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Everything posted by ghs73
  1. unfortunately it goes both ways. you called bradshaw the golden boy and did make comments about him. and you are from bluefield and i would have thought that someone from the wv side would at least be a little bit more concerned about a local kid. but now if it was a graham fan saying something about someone from beaver i would bet that you would defend him just as much. it is not a graham thing or a bluefield thing it is a kid who made a mistake and is paying the price for it and does not need you calling him names just because you do seem to take pleasure in the fact that someone from graham messed up. but then i guess you are perfect yourself.
  2. actually if you would take the time to read all the posts then you would find many are about other teams not just graham. i do not know what you have against graham though.this board is run by the gman but with help from lance who is grundy and by several from the wv side like bluefield rules. so please take the time to read the posts and see that more are from other areas other than graham.
  3. i agree 100% with that. we can comment on the situation with out making it personal or blameing a group of people because of one person. i know for a fact that many on the wv side feel bad about the situation with bradshaw and are not gloating about it because he is from graham. it does not matter if he is from graham beaver princeton grundy or anywhere it is a sad situation and i hope that he gets everything together as i would any kid from any school. the only time i do not like beaver is when graham plays them and that is because i am pulling for graham. anyother time i hope that beaver does very good.
  4. to some with you being from bluefield wv it could sound like it. i do not think that you were just stating that i hope that you were not.
  5. do not think he blew his entire future but he has done some damage to it. i just hope that you are not gloating over his mistake if so that is a shame.
  6. if you would read the posts you would see that no one from graham or bluefield has said that graham is unstoppable or that they cannot be beat. as everyone knows anyone can be beat on any given day and graham is not immune to this. what we are saying is in response to people saying that graham will not be as good this year as last year. that is where we disagree. i feel that they will be as good as last year and depending on how they jell as a team maybe even better.
  7. ok first i never said anything about being in the mountains i love the mountains nothing wrong with that. second i did not say that no graham fan had ever said anything bad about you i said i do not know what you have against graham. third i was on the old site and i saw what he said about your brother and i defended your brothers back then because no one should degrade a kid no matter what.as far as who you were talking to that is ok also but remeber when someone says something about someones school no matter if they are taking to that person they normally will reply to the comment that is the way message boards are.last i feel the same way about all the kids on grahams team each and everyone of them give their best every day on the team and in school and i care about them and my school. most people that have gone to graham over the years have a bond with the school that is hard to break and many do not understand how someone that is not going to the school or still in the area can have anything to say about the school but it is because of the bond to the school and everyone there.
  8. grahams talent level is just as good this season as last even though they lost bradshaw who was a very good player but what you do not see or understand is that this team will be a team and play as a team and they all get along with each other because they have no star player. bradshaw was good but if you went to any of grahams games you would have seen that at times bradshaw brought himself out of the game for several plays and this was mainly on offense and usually when graham was close to a score which hurt the team. this years kids are a team they are ready to play for each other and for graham they will be better than you seem to want to believe but that is ok also. maybe others in the swd will think the same way as you. as far as gretna if you go to va preps you will find that even their fans are concerned about the team. yes they have hall but lost their best players to graduation and many on the line and they also have many holes to fill. so do not give it to either team just yet.
  9. at rb robert henry andy henderson and billy napper and few others that i cannot remember their names wr will more than likely be elswick and remines and on defense the same will play a lot more. as far as defense goes bradshaw did not play on the line that is where graham will be better and more than likely napper might take his place at db.
  10. now now br you know you should never say anything good about graham on here it is a bad thing to do according to some. but i do agree that they do have the chance to have a very good season. the only thing is they will have more than henry in the backfield. they will miss belcher and goodson down the middle more than some other players. that is one place that they do not seem to have anyone to step in and make the plays. but they still will be good and may just give the beavers a run for their money again
  11. i do not know what you have against graham j marcum other than the beat grundy last year. your brothers are very good players and i hope that they do very well. i just do not know where your anger towards graham comes from. and i do know that no one has ever won a arguement with you when it comes to grundy or your brothers so where is the difference between graham fans and you. not a lot is there over all. you support grundy and your brothers and graham fans support the gmen and their kids like mine who plays for graham. and that is how it should be. you need to come down from the mountain and get with the rest of us talking about our favorite team on this board. and if you read past posts so far this summer there have been just as many people talking about their teams as graham fans talking about theirs. maybe you are upset that the poster did not add grundy to the list of teams. if that is the case make your own list and keep graham off of it or add them to it either way it would be your post just like it was this posters choice as to who he added to his list.
  12. just about all of the kids that return this year played in the beaver game and many played all season but to say that they will be scared that is a stretch. i have yet to ever see a graham team that is scared of any team that they face. respect yes but scared no.i will not say that graham will beat beaver but it will be a good game as it always is and mitchell stadium could be death valley for many visiting teams this year because of bluefield and graham playing there.
  13. graham will be better because teams cannot just key on one player this year and they have a kid who rushed for 800 yards even with bradshaw in the backfield so think if he was not there how many yards could he have gotten. i do not know what the colors of this site have anything to do with how good or bad graham or bluefield will be. i bet that if you had a site of your own no one would win a battle with you either and usually do not even on this board. and one of your guys helps with this board also.the reason graham should be better without him is the team will be a team not just one good player and this will make it harder for other teams to set a defense to stop one player.
  14. as much as i hate to say it if you were to rank the teams i would have to place the beavers at the top until they are proven not to deserve it. maybe graham or beckley second on the list
  15. it did work for the beavers last year though but hopefully not this year against graham lol
  16. on va preps the word is graham is picking up magna vista but that both had to move dates around to make it work. but who knows for sure, my self either game would be a good game.granted princeton would be closer but either will do.
  17. any one heard anything about the schedule. have the gmen been able to find another team to make the 10th game for this season.i hope that they can find one soon i still hate only 9 games for a regular season. just hope that they keep trying maybe someone will decide to play the gmen. who knows they just might catch the gmen on a down year.
  18. i am not holding my breath br. it is a lot like beaver when you tend to win each year fewer and fewer teams want to take the chance and play you. but like you said you do learn from a loss, you learn what kind of team you are and what you need to work on, but by not playing the better teams you do not learn or by not playing a game you learn nothing. i just hope that graham can find a game with someone.having the off time will not be good for the gmen come playoff time if they make it there this year.
  19. lets hope that the princeton tigers will call and ask to play the gmen this year. it would be a good game for both at the gate and game. i myself would love to see the game restarted if graham cannot find a team to fill the schedule on a regular basis. just think playing two of the teams from mercer county each year that could become a great rivalry almost as good as graham beaver. so come on princeton get the coach to call and see if it can be worked out for this year.
  20. i do not know about taylor but my son says that mullins is attending swcc at this time.
  21. my vote may be a little biased but i do feel that this past seasons line was better in that they blocked better, they might not have been as big a line but overall they did all that was asked of them better. even the young kids that had to step in and play at different points during the season. the reason my vote it biased is my son played some this past season. mainly during the grundy playoff and the gretna playoff, he had to play for martin and egg.
  22. grundy has a very good team and so will graham i hope but i do remember last year a few people getting on the message boards and saying that graham would not do good last year and before the grundy game the bristol paper did not give graham a chance to win that game, but if someone thinks that grundy needs more encouragement to get ready for graham i think that they are fooling themselves. no one from either team needs any thing to get up for this game just like the graham beaver game. the best thing is to let them say what they want about graham no one knows what will happen in that game this far ahead of time. at least no one on this planet.
  23. they would have to play someone sometime is some district to win a district and have a chance at the playoffs, my point is they complain about the travel to bluefield to play graham if they were in the swd but they do travel here to play beaver. if they are willing to do that why not do it in the swd also. they have to be in some district and if they have the students that the vhsl numbers say they are bigger than graham and are 2a.
  24. so are you saying that lee could not win against graham. it that is what your saying then i would say that any team that feels like that already has lost a game. if you go into a game wondering if you will win or not you are lost.that is one thing that makes the graham beaver game a great game year in and year out no matter who has what, each team thinks and believes that they can and will win the game.
  25. maybe lee needs to check with ky or tenn to see if they can play in their state that way we in va would not have to worry about lee anymore. maybe you guys from lee need to suggest that to the new school board this year.
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