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It is hard to believe it has been eight years since the attacks. I can still remember it like it was yesterday.


I was in elementary school, i still remember that whole day.

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Yeah, it's an eerie day here in New York. Everyone shares the same sentiment that they can't believe it's been 8 years already.


I actually work with a girl whose school was a couple blocks away from the Trade Centers. She's been rather quiet today, understandably. It's also weird to be here as a New Yorker for this. Even though I was in SWVA 8 years ago, I still am getting a feeling of what it was like, simply by being in the City. Very solemn day. Walking down the street, you can almost see people replaying it in their heads. My heart goes out to NYC.

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That day really showed me alot about this country it showed me that no matter what political view you are or what race if something tragic happens we can put aside our differences and help one another and there should be alot more of that even if it is for just one day and it took something like this to make us take a step back and look at one another as what we really are and that is AMERICANS. So let's all just be thankful for everything we have and that we live in such a great country. So tonight when we all travel to our football games and they play that national anthem just take a moment to think about how great we all have it to live here.

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I was in a Management Science class that morning at BSC from 8-9:15. Then I went to work where my boss asked me if I heard the news about the WTC. I asked what he was talking about. When he told me, I went numb. I turned on the radio there in the office and was glued to it. I had to be back at BSC for a class at 11 and I went back early so I could watch the TV coverage in Mahood Hall. The whole week just went by in slow motion for me. I can't imagine what it was like to be there when it happened.

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Never forget.


I was in AP Prep English, when I walked in and saw it playing on the television. It was hard to comprehend the magnitude of what happened at that time, being so far away from it. But it has changed our lives unlike anything before it. What really brought it home for me was going to the Smithsonian in February 2002, and seeing the weeping at the newly-opened exhibit.

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I was on my way to class at Concord when a GF called me to tell me of the first plane as they thought it was a mistake and an accident. Shortly there after, the second one arrived and we all knew that it was no mistake.


I worked at Sam's Club that evening as it was like a ghost town. I wore and American Flag tshirt and was as angry as anyone could be. There were two guys who come in laughing and he hawing over something in another language as our radios gave news casts of the days events. I don't know what they said , but was still angry that they were having the time of their lives while the rest of us mourned. That probably wasn't the best reaction from me, but that is how I felt.

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It was my day off from work that day. Unaware of what was going on I remember getting up at 9:00 that morning to run errands and pay bills. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I got home around 11:00. I turn on my television to ESPN for some football coverage and some scores. On ESPN I see news coverage of what looked like a warzone and honestly I'm thinking this is coverage of some serious fighting going on in the middle east and why are they showing it on ESPN. Then I see the words live New York and live Washington D.C. on the bottom of the screen. From that moment on I was glued to the T.V set feeling more anger, shock, disbelief, and grief for other people than I have ever felt in my entire life but I also gained alot of respect for this country that day. Like someone mentioned above we all became united as Americans that fateful day. For that I can say I'm damn proud to be an American! God bless the victims, their families, the troops that keep us safe and the U.S.A!

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