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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2024 in Posts

  1. Ryan4VT

    John Battle

    Wrong. He was put on administrative leave while they did an internal investigation and spoke to all parties. He was reinstated on Monday of this week, missing a district game and a weekend tournament in the process.
    1 point
  2. SwvaOG

    Ready for Football

    Just watch hockey, which, quite honestly, is a better sport than most other options. Just as physical as football, hand-eye coordination of baseball and soccer. Much faster pace. Waaaaayyyy less arrogance and entitled attitudes. My family has a lot of midwestern roots. I played on a street hockey league in Texas for a couple of years while I was in the Army stationed at Fort Hood......a whole new level of being in shape....and I was a plodding defensemen with average change of direction for that league. Those forwards are world class athletes. I remember the other defensemen I played with was a tanker and had a glass eye. He would smack dudes in the boards and was always checking with me to make sure his eye didn't come out. Lol. Good times!
    1 point
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