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Posts posted by mmqp
  1. 17 minutes ago, swva_havok_fan said:

    Plan on it eventually bud.  Got realtor signs in my front yard right now.  Why don't you come buy my house, so I can get that done a little quicker?

    I was supposed to stay in my house except for essential purposes back in June but I didn't.  I went to Florida for 8 days.

    I "protested police brutality against rapists" by taking my family to the beach at the end of July. Magically protected from the 'rona in the process...

  2. 23 minutes ago, UVAObserver said:

    Here’s the problem.  Disagree with him if you want, but going right after him with an ad hom doesn’t exactly give you the high road here.

    I'll try to tone down my language I guess. I come from the "mean streets" (lol!!! I say this jokingly) of vapreps where I had a handful of people try to justify the rioting because "white people better learn!" to another guy saying that it was 100% okay that a county (of 150,000 people) out in Oregon only targeted white and asian people with mask mandates, threatened with steep fines, because "black lives matter!". I showed concern early on about how it seemed that numbers were being artificially inflated.. and got attacked and had the post removed because a certain Salem fan said I was a conspiracy theorist. Etc.. etc... etc... blah blah blah


    The same ones complaining on here about my tone.. I watched them gang up on a James Monroe fan a few weeks back as being a "hick" so yea I havent held back on these same people.

  3. 8 minutes ago, UVAObserver said:

    People aren’t gonna want to hear this, but there is U.S. Supreme Court precedent on point (Jacobson v. Massachusetts) requiring compulsory vaccinations in the event of public health emergencies.

    Yep. And that is what concerns me with this situation. Everything from the way it was politicized from the beginning to the obvious inflating of numbers to the blatant disregard when it came to rioting, etc..etc.. it all is just so.. off. Something about the whole situation just does not sit right with me.


    I've stated my fears that they'll target one race, religion or group at some point with this stuff. And just look at how these riots are going now. It's coming sooner or later.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Hokiebird7 said:

    Yes I can matter of fact...I usually just bypass most posts but your constant acting like you know more than everyone else is annoying...as are you

    Well, no one is forcing you to read what I have to say.

    I do feel that the area I live in gives me a unique perspective on events here in Virginia. And, whether you like it or not, as this area goes so goes the rest of the state. I saw the mando-masks coming back in March as this area went full-on socialist. I held out and still hold out on masks.

    Being originally from western Virginia I do care about what happens there even now. So I will state my views on things related to Virginia. I was 100% correct on the coming mask mandates. I'm being proven right on the mandatory vaccines currently and I fear I'll be right on the coming repurcussions of a Trump reelection. And there is no "know it all" mentality involved. I've watched how my local government acts here and since Northam pretty much drinks northern Virginias bath water you can easily tell what is going to happen down the line.

    One of the biggest issues you and your cohorts have is you believe all these lockdowns are being done "for the good of the people". I see it for what it is, punishment. Punishment because "orange man bad".

    If you do not like that, feel free to press ignore button. Otherwise I'll just "annoy" you some more.


  5. 1 hour ago, Hokiebird7 said:

    Same as you...if it's something you agree with then hell yeah let's do that...if you don't agree with it a leftists had to have something to do with it...you are just an ass clown

    I'm not the one whining about "the good ol' days when no one showed their political leanings". 

    Not once have I ever demanded a post be removed because of someones beliefs. Can you say the same?

  6. 2 hours ago, swva_havok_fan said:

    It's a good thing that I can see the Tennessee line from my front door then, cause if there is a lockdown, I only have a mile or so to be in another state and not have to worry about getting thrown in jail.  Lol.

    We'll see dude. It was already announced the other day that once a vaccine is available Virginia would make it mandatory for everyone. Now will they go through with that? I do not know and I do believe they'd have quite a battle on their hands.

    But yea, I totally expect Ralph and Co. to punish Virginia hard once Trump wins reelection, or at least attempt to. 

  7. 2 hours ago, sixcat said:

    In the few months you've been a member here, you've gone from nonsense about "leftists" letting criminals out of jail early because of fear of COVID-19 spread within the correctional system to a sitting governor putting random citizens in jail for not following COVID-19 restrictions. 

    Reading your posts are a complete mindf*ck!

    Well.. our governor DID let people out of jail for COVID fears. And one of the people he allowed out went back and murdered his accuser here in Alexandria.

    As far as throwing people in jail for not following orders? Has not happened here in Virginia... yet. Has it happened in other states? Oh yea. Think Ralphie would never, ever follow suit? 

    I'm sorry that concept does not make sense to you. I've tried to simplify my posts down to yours and HB7's level. I'll try even harder next time as it's obvious it went over both of your heads.

  8. 8 hours ago, UVAObserver said:

    I think he was "kidding on the square" about the virus's disappearance on 11/4.  While obviously the virus will be no less transmittable or no less deadly, you're kidding yourself if you think the narrative won't change, for better (Biden) or worse (Trump).

    If Trump wins, and lets be honest with ourselves, there is a very good chance that will happen... 100% expect Northam to come down hard on us. Especially if Virginia goes red.. now, if that happens you can expect a total lockdown. Expect fines, curfews, jail time, leftist encouraged riots across Norfolk and Richmond, etc.

  9. 23 minutes ago, IRISH-FAN18 said:

    The real question is the timing of which Trump and the new USPO General is now doing this. He's had 3 1/2 years to so call "fix" the issues at USPS and now 2 1/2 months before election he's decided to fix the issue. It's pretty obvious that this is a political move, considering he's been claiming without a shred of evidence that there is rampant voter fraud going on.

    Umm, pushing for universal mail in voting by the left is, as you say, A POLITICAL MOVE. In fact, your beloved idols were already pushing for it right after this virus flared up.. without supposedly knowing anything about the virus at the time. Yet, they were already politicizing it.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Widespread_Panic said:

    Would that happen to be the same guy who admitted that he is trying to dismantle the USPS so people cannot mail in their votes? That's really looking out for the USA. 

    The USPS has been a mess for years. Even your lord and savior obama pointed that out.

    Besides, we do not need mail in voting anyway. Just "wear your f'ing mask" and go vote in person. Seems to work for looting and rioting so just claim that you're going to a "George Floyd protest" and go vote. 100% safe from this virus as stated by multiple leftist rags.

  11. 1 hour ago, thundercloud said:

    If one thinks just for a minute....Its is becoming clear they knew there was  no Russian collusion. CNN, MSNBC want even report on it.  So what was the Mueller probe all about? it was an excuse.  Loaded with swamp  people it was a 40 million dollar mud gathering effort to find something on Trump. They were able to look at everything Trump.  If they had found something they could have charged him with do you think we wouldn't have heard about it? 

     I don't claim either party.  I think very little of George Bush and his Iraq War.  Obama was a great orator but put the wrong people around him  and went left after acting moderate.

    The more people you can keep working the more problems you will  solve..... We need people who know how to manage large organizations, not politicians they are BS ers --- that is what you get with them is BS. 

    Cuban interested me until you could see his money thru China and sports meant more than the country did.  Greed is destroying this country.

    You, Sir, get it.

    Btw I despise George Bush more than any leftist politician out there. Had to serve under the SOB. 

  12. You leftists make it so easy lol. Managed to trigger 3 of you including Cryin' Ryan.

    Hey stupid, dont bring your kid and wife up in DM's to me crying about how they have covid or whatever and I wont tell you to be a man about it. Make sense? No lol. Of course it doesnt. 

    Now we just need the goofball from Radford or wherever to join in.

  13. 1 hour ago, IRISH-FAN18 said:

    I definitely should know better than engage in political debate. That being said I 100% agree with you.

    At least HB7 gets it, he is not bright enough to comment so he just sits back like a good little coward and says nothing. Learn from your fellow leftist. And try not to be like Cryin' Ryan or that other nobody from Radford or wherever.

  14. 1 hour ago, IRISH-FAN18 said:

    I find it funny that you say you make this statement about me, but you get touchy when I or somebody criticize Trump. Your irony here staggering. 😂 

    Criticize all you wish..just be prepared when we call you out on it.


    And please, dont be like Cryin' Ryan and try to get us banned when we call you on your BS. You obama cult loons are hilarious.

  15. 53 minutes ago, UVAObserver said:

    I never said anything about a conspiracy, Captain Goalpost Mover.  He went by his stepfather’s name for a while in his youth in homage to the fact that Indonesian law prevented adoption by his stepfather.  I use that name ever so often to get a rise out of leftists.

    It doesnt take much. Just say anything negative about their lord and savior obama and they'll usually come out the woodwork lol!!! 

    It's a damn shame, 15 years ago I would have considered myself a democrat. I despised Bush and still do. But no way in this world can I support socialism and definitely cannot support what the dems are doing now.

  16. 5 hours ago, sixcat said:

    "Uncreditable" ???  I didn't realize Trump University professors were now authorized to make up their own language! 

    By no means take me seriously.  I don't take myself that seriously.  Nobody else should.  Maybe that's the problem in this country.  Butthurt nation at its finest!


    I served in the military to support the rights of every American.  Not just the ones I agree with.  How about you?  

    I have a brother that's been on the front lines of the "looting and rioting" in Charlotte for 18 years.  How about you?

    Go back to your mom's basement.  You're too stupid to realize you're being trolled dipshit!

    Former Navy myself. Was in bootcamp when the USS Cole got attacked. Did security for it when it pulled back in to port in 2002. Got to see Dan Rather lol.


    And no basement for me. Just a super expensive apartment overlooking the pentagon in Arlington.

  17. 48 minutes ago, IRISH-FAN18 said:

    He was presidential, smart guy, seems like a good family man. But sometimes I think he pandered too much to the far left. I'm a moderate so anytime I see politicians pandering to the extreme's of the right or left then they're failing the country as a whole.

    Yea, he pandered basically his entire second term to the far left and he does so to this day. He has also lapsed into a very anti-white stance along with hijacking John Lewis' funeral to complain about President Trump. But hey, he sounded good on the mic I suppose lol.

  18. 8 hours ago, sixcat said:

    You may as well have linked articles to Vox or Huffpost lol!!!!


    Then again, you're one of the guys on here 100% supporting looting and rioting. Still waiting for you to discuss Cannon Hinnant, David Dorn or Bernell Trammell. All murdered because of beliefs and causes pushed by the far left extremists like Biden and Kamala.


    Try harder next time little guy <Pats on head> 

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