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Everything posted by Jason

  1. I have heard Salem has a great atmospere and they even host the Single A State Title games.
  2. I noticed that too. Number 60 for Graham was on his way to the endzone on that onsides kick. He should have been concetrating more on grabbing the ball more than looking for a whole to run through.
  3. The whistle at the beginning of this video sounds about like the one used in the 70s and 80s. It may be it. The song was first sang at GC in 1970 I think but like the old Cannon Ball it too has not been around for a long time.
  4. Your not saying another storm is going to blow away those Falcons are ya?
  5. In that video it was a set of Train Horns a guy has on top of his vehicle. The old Train whistle that was nick named the Big Blue Cannonball has long since departed from Gate City. Last I heard it was in some museum if that is true.
  6. Here is the last part of this video series. Probably the best part of the whole game! http://www.youtube.com/user/dwtcvc#play/all/uploads-all/0/PQ2bmx4bSfU
  7. The Sullivan South @ Gate City game was the best atmosphere I have seen in years. Not only does Gate City have a huge following but South does too.
  8. That wouldnt classify as the field though. That would be a seating issue. I think it was Appys field at one time was full of rocks.
  9. Only joking about this. Hoped you would have replied by now Canes.:D
  10. And all of this no longer matters. The game was over almost three weeks ago. And why 8ball or whatever do you write the same thing that others here have run in the ground? I know how bad some of the GC fans can be but that is just some of them. They have more than other schools because their following is bigger. Everyone here is just preaching to the quire.
  11. PV has been doing it for a long time now. I am thinking since late 80s or early 90s. It is what I call the PV baney rooster strut!LOL! Just kidding!
  12. Here is a better fit for Abingdons football team to come out to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgr3A_ksebE
  13. Bingo! And Southbound when I hear Enter Sandman Abingdon is the last thought on my mind. It is Virginia Tech that comes to my mind when I hear that song. That song and entrance just does not fit with Abingdon at all. One of these days it might but not now. The best thing any school can do is worry about playing football and not some cheesey entrance.
  14. Isnt that what Powell Valley does their strut to?
  15. The reason Graham did not advance far in the playoffs is because Blacksburg beat them not because Abingdon got the #1 seed.
  16. If Holston has any chance of winning the Hogo then they should beat Haysi easily. Haysi is having a very bad year so far.
  17. A district similar to the Highlands is the BDD. I would love to see Honaker lose every game but their district games to show just how flawed the automatic bids for district champs are. I have nothing against the BDD or their schools its just I think there should be a better format than the one in play now.
  18. I thought Lee was in it too. Highlands was done away with after Lee dropped to D2 I thought?
  19. This has probably been asked before but I have always been curious about it. I dont remember the year but I would like to know a little info on how the GMEN won the AAA state title. How did they choose teams then for the AAA playoffs? What was Grahams record and who all did they play and beat?
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