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Everything posted by kineticks

  1. truth hurts and also gets ratings so i should :)
  2. nick groves i know of but i think the other kid quit
  3. so your saying that you can have a guy that benches the bar and squats 135 he can beat a guy benching 315 and squats 405 didn't think so big shot
  4. sat on the bench dont count you into other peoples victories
  5. chi town holston has been padding their schedule there pal
  6. second of all the line on ph is not slow there are 2 of the lineman that bench and squat the house...i do agree they need to hold on to the ball...if u look at the stats ph turn the ball over 4 times in the first and held the mighty warriors to 6 so there defense is great...few of the wide outs can run 4.6 40s that is not slow in high school football mr hidden in the crowd that never played a down on his life
  7. ph is a tough team that gives the ball over...northwood dont have anybody to line up against the speed but they do have the size
  8. idk i jus heard rumor that he is out :eek:
  9. george wythe saloons are not anything if u take away atwell
  10. i just love how holston thinks they are going to win the hogo this year
  11. i hear the star quarterback from Patrick Henry is out this week :( i hope my mighty rebels will come in and roll the maroons
  12. same ole same ole story the tides could turn in our favor blah they wont turn i really doubt they ever will
  13. neither one of those guys have impressed me
  14. here we go again talking bad about his team where is our tru fans at other than me :D ur another guy that is hidden in the crowd
  15. wow i am ashamed to call u a ph fan...second of all whenever you did play for richie thomas u probably played end guard tackle (sat at the end of the bench guard the water bucket and tackle anybody that comes near it)...so i wouldnt say anything if u were part of the team photo but not apart of the team...point man you are crazy clintwood would own you again
  16. lets not dream here grundy wont touch abingdon jus face the facts
  17. cause they are FALCON HORRIBLE!!! have they even seen a good running back
  18. holston is a big fish in a small puddle thats all i have to say
  19. PH is my team....and do u have to post on the boards everyday about YOUR precious dirty bids aka FALCONS
  20. i agree but let me guess your going to get on here and say that your a PH fan but jus down them all over the message boards so ask yourself this question (are you a true fan)....and southbound i hate the falcons i hope they lose every game excapt against the blo naders hess is good but you hype em up to be in the heisman race so southbound calm it down im speaking for all of the message board members
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