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Hot Headed.


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Ill admit, I get pretty heated when it comes to politics. I love politics. But the thing that pisses me off more than anything is people who believe internet spam. Ill be the first to tell you Obama didnt swear into oath on the Koran, nor is he a Kenyan citizen, or that he is the anti-christ. I hate that people are affected by these lies.


Case in Point. My Roommate.


He comes in talking about politics, dont know why, but he doesnt even know I support McCain, which I find fun in ways lol.


But he starts off talking about skull and bones, which GWB is in, so is John Kerry. Its a Yale thing. He is sure that they have innerworking with someone, probably the devil lol. who cares.


But then he starts on how George Bush wasnt supposed to win the 2000 election.


Reason 1. The electoral college isnt really supposed to work like the way it does. No matter who wins the popular vote, all of the electoral candidates are supposed to vote for him. Even so, there was no electoral rollcall vote in 2000, Al Gore conceded. Plus the electoral college is in the constitution.


Reason 2. Jeb Bush is the Governor of Florida and created fake people and used voter fraud. I had no response to this but to laugh.


Reason 3. GWB had a granmothers niece as a vote counter, who counted illegally. I mean come on.


Seriously, I may come across as a little over the top, but this is why. I want people to know the real information. Not just opinions or conspiracy theories, and the platforms they stand on. My roommate was going to completely change his stance on Obama if he was in the skull and bones. He doesnt know any of his policies.


That saddens me.

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Ill admit, I get pretty heated when it comes to politics. I love politics. But the thing that pisses me off more than anything is people who believe internet spam. Ill be the first to tell you Obama didnt swear into oath on the Koran, nor is he a Kenyan citizen, or that he is the anti-christ. I hate that people are affected by these lies.


Case in Point. My Roommate.


He comes in talking about politics, dont know why, but he doesnt even know I support McCain, which I find fun in ways lol.


But he starts off talking about skull and bones, which GWB is in, so is John Kerry. Its a Yale thing. He is sure that they have innerworking with someone, probably the devil lol. who cares.


But then he starts on how George Bush wasnt supposed to win the 2000 election.


Reason 1. The electoral college isnt really supposed to work like the way it does. No matter who wins the popular vote, all of the electoral candidates are supposed to vote for him. Even so, there was no electoral rollcall vote in 2000, Al Gore conceded. Plus the electoral college is in the constitution.


Reason 2. Jeb Bush is the Governor of Florida and created fake people and used voter fraud. I had no response to this but to laugh.


Reason 3. GWB had a granmothers niece as a vote counter, who counted illegally. I mean come on.


Seriously, I may come across as a little over the top, but this is why. I want people to know the real information. Not just opinions or conspiracy theories, and the platforms they stand on. My roommate was going to completely change his stance on Obama if he was in the skull and bones. He doesnt know any of his policies.


That saddens me.

HAHAHAHA!!! I mean, what do you say to that? I have a story that is comparable to this one.


I was in a lab the other day and we start "discussing" the election. All of a sudden, the person I was having a "discussion" with says, "Sarah Palin doesn't like polar bears!!! She wants them all dead!!!" I almost threw up on her. Seriously.


I mean, all I want is validity to arguments. Thanks for providing that, Beavertail.

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HAHAHAHA!!! I mean, what do you say to that? I have a story that is comparable to this one.


I was in a lab the other day and we start "discussing" the election. All of a sudden, the person I was having a "discussion" with says, "Sarah Palin doesn't like polar bears!!! She wants them all dead!!!" I almost threw up on her. Seriously.


I mean, all I want is validity to arguments. Thanks for providing that, Beavertail.


I got a prime opportunity to land a KO punch on an Obama supporter last week.


There's this one girl in my Constitutional Law class who is head-over-heels for Obama. Wears an Obama button to class every day, has Obama stickers all over her laptop, speaks in a snarky "holier-than-thou" tone when anyone with the slightest iota of conservatism crosses her path. You know the type.


Anyway, we were talking about the borderline-unconstitutional Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, and how it was another step in the legislative-judiciary tango regarding the habeas corpus of alien detainees. This girl raises her hand, and spouts off about the (quotes are hers) "stupid Republican Congress" voted into office by "the same stupid Americans who voted Bush into office twice", and continues to proceed on a rant about how Democrats wouldn't allow this to happen, how Democrats adhere to the Constitution far more closely that Republicans, yada yada yada.


Now, I was letting this girl have her 15 minutes of fame, until the "stupid Americans who voted Bush into office" crack came out. I voted Bush in 2004, because I value social conservatism more than I value fiscal liberalism. I know, no candidate out there panders to my belief, but there I go. I get the urge to raise my hand:


"Professor Gaudion, correct me if I'm wrong about this, but the Congress, both House and Senate, was taken over by Democrats in 2006, right? If this is the case, and if the Democrats cared about the unconstitutionality of the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 as much as some claim, then why did they just not repeal it?"


This sets Obama chick off like a Roman candle. Here's an approximation of her next statement:




Here's my next response, and I'm proud of myself for making it:


"Congress goes into session on the first Tuesday of the year directly following their elections, correct? The 108th Congress, this Democratic Congress, has had exactly 1 year, 8 months, 18 days to repeal the 'Republican' legislation if they truly wanted to. That's approximately 7/8ths of a full House term. Instead, this Congress has passed the fewest legislation since 1848. That's 160 years. Apparently, our Congress, if you can call it that, has found it more prudent to pass legislation authorizing 'National Watermelon Growers' Month' than it has repealing legislation detrimental to human rights. Will it change under Obama? Of course not. 51% of Obama's Senate sponsored bills have been merely declarations. Basically, naming post offices after people. It's not a Republican thing, it's not a Democrat thing: it's a GOVERNMENT thing. All are responsible for failing us here."


It shut her up; she had no response to this. She smarted off, and I busted her. One of my prouder "hot-headed" moments regarding this election.

Edited by UVAObserver
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My roommate just told me that people of IQs of around 220 (Is that even possible? I think not) can move away from a bullet that is traveling from a 100 yards away.


They can do this because they can slow time down in their brains, allowing them to move.


He also said they can use their minds to change the enviroment they are in. Physically change it.


Anybody believing this? My roommate is a really nice guy, but this stuff is killing me...

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My roommate just told me that people of IQs of around 220 (Is that even possible? I think not) can move away from a bullet that is traveling from a 100 yards away.


They can do this because they can slow time down in their brains, allowing them to move.


He also said they can use their minds to change the enviroment they are in. Physically change it.


Anybody believing this? My roommate is a really nice guy, but this stuff is killing me...


It's true....I'll show you sometime.

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My roommate just told me that people of IQs of around 220 (Is that even possible? I think not) can move away from a bullet that is traveling from a 100 yards away.


They can do this because they can slow time down in their brains, allowing them to move.


He also said they can use their minds to change the enviroment they are in. Physically change it.


Anybody believing this? My roommate is a really nice guy, but this stuff is killing me...


What an idiot. He has to be from Monroe County...

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My roommate just told me that people of IQs of around 220 (Is that even possible? I think not) can move away from a bullet that is traveling from a 100 yards away.


They can do this because they can slow time down in their brains, allowing them to move.


He also said they can use their minds to change the enviroment they are in. Physically change it.


Anybody believing this? My roommate is a really nice guy, but this stuff is killing me...




Has he been watching the X-Men?

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What an idiot. He has to be from Monroe County...


he really is... lol


Pickaway to be exact.

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My roommate just told me that people of IQs of around 220 (Is that even possible? I think not) can move away from a bullet that is traveling from a 100 yards away.


They can do this because they can slow time down in their brains, allowing them to move.


He also said they can use their minds to change the enviroment they are in. Physically change it.


Anybody believing this? My roommate is a really nice guy, but this stuff is killing me...


Heh, NO.

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Oh...god. I promise you we're not all that stupid.


Oh I know. Most of the guys and girls I hang out with here are from JM, and they are great people. A couple of them are entering the military after this semester and I will truly miss them.


This guy is originally from Alabama, never been in Monroe County till after High School. So i truly wouldnt consider him a MOCO product...

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