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Everything posted by littlraskul
  1. allie, driving to the basket, tried to zip the ball in to a teammate, and the ball hit the girl in the face. she recovered it and passed off to a teammate, but soon ended up on the bench and didn't return. this was fairly late in the game.
  2. the one allie hunter drilled in the jaw with a pass
  3. ghs made a lot more shots, percentage-wise, than they had in previous outings. defenses dominated the game, hence the low score on both ends. carroll has three freshmen who all see a significant amount of playing time, fwiw. problem is, no height.
  4. carroll's only district loss is to graham, but they haven't yet played tazewell.
  5. i've seen both graham and carroll multiple times on the season. graham played the best i've seen them, and carroll played the worst i've seen them. heckuva job of stepping up by the g-girls, overcoming all the injuries; carroll definitely didn't take advantage of their lack of depth. i don't guess it helped that they couldn't buy a basket, while graham made nearly everything.
  6. by 6, at gms. rough game, but graham comes out on top.
  7. will definitely be interesting friday when carroll comes to town
  8. tracy wyatt's not gone, she's coaching at graham javascript:void(0)
  9. the girls also dropped both games in mt. airy. both open up district play tomorrow (saturday) at grundy.
  10. lost by 15. came back from 13 down at half to lead by two, i believe, in the 4th. but, 6 straight turnovers killed them. heck of an effort, though.
  11. no, abingdon totally buzzsawed tunstall. scouting tunstall, they passed very poorly and their hitting was solid, but not stellar. when they played carroll, they were a totally different (way better) team. against abingdon, they were back to their normal selves. basham ate finney up all night hitting short angles...blocked her about 3 times. long story short? tunstall goes to cave spring tuesday; abingdon hosts brookville. i'd be surprised if either makes it to richmond, especially tunstall. i'd fall over if they beat cave spring. you guys at ths did have a nice season. congrats oh, and congrats on your district honors, as well.
  12. you must be medicated to think that half of the teams you mentioned have even a snowball's chance of being competitive in district play.
  13. [ QUOTE ] A sport is any physical activity engaged in for enjoyment. Therefore marching band is a sport. [/ QUOTE ] okay, following that logic, i can think of a few *ahem* pleasurable activities that are engaged in for enjoyment, whether such activities take place in pairs or are solitary...anyway. care to try again, webster?
  14. carroll's gone south the second half of the season, and i think martinsville's got way too much speed. but, hey, what do i know?
  15. tunstall's kayren finney is the real deal. all time kill leader in the state!? kid's flat out awesome.
  16. tazewell's guaranteed at least 4th place in the region, not state...which still is quite the accomplishment. carroll co. also won last night, beating magna vista in straight sets. both swd teams will play in the regional semifinals thursday at abingdon hs. tazewell will play abingdon; carroll will play tunstall. way to go dawgs and cavs!
  17. for the record, brandon, i know full well what "indian air force" stood for, but let's be honest and just say it didn't exactly work out as planned. good luck on friday.
  18. i know the kids liked it, but i really didn't see how it related to "indians," or even pocahontas, for that matter. tomahawk? yes. giant "P" yes. spear? yes. skull? not so much. add that to the whole "indian air force" farce that was, and...well, let's just say last season was a disaster.
  19. the skull thing? it was, i believe, designed by last year's coach.
  20. 25-6, 25-12, 25-5 i'd hardly call that competitive. oh, and i was most definitely there. in grundy.
  21. i agree, and not only in this particular sport. last year in volleyball, carroll county had an outside hitter that broke the school record for kills in a season (she ended up with 298, i believe), and she was outvoted for player of the year because all of the tazewell county schools stuck together and voted a girl from tazewell as player of the year. i am originally from tazewell county, and believe me, i've got nothing against the area. but, carroll county volleyball is head and shoulders above the rest of the district--just come to a match. there's absolutely no way the tazewell girl was a better player than the girl from carroll. things just get way too political when it comes time to hand out awards, and really, the athletes are the ones hurt by all this.
  22. dearest ivy: can i just reiterate my last post in saying that if you're going to get onto other posters about spelling and grammar, can you at least correctly spell the name of the school you're bashing? i don't think that should be too much to ask. kthanks. also, you're talking about "pitiful" twin valley and grundy? yeah, grundy should beat up on tv, seeing as they're a AA school... moreover, you brought up jib and pocy in reference to small enrollments. jib has 200+, pocy has 121. significant difference in number? i think so. it goes something like this: simple math. pocy has 121 students grades 9-12. roughly half are girls, so that leaves 60ish boys. of those 60, how many play football? around thirty. so, literally half of the eligible boys at phs play football. slim pickins? indeed. fewer pure athletes? absolutely. but, they're 3-1. give them a break, dude. nobody said they were going to win state; people were just congratulating them on turning the ship around. and, that is a significant improvement that truly deserves a pat on the back.
  23. something about "ivy league" shouldn't belong in the screenname of one who can't properly spell "pocahontas." that's my two cents.
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