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Al Gore Admits that Ethanol was a ploy to get votes


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Over 10 years ago Al Gore supported an expensive, 'not good policy' because he thought it would help him get elected president. Yet the media still does not believe he'd misrepresent the threat of manmade global warming in order to become extremely rich!


ignorance or blind fold faith?

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I believe this is the same program that GW Bush signed into law, passed by a Republican Congress to the benefit of Corporate Agriculture.


I would have thought anyone with a small amount of sense would figure out that when you convert a portion of your food supply to fuel that it is not the best solution. All that it did was inflate corn prices to the benefit of Corporate Agriculture. (Monsanto, Con-Agra, Cargill) They make windfalls and we pay for it.

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I believe this is the same program that GW Bush signed into law, passed by a Republican Congress to the benefit of Corporate Agriculture.


I would have thought anyone with a small amount of sense would figure out that when you convert a portion of your food supply to fuel that it is not the best solution. All that it did was inflate corn prices to the benefit of Corporate Agriculture. (Monsanto, Con-Agra, Cargill) They make windfalls and we pay for it.


I know exactly who passed it into law, it doesn't matter to me who it was, it is wrong! Al Gore admits that he used this as a means to employ votes. This statement itself should tell folks something about climategate and about the levels that politicians will go to get elected or TO MAKE MONEY!


Interestingly enough, it takes 2 gallons of gasoline to make 1 gallon of Ethanol, which is supposed to help us reduce our consumption of gasoline....?!?!?!?!?!?!............meanwhile the price of corn is rising and we are burning our food......?!?!?!?!?!


When will this INSANITY STOP?


This government is so corrupt that it bleeds evil...........and some folks are crazy enough to think that the answer is a D or an R........

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You are exactly right. It seems like this could have read:



Over 10 years ago [X Politician] supported an expensive, 'not good policy' regarding [Y Issue] because he thought it would help him get elected to [Z Office].


I'm sure it happens more than we realize.

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You are exactly right. It seems like this could have read:




I'm sure it happens more than we realize.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner. As for the R and D thing, I was just making a point to Bucfan that the part label is not important.


As long as anyone can dump unlimited amounts of money and perks at the feet of pols, it will not change.


That is the national shame, not whether it was an R or a D, but the blatantly venal approach to running our country. Both parties feed at the same trough, and have no desire for change.

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