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Everything posted by bucfan64
  1. Who remembers this bunch? My favorite of all time, these guys sure could put on a show............... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3wbdld2vQQ
  2. Guarantee it will happen, but like you HOPE LIKE CRAZY IT DOESN'T!
  3. HYPER INFLATION IS COMING............. 20% Interest rates and higher are on there way, this is going to be as bad as the 70's or worse, I think the prime reached 21% under Carter. If you are looking for low interest rates now or never...........
  4. as steam begins to emit from my cranium, I will attempt to refrain from any comments at this time, due to possible spontaneous combustion............
  5. I didn't organize the event, but I was on the tourism board and am proud to say that I proposed this festival a couple of years ago. The folks that are coordinating this are very dedicated to promoting tourism in the area and they have put a lot of time and effort into pulling it off. I hope that it is well attended and look forward to it becoming an annual event with tons of growth in the future. should be interesting and fun for all.......
  6. President Obama's approach to foreign policy is much like a guy named NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN, who once came back from a meeting with Hitler and said "we have come back to Downing Street with victory, with peace for our time!" He practiced appeasement and you see where it got Britain. Funny thing however is that at the same time Winston Churchill who was a member of parliament said, "You chose dishonor and you will have war." How true were those words............
  7. BINGO! JACKPOT! I do not however support some Libertarian views, like the ones regarding Marijuana and abortion however. I guess I would be called a Libertarian with issues!
  8. NO offense, Field General but this type of statement exactly defines what progressives believe. They have a this understanding that individual freedom is not what is most important but COLLECTIVE freedom or in this case "whats best for society." America wasn't founded on "whats best for society," it was founded on Individual Liberty and Freedom. Sir Oliver Wendell Holmes once said "The right to swing my fist ends where the other mans nose begins." I can swing my fist all day long, but, when I hit you in the face, I am violating your rights. Therefore, If I choose to own a gun, as long as I don't violate your rights aka (shoot you, rob you, mug you, etc.) then I have the right to own that gun. I see where you are coming from when you say that people just don't need that kind of weapon, but according to our original principals we are entitled to that right. I personally do not want an AK47 but I do believe that if I wanted one it should be available. However, I do respect regulation, just not too much of it. I suppose that common sense must play a role in this mess somewhere.........
  9. First, I want to clarify that I am not a REPUBLICAN, used to be but not any longer. Second, most Repubs see it just the way that you posed it, they want govt. control over the decision and therefore are doing the same thing that Liberals are doing, asking the fed. govt. to fix the problem or intervene. I believe that the decision regarding Gay Marriage should be left up to the state govt. Not the Fed. Govt. My opinions on homosexuality are determined by what the bible teaches me in regards to the subject. I guess you can figure out were I stand regarding that comment. I believe where this does differ from liberal positions is that marriage has been clearly defined for years and an attempt to CHANGE the definition is what so many are fighting against. They are viewing this as an attempt to re-create something that has long been established and that is not easily done.
  10. Liberals do not understand INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM unless it pertains to something that they desire. Liberals in general to do not have the same philosophy toward govt. as our founding fathers and as John Locke. Locke believed that we were born with GOD given rights, such as life, liberty and property. He believed in the freedom of the individual. Modern Liberals do not believe in individual freedom, they prefer to think in regards to COLLECTIVE freedom. In other words if it isn't in the best interest of the COLLECTIVE then it is not o.k. This is the very thing that our Founding Fathers DID NOT BELIEVE! In fact in many of their writings they warned of such ideology. Liberals also believe that they know what is best for each of us as it is their duty to fill the role of supreme authority. They essentially do not believe in God and the freedom of the individual. But rather that the state plays the role of God and we are the subjects. The better we all work together for the common good, even if it isn't what we desire as an individual, the better the state apparatus runs. Now this does not mean that every liberal alive does not believe in God, rather it means that their philosophy comes from the position that their is no God and therefore the STATE or Govt. should fill the role and take care of the collective. There are many liberals who are Christian and of other faiths, they just have developed this philosophy and basically the whole progressive ideology was rooted in Darwinian Evolution. Some famous folks that are proud PROGRESSIVES/LIBERALS are Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Lenin, Margaret Sanger, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and several others. In fact George Bush has some Progressive Influences as well. All of the above names have indicated their philosophies in various writings and statements, this is not an opinion of mine, but rather a stated fact. How then can we expect these folks to view the world the same way that we do? If I cannot find it in me to accept or follow after their philosophy, they probably can't accept mine either. This is why we will never agree, but as long as the wheel keeps squeaking they will have to put the grease on it and likewise for those that are conservatives...........
  11. Oh, sorry, I forgot all about our discussion. No it didn't change my mind about the evolution thing, but I did look at the Coelacanth as not being one single creature but rather a collection or order of creatures under the title of Coelacanth. Which does force my hand a little, I will study up some more and get back in touch. thanks,
  12. I agree with you, they knew what they were getting into when they let him attend the school.
  13. This past November, millions of Americans voted for "change." Whether it was a die hard Democrat wanting a change in power or a frustrated Republican that felt betrayed by their party, America was very clear, it wanted "change." In the past few months we have seen many changes, but I wonder how many people actually realized what they were voting for, when they voted for "Change?".......................... http://www.newagepatriot.blogspot.com
  14. The hypocrisy of the left is that they fight for the right to CHOOSE, but they don't want me to choose to own a gun. and before a liberal can respond and say that I don't want them to choose to have an abortion but do want to choose to own a gun. There is a fundamental difference. The conservative position does not guarantee DEATH to a human being, whereas the liberal position guarantees that someone INNOCENT will die.
  15. I agree with saying that if you want it changed that it should be done through an amendment, not through Judicial interpretation! But here is something to think about. You say that the machine guns are not needed for protection, (don't worry I agree with you on that), but if the people were ever in need of protection from the Govt. then a machine gun probably wouldn't be a bad weapon of choice. I don't think that it will ever come to that, but the second amendment was intended for defense.......especially from a tyrannical govt. Just something to chew on, later
  16. ONe of the arguments that seem to refute the idea that everything is in constant state of evolution is the discovery of the coelacanth. This "fish" was considered extinct for 65 million years, since the early 1900's there have been well over 30 or more discovered. It has been considered a living fossil. My problem is if the one recently found in the ocean are carbon copies of the 65 million year old fossils that have been discovered. Why haven't they evolved one iota in the past 65 million years? I don't necessarily think that this question disproves the myth but rather I think that it proves that the dating of the fossil is flawed. I believe in a rather young earth.
  17. I agree with you regarding the actual meaning of Darwinian Evolution, suvival of the fittest so to speak. However, today the theory has been twisted and convulted to the point that the very word "evolution" itself is now associated with the tadpole, froggy,monkey to man myth. I can see some things about survival of the fittest, but knowing that it is the one element that fueled the EUGENICS movement, scares me to death. I suppose that one could make an argument that their are some who are not fit enough to procreate or live, (as Hitler and Margaret Sanger did). But I value life to much to accept that argument. Interestingly enough, Hillary Clinton recently stated her greatest admiration for Sanger, which goes to prove that she too falls into the Progressive category deservedly. respectfully,
  18. Being a minister I have read, studied and have even taken college classes to better help me understand the philosophy. I believe that if you are going to make an argument about something then you should know the subject as well as the enemy or the person that you plan on debating. I have written two 400 level papers on the subject as well as spoke publicly in an evolution vs creation debate, and I am proud to say that I converted a Geology Professor last summer over to the belief in a young earth. I do not FULLY understand Darwinian Evolution, but I am very familiar with the train of thought. It is amazing how Social Darwinism affects the politics of this country, yet so few even are aware of what it really is all about. The modern progressives, get it and they are well grounded in their belief system. I whole heartedly disagree with them, but I respect their knowledge and understanding of the subject. The constitution of the United States is a rather endearing document but it is not a living document. Those that believe that it is a living document believe in JUDICIAL LEGISLATION. Anyone with enough sense to lick a postage stamp (which went up 2 cents today) knows that the legislative branch of govt. in America was never intended to MAKE laws, rather it's purpose is to interpret whether or not the law as it was written has been violated. Historical documents are interpreted within their historical context to find out the intent and meaning of the document. There is absolutely no reason to reinterpret the US Constitution, unless your motives coincide with destroying the original intent of the founders. ORIGINAL INTENT not evolution! by the way Big Blue Alum, I didn't mean that you didn't have enough sense to lick a postage stamp, it was just a general statement, no offense intended.
  19. The idea that the CONSTITUTION IS A LIVING BREATHING DOCUMENT and that it needs to change with the times is PURE PROGRESSIVE IDEOLOGY. If that is anyones opinion, fine they are entitled to it. But the origin of this ideology is rooted in DARWINISM. Liberals take the same approach to govt. as they do to the DARWINIAN EVOLUTION model. They believe that the economy and the govt. is a real entitiy and therefore if it does not change then it cannot be improving or evolving and adapting. Some have any went as far as saying "any change is good for the economy/govt." this way of thinking often leads to many progressives ideas being implemented before they are actually thought out. Example, the TARP money plan was just rushed into without actually evaluating the possible outcome, the progressives say we will figure out what to do with it later. It is sort of like asking for funding for a program BEFORE you have even worked out the plan of operations for the program. This is exactly what Obama has done with several programs and Bush did as well with the DHS and other organizations. I don't buy into (tadpole, froggy, monkey to man evolution) therefore, I do not see the Constitution as an evolutionary creation. here is a little rhyme I wrote about evolution; I once was a tadpole, tiny and strong, Then I grew legs and hopped right along started eating bananas and swinging from a tree tadpole, froggy, monkey now ME!
  20. Weeding the budget of $17 billion This is called DOUBLESPEAK and CNN , MSNBC, FOX et al are guilty of doing it. However, the current administration ARE MASTER MANIPULATORS of the english language. They are currently spending tax payer dollars to find a more "appealing" and "aesthetic" name for Global Warming. LOL!
  21. i TOTALLY agree, the programs ran by the govt. are a waste of tax payer dollars and it is an example of BIG GOVT. The govt. cannot fix everything, in fact if this program being cut was part of a large project that cut all types of programs like this then I would be all for it. The problem, that I have is that they have decided that this one doesn't work (which I agree) but they draft legislation to increase other programs such as PLANNED PARENTHOOD and further promote the Abortion agenda. I would like to see the govt. out of this arena completely and leave these issues up to the local govt. or state govt. if to anyone at all.......... This is a matter that should be addressed at home and not by the nanny state!
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