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Everything posted by parsons
  1. I'm sure this comes with a medallion stamp of sincerity.
  2. Razor, which Abingdon game did you get to see?
  3. Thanks. I had car trouble on the way to last year's game and didn't get to see him in action.
  4. Holmes, huh? Is that Freudian or flattery.....perhaps comparing me with the genius of Sherlock Holmes?Or is it proof that you're just as poor in linguistics as you are in the study of probabilities?
  5. An absolutely unexpected moment of brilliance from UVAO. My first true encounter with an idiot savant.
  6. Do you understand what it means when you say a team is "favored" to win? For dummies, favored=probability greater than 50% to win. Your buddy is saying that statistics are WORTHLESS in determining the FAVORITE. Not the winner, just the team more likely to win. Please tell me what criteria you would use to determine a favorite? Uniform color maybe?????
  7. May be one of the dumbest things you've ever said, and there have been a ton of them. I'm sure you're going to get some "amens" from those unschooled in probabilities, but if the uneducated is the crowd you're playing to, have at it......
  8. a No duh. Did I say it does? Once again, for the hard of hearing......I'm curious about Lance's reason for favoring Abingdon. That's it.....
  9. If you're talking about me, I wasn't offended. Lance made a statement in which he implied that he had analyzed the two teams and deduced that Abingdon should be favored. I'm curious to know why.......statistical data would favor Richlands.
  10. Will I be absolutely stunned if Abingdon wins? No. BUT.....I doubt Reed was coaching to keep the Gate City and Graham games closer than necessary. Mance could have named the score against either team. It's quite obvious that Richlands has the significantly stronger defense. They've also played a tougher schedule and are averaging more points per game ,,,,,,,,. I'm just curious as to what evidence there is that would make someone conclude that they have "gotta go with Abingdon."
  11. Lance isn't basing his pick on what he's seen from both teams against their 3 common opponents. Richlands has outscored the combination of Gate City, Graham, and Va. High, by a total of 146-34. The Falcons......140-80.
  12. He finds a way to get all of the most physically gifted kids to come out for football. That's a quality that any coach needs to be successful.
  13. Union is the team I would most like for Richlands to play again. Win or lose......
  14. I've only seen him play once so I'm not really in a position to debate you. The view at Central sucks which made it hard to see how he was making tacklers miss. I just know that he did....
  15. No surprise there. I'm sure textbooks have too many big words.
  16. Against good competition would like to see him run....as in actually carrying the ball occasionally. Without that threat, Bluefield was able to key on Blankenship....especially inside their 10 yard line.
  17. Looked pretty quick to me against Richlands. Just didn't have any blocking....
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