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Posts posted by bhs7695
  1. Questionable call on the Abingdon TD there. Looked like the player fumbled the ball before he crossed the goal line. Ball rolled through the endzone. Side official wasn't up with the play bit still called TD. Then on the point after kick as Abingdon was lining up in kick formation a player runs off late and they didn't throw a flag for a substitution penalty against the Falcons.

  2. I was thinking about the BC situation the other day and I still can't understand why they thought this was a good idea to field a football team in the first place.  Sure it can be a good money generator but it's at a high cost and no one seemed to have interest in going to watch them months before they played their first game.  I've never been to one of the games nor do I plan to.  I can think of a lot of other ways I'd rather spend my time then watching bad football when practically none of the local high school kids are on the roster.  How many people are going to home games on average?  300?


    How much is B.C. paying to use Mitchell Stadium and are they going to help pay for the field replacement when it comes due?

  3. Was this Bluefield team too hyped before the season began? No doubt!

    Maybe they were in your mind, I didn't think that way about them nor did most of the people around Bluefield.  In fact I even stated on here before the Giles scrimmage I wasn't sure how good they would be with the issues they had coming out of last year and I follow them pretty close.


    Bluefield had several injuries Friday against GE and they lost a lineman to a knee sprain. I doubt he plays for several weeks.  Bluefield has gotten a little better, but there is still some glaring issues with the defense.  Richlands will be too much for them, unless Richlands think they'll just show up and win.

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