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Everything posted by GHS189
  1. the lockers are about 1 and 1/2 times bigger..so their are a pretty good amount fewer....and all im saying is that IF there is any money saved from closing PHS then it should stay in the Eastern part of the county...
  2. talking smack is part of the game...it has been forever...no matter what you say....however i do agree with you if the players are using foul language...but if it is just talking smack like( your team stinks....your pitcher throws like a girl....im gonna strike you out) is just part of getting in the head of the other team...but if someone runs their mouth yelling f you f that...then baseball is a tough sport....and i have seen the picture to me it looks like the kid from marion is playing baseball..and trying to get to the base...and the kid from taz was in his way....the guy runs toward the tazewell guy..who gets nervous and doesnt move out of the way...if it were me running i would have ran a little to the side of him but if i hit him...i am hoping the ball falls out or the kid falls over....the ss should defend his team....however...if it had been the a gman who had went after the marion kid...even though we "suck" we would be still be running laps...so in conclusion...both teams acted like rednecks...thats all there is to it
  3. 4 lunches...people are still having to share lockers and all classes have at least 23 students...
  4. like 3 or 4 teachers are having to share rooms in order to have class...depending on which teachers have planning certain periods...and if i remember right a year or two ago the county made a big fuss about the renting of mitchell stadium...yet I didnt see any ideas on building us a stadium
  5. yea thats what i said...no drive..aka being competitive....
  6. the field house was over due...what other school as a field house surely not graham nor pocy...and you should take a trip to graham and look at the measurements in the stair way that show the movement...and the cracks in every wall...the county needs to take the money they get from closing pocy (if it is all that they say it is) and use it to improve graham...GHS is not big enough as is to hold the students we have...it is to the point where we are denying wv residents to pay to come to school at graham...
  7. lets see it then...man i know we suck...but..like i told you earlier in the year GMAN the drive isnt there on our team..and we have played some good teams...not good enough to beat us the way they did but good teams
  8. the school board doesnt care about the eastern side of the county...graham high is falling into a sink hole...their solution..new heating and air conditioning....while richlands and tazewell get the majority of the money for what ever they want.....i have felt the new heat...it doesnt work....so therefore i believe that they should take the money their saving from pocy and keep in in the eastern part of the county...GRAHAM...if we only had half the facilities THS and RHS have
  9. yea and the majority of that 44,000 are the snobs and stuck up people pocy is talking about...anyway you look at it the western part of the county look down on the eastern part...also i was wondering why arent they closing tazewell...pocy was accredited however big ol' tazewell from what i hear is not after last years SOLS...
  10. yea but id like to see any of those graham fans come on the field and do any better...you can hide a weak player in football but you cant on a baseball field....and i stand by my opinion that baseball is harder than football....id like to see any other football players beside the ones that play now come out and try baseball.!!
  11. yea and only two hits for graham...it doesnt show much when the 6th 7th and 8th in the order are pretty much the only ones to hit the ball....6th walked and grounded out twice, 7th got a hit and grounded out struck out....and 8th had a double and a beat out the throw from third for a one error..and the only score was after the error when the pitcher balked to first with a guy on third
  12. [ QUOTE ] bad mistake leaving your number on the forum lol [/ QUOTE ] oh well im getting a new # soon anyway
  13. sounds good man...just give us a call...dont forget about the hours we spent picking up rocks at BSC's baseball field lol...and i know not all pocy kids are like that...and i know you cant decide in a day...s0o0o what ever you do im sure it will work out
  14. zach come to graham...i would like to see you brandon corner and Eugene playing baseball with me and jake miller ...just like we did in the 11-12 allstar tourny.,, froy
  15. Eugene...i highly disagree with the school boards decision....however i hope that you brandon, zach, and cornor will come to graham...i would really like to have you playing along side me and jake miller next year in baseball...just like our 11-12 allstar team...i know its hard...but i hope you will spread the word around pocy that not all of us are stuck up...i mean we have been friends since minor league....however..i do want to say one thing....yes some of graham is stuck up..(ill admit that) but while at the FBLA conference i heard so VERY redneck comments said about our new african-american regional president from the pocy group..which doesnt help the matter with the snobs....i hope to talk to you soon...call me some time (304) 922 4703
  16. yea so i have alot of friends at pocy and...i think i speak for every one up here when i say that we will welcome pocy with open arms...IF they close the school...however i hope that they dont because your school is your identity and they cant take that away from you
  17. i believe that we will beat grundy...yes yesterday was embarassing...but we are low on pitchers...and the weather hasnt been much help...practicing in the gym using a wiffle ball machine for BP doesn't help....im not making any excuses..i played and struck out like many others did...on the best curve ball any of us have ever seen.
  18. hey you lawn fairy.....you suck at accounting....just thought id throw that out there....
  19. graham had one tues night against bland...which ended in a tie 3-3 after 7.....graham did decent defensively but the bats were weak....bland had some good pitching and hitting
  20. narrows had about 11 or 12 ..and didn't look that bad...we hit their first pitcher pretty well...then they put in a lefty that we struggled against....our pitchers looked ok...but we did have some stupid errors....
  21. pitchers will be tyler barraras, nic shaw, alex brown, david marrs, jake miller...and thats about all
  22. i think i speak for the whole graham wrestling team when i say that we are sorry to hear about josh's mom and that our prayers are with the family
  23. yea..i asked our coach about it...we are going to do some walmart thing ...idk......and as far as private money goes...idk why we dont recieve any....all i know is that we have to put it in a booster fund or a certain somone...not naming anynames...will use it all for football...
  24. yea your right.....the only thing is thier are no more fundraising idea left..little league and band have the discount cards, football wrestling and other academec and sports do car wash and pancake, speghetti dinners.
  25. yea...i did most the work though...lol jk that was before ol' eugene slimmed down
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