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Posts posted by Viking95
  1. why yes trust me we all have heard what hard work she did in the mines!!! Let’s see westmoland shut the doors in the early 90’s, then by 95 they had new cars and house at the back door to park. TJ, is a joke and when it comes down Michael Vick with look like a saint!!! Another OJ story maybe? Lol...

  2. What did I say, nobody can say anything about his action on the field!! It’s the fact that he giving false statements about his bring up to make people feel like he was a picked on little kid. That’s BS he knows it is. Thomas, is a lair, still involved in the other side of the law, and you people want to put him on this pedistal. He and others like him are what’s wrong with this country! Nobody wants anything from him or his family! Honslty, everybody laughs at him when he makes these types of comments. One day it will come out. People need to do research on these type people and quit being so quick to feel sorry for them, when they speak lies!!! 

  3. Thomas Jones should be investigated by the DEA, that’s all I will say about that. Anybody that truly knew him knows how hard he had it. That boy never ever was called racist word, he was one of the guys. Like I said he actions on the field can’t be talked about because he was a great back. But, the whole town is sick of how he  has protrades himself as a poor black kid that people picked on and had to walk to school up hill both ways, with no food on the table at the end of day lol BS. Sure is a good story line. Yeah, I would love to see if he would trade In That money for his health, bet you not. People are ashamed of him and the way he has told how hard he had it and it was a war of racism with him. Thomas if you read this great going bud, you sure did make yourself look like a victim. Hollywood did teach you something. How can a poor boy from nowhere have a new house giving to his family and a new Ford Expedition? The first year in college? Neither parent worked at time, and sure not the Dad. You where so hated!!!! 

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