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Everything posted by Lance
  1. Thanks, but I have a guy who works for me named Steve that does all the dirty work, he should get all the props...I just co-ordinated the move...lol.
  2. Lance


    The good thing about it is that we can add a basketball forum, or any other forum...just like the "for sale/wanted" forum. I can just make another cataglory, add the new forum under it and everyone has access to it and so on...I would like to see this become a hub for all the local sports/news/etc in the long run. Would be nice to have one place to visit and find out about all the local stuff.
  3. Lance


    If you guys see anything that is not working, please let me know so I can fix/change it. Right now, the new posts will show up with a black bar across them when you check, I will change that so it looks better. Also...please read over the FAQ (see top of the page) and you'll find a lot of good info about the features of this forum software...it's very powerfull and has a lot of options that you guys can take advantage of...worth reading over. Lance
  4. As your post counts go up, your titles change. http://www.swvaol.com/forum/faq.php?Cat=#titles
  5. Hey guys...glad people are starting to make it over to the new board. I will be finishing the setup of the newest version of the forums and we'll make it look as much like the old message board as possible in the next 24 hours. I think you guys will like the new home a lot better once everything is in place...this one will keep the active posts on top and no more searching 5 pages deep to check for new messages on older posts, plus there is a good search function here...and lots more. Lance
  6. If you have any old video games you would like to sell - let me know! Looking for any old systems or video game related...from Atari on up! (Or earlier if you have something pre-atari) lance@swvaol.com
  7. Car is complete, but - it was being taken apart for painting and restoration. I don't have time to deal with it now, if anyone is interested, it would make a sweet car once it is finished. Email - lance@swvaol.com Not sure on price...you'd have to look at it then make offer.
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