the Democratic Presidential nomination, who by the way, I think is the best candidate for the Democratic party.


No one owes you, or any other person, regardless of color, anything. You have to get out there and work for what you want/have...don't go crying because someone isn't giving it to you.


As for the Michael Vick issue...it wouldn't matter if it was Michael Vick, Michael Chang, or Phil Mickelson...anyone who is indicted on charges of animal cruelty like that is going to be subjected to ridicule...FROM EVERYONE.


And as for your comment about "things that black people see as discrimanation white people dont"...it happens the other way too.


And from what you said..."am i saying that the coach we was talking about is racist by no means at all i know he loves black people yellow people and all colors of people its just that still u kinda have to wonder if". Wonder what??? Maybe YOU did or didn't do something that put YOU in the position YOU are in??? Maybe the only person to blame in this case is YOU...WE ALL NEED TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OURSELVES!!!


You have ONE POST to reply to this issue...make it a good one because it will the the LAST time the issue of race/color will be discussed on this board.

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Who asked for a handout? I teach my kids and was taught to work 10 times harder then the avg. to get ahead. never said anyone owes anybody. if u knew how hard that kid had it and how hard he busted his butt along with all the rest of those kids only to get kicked off the team after one mistake and if i can recall the only perfect man on earth was Jesus Christ then u would wonder if also and what happens to people when we tell them take resposibility for your actions and they get up ever day do whats right do what they are suppoesed to do and still get the short end of the stick. in short buddy yes racism is still around and probably will be even though its not the 50 or 60 and the proof of that is just ask all the white father's if they would let there daughter date a black guy. and no im not racist... but we have to stop it all right now and try to abolish it altogether so we can one day say Martin was right the dream must have been a vision.. and G-man i wasnt sayin white people don't get discrimanated agaisnt also it burns me up more then the later cause we will be quick to haller racism and then turn around and discrimant how do we expect it to end unless we end it. and G-man I do wanna appoligize because this really was out of order me starting it here when we are supposed to be disscusing football. but i felt a need for it and felt as if what better place then right here right now. I tell you this if you really feel that racism dosn't still go on i will pray God will open your eys to the light.

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