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About FalconPride982
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  • Birthday 04/10/1990
  1. Thanks blue. I hope everyone of the swva teams represent well. Good luck falcons ill be making the trip to the "hole" to watch!
  2. Ya know what.. I was getting into south and falconman for talking tash..well as long as to feel the need to act just as retarded :) I shall not comment on what they are saying . Have at it boys there are some boys who deserve to be talked to that way, and some who do not just keep that in mind. Camelot is just fine, I just think they need to down play the tash talk some
  3. Idc if its a joke his ego is out of this world, so much that he made a post saying he is abingdon and he is the falcons .. And its quite annoying to me that he thinks threatening to tell his dad is in the least bit scary.. And a real falcon fan wouldnt trash talk everyone.. Like I said team rivalry is fine and will happen! But his weekly rant is horrible
  4. L You are abingdon? Doubtful.. Go back to your golf and leave the real game up to the players who can handle intensity without trash talking everyone. Southbound wasnt "bullied" into talking about his cat.. I think he simply seen where you were wrong and felt stupid, hence him talking about his cat? Idk you lovers have the mind reading thing going on so maybe your right. Drop the big freaking ego, and dont threaten me with,your daddy because frankly I dont care.
  5. In all honesty, abingdon vs marion probably wasnt the,best game abingdon has played. But doesnt every team have those games? Abingdon did beat marion, maybe by one point but one point is all it takes. And abingdon has played well this year and I think if the boys, offense and deffense go in and play hard they have a chance. Hess is on his passing game, so his blockers need to be on the same level. And the defense is good also when they are playing at their best. So dont count these boys out, they may just have a chance
  6. Thanks I have sat and bit my tongue long enough, not all of us are like them. Most of us have respect for other people, other teams or not.
  7. If you haven't noticed no one Cares what you, your lover or your dad has to say! You and your "twin" make the falcons look bad on here End of story. Team rivalry will happen and is fine, but to sit on here and tash talk everyone is stupidity on your part.
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