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Everything posted by ADsucks
  1. [ QUOTE ] I'm sorry, my mistake, I should have bragged on Richlands instead of stating the obvious. So, Richlands played a GREAT game against a GREAT Patrick County team, it was an old fashioned butt whippin against a team that no other team in this state could have stayed close to, I was simply amazed with the mighty Blues from Richlands Virginia. IF, they were to lose (which I don't see could possibly happen) it would have to be a fluke........because they're the mighty Blues. I'm sure the Graham and Bluefield losses were just flukes.......they had to be, it was the mighty Blues. The mighty Blues have whipped every single A team they've scheduled since 2003, none worse than single A Lebanon. Apparently the double A schools are sooo scared of the mighty Blues they won't even schedule them. The mighty Blues have to schedule single A size schools outside their own district which already has 3 schools of single A size because all the double A schools are simply too scared of the mighty Blues. Apparently these cowardly double A schools are not the least bit afraid of Graham, as Graham schedules them every year. Is that better? You people are hilarious!! [/ QUOTE ] I guess we could just play down to Single A like Lebanon does. Since Richlands and Lebanon have about the same about of students which Richlands is around 700 which qualifies to be a single A school. I guess thats why Lebanon dropped down to play single A cause they got tried of getting the crap beat out of them by Double A schools. Then again in the area how many Double A schools are there that can be scheduled. I mean for a Lebanon person talking about Richlands being Double A and complaining that they are scheduling weaker Single A schools is crazy. Just take a look at Grundy which has half the students Lebanon has and Plays UP to Double A. I think Lebanon might need to consider that. Granted Grundy hasn't been what it used to be in the past couple of years but atleast they don't complain about Double A or Single A schools that they play. Such as you do!
  2. yea i saw that too.. i was really disappointed in whoever decides those players..cause there were possibly 3 players from richlands that should have been taken over mayo..but since he was from northern va and did some flashy stuff but not really did much statstically..and he didn't win them the game..our players did..and should be recongized..very disappointed
  3. was anybody able to get intouch with wvva and get the actual video that they have? and if they do would the be willing to send me a copy of it?
  4. what is the name of the video on youtube so i can add it to a myspace?
  5. [ QUOTE ] I think the Richlands defense wins hands down. When a team has 6 total turnovers in a game and the opposing team only scores twice(and one was a fumble that went in the endzone recovered by the other team-resulting in a score). Which in all actualty is a score on Richlands offense and the second score from offensive error. So the end result is Graham scores "0" times on Richlands defense and Richlands scores "5" times on Graham defense which I feel speaks volumes for the "BEST" defense. [/ QUOTE ] Thank you!!!..as somebody might say..finally your giving "CREDIT WHEN IT IS DUE" Richlands Deserves the credit for the win against Graham...So Give the credit VHSdevil as you would like to say..
  6. I have paid attention to the band my entire life cause when i was in 8th grade and freshman in high school my sister was the drum major of the band when there was dick p and then swartz and im pretty sure they didn't play on offense but that also goes to say that they never played at all while the actually game was in play..they would only play on breaks..which is fine cause other bands during that time didn't play during the actually play of the game just on breaks..only here in the past 3 years have i noticed that bands have started to play while a team is ready to snap the ball..i like the fact that they do that..but the richlands has not done this ONE time this year..they have never played during a snap.. i sit in season ticket holders and its right beside the band..and its like they aren't allowed to do anything..which is not the kids falut at all..cause i know how controllive swartz is and how he can yell when he is loosing his control cause i have seen it before...so i blame swartz that they don't play as much..or do they not play any fight songs...like when i was in high school..after we beat a team..we would sing the goodbye song..but not all we do is play the stick it in song and nobody wants to hear it play on the offensive side of the ball..i also heard from the coaches from richlands..that graham's band was so loud that is what disrupted the snaps during richlands..which congrats to grahams band for doing that..i just wish richlands would go with the times and start becoming more invovled to support the team than thinking that the band is separte from the Football team and think they have to do everything in the name of the "Richlands Honor Band" which im afraid to say..is not the band it was 5 years ago...but i again say thats not the kids falut..its the director..he needs to get his act together..
  7. I rem EW griffith and Jack Addington that could lay monster hits on people..but like they said earlier doesn't matter
  8. [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Yes they did score 2 times on the 1st team! They did leave their starters in for the entire game (YOUR RIGHT) and scored 2 more on others. They would have never have scored 100 dang points! Yet Again ...DUMB! haha LIKE I SAID BEFORE: WHO CARES! [/ QUOTE ] COACH!!! Stop calling people DUMB!!! This is like the 10th time you've done that. Someone says something you don't like, you call them dumb. There is too much name calling on this board and we don't need a "TEACHER/ FOOTBALL & TRACK COACH" being a part of it. You're supposed to set a good example, not a bad one! [/ QUOTE ] I agree with you all he does is like to name call and go against anything that is said postive for Richlands..i don't understand this guy and to call me ignorant or dumb when he doesn't even know what a higher level of education is...but then again i thought we were talkin about football not other people on this board which is what i was doing.. i was just stating the fact of how VaHigh left their starters in and how the first team was not on the field when they scored that second touchdown cause i believe i can recall the numbers #71 #6 #21 #1 and #25 not on the field which im pretty sure they are all 1st team and very important to that defense..just an observation that i saw on the play they scored
  9. [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] ahhh vhsdevil is just mad bc his team couldnt get it done..i mean richlands has the best D hands down.... they put up 40 and ur lucky to score...they r the best in swva right now [/ QUOTE ] WHAT!? haha Your an idiot! haha What, in that statement that I made says I'm angry about anything? This thread is asking for an opinion and I gave mine. Don't start crap just because you don't agree. JUST DUMB! Besides we were never lucky to score on Richlands. Va High scored in both games on Richlands 1st team Defense. The 2nd game we scored 2 times on Richlands 1st team defense. BUT WHO CARES, IT'S NOT IMPORTANT! [/ QUOTE ] Va High did not score twice against richlands 1st team defense in the playoff game..they left their starters in the entire game when richlands had their JV team in..they didn't even bother with the 2nd team..it went straight to the JV..and VaHigh threw two long passes tryin to run the score up so it wouldn't look as bad upon them..even though richlands could have held them to zero points and put 100 on them..but we take our starters out when the game is decided which it was decided in the 1st quarter of that game some would say it was decided before the game even kicked off..but nonetheless we took our players out and they left their starters in..and i can understand if they are seniors and playing their last game..but if you are getting it handed to you..its just embarrassin that you leave ur starters in just to make the score closer than what the game really is..
  10. [ QUOTE ] The hit on mCcracken friday night was a slobber knocker and gets my vote.took him a while to get up and had to come out for 1 play as a rule but that was a good clean clockin. [/ QUOTE ] ya it was a hard hit..but clean it was not!!!! It was a late hit and thats pretty much what turned the game around for richlands...the crowd became invovled and everything went downhill for graham then..so it was a hard hit but the worst thing that could have happend to graham
  11. Because the state semis rotate each year which region will host the state semifinal game..last year it was richlands region and this year it is HV's region to host..and the next year it will be the region richland plays in..it just goes back and forth each year..
  12. yea i believe your mistaken cause if you watched the tazewell game the first play from scrhimage brett drilled the reciver as soon as the ball got there if he didn't love to hit so much he would have had an INT...cause he the ball hit him in the helmet...but i guess you missed that play
  13. What idiot put Bradley Strong on there?? Did anybody see him play 8th grade he is barely 5ft tall and you think he is gonna be some hero?? please...lets be realistic here!
  14. ADsucks


    Well..i doubt that..richlands has played Salem before and kicked their ass..Salem was lucky to win state last year after the horrible call that got them into the state game..and you need to check your divisions before you claim that salem and richlands will play cause they won't play to get to the state championship game..one is division 4 (salem) and division 3 (Richlands)
  15. [ QUOTE ] James Monroe Mount View Liberty-Raleigh Shady Spring Iaeger Montcalm Tug Valley Christiansburg Salem Tazewell big Gate City Narrows Heritage Rural Retreat Martinsville can we please stay with teams in swva and teams we have actually heard of [/ QUOTE ] haha tazewell big..thats retarded hahaha funnest thing i've heard tonight
  16. i don't know i would go with alot stronger..caleb believe it or not benches over 300Lbs..and for his size that is very strong..Mcdaniels is bigger but to say pound for pound who is stronger.. i'd say caleb would have him beat
  17. [ QUOTE ] the best back in the sw dist wont be playing in this game [/ QUOTE ] Takin judgement that best Running back might not always be the biggest runner as you would say Mcdaniels is from Tazewell but the most affective. caleb is better suited for HS than Mcdaniel..he is faster and has more experince in big game situations..and he is healthy. Mcdaniel is not..and to be an effective running back you have to be on the field..or your team cannot count on you.. he can also catch the ball out of the back field and return kicks better than anyone else in the SWD..he is the best all around running back in SWD
  18. There is not a better back with more experince than Caleb..he is the best back in SWD hands down!!!
  19. Well I'm from Richlands and i don't remember us being the Hurricanes so instead of Category 5 which is a Hurricane stregnth chart..lets try to use the Tornado terms haha..its F 5..just pointin that out..sort of a pet peeve i guess
  20. ADsucks


    With all the talk about Graham's Running backs beening a duo in the backfield.. everybody needs to remember that Jennings has to get the share of plays from a great QB and the fact that in the past two games he is really only played 1 full game cause the JV has finished the second half in both of those games
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