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Everything posted by bucfan64
  1. For everyone else! Go figure! These folks probably would not be considered "potential Dem. voters," and are therefore denied asylum. http://townhall.com/columnists/toddstarnes/2013/05/15/court-rules-against-german-homeschool-family-seeking-asylum-n1594988
  2. The rats are starting to leave the ship! Benghazi IRS Targeting Conservative Groups Boston Bombing Cover-Up Seizing AP phone numbers and emails Conservative Groups Denied http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/05/14/irs-tea-party-progressive-groups/2158831/ Catholic Group Audited After Speaking Out Against Obama http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/15/exclusive-prominent-catholic-prof-claims-irs-audited-her-after-speaking-out-against-obama-and-demanded-to-know-who-was-paying-her/ AP Phone Taps http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324501/Attorney-General-Eric-Holder-defends-deputys-decision-secretly-obtain-journalists-phone-records-saying-searching-leak.html Franklin Graham "We were targeted!" http://www.politico.com/story/2013/05/franklin-graham-irs-targeting-91362.html
  3. McDowell County Report http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/09/record-high-teen-pregnancies-drug-overdoses-imprisoned-parents-illiteracy-you-wont-believe-what-war-w-va-schools-are-facing/
  4. More like par for the course
  5. The recent adjustments to school lunches as mandated by the Federal and State Governments, along with the NUDGING of Michelle Obama has resulted in some positive and quite a few negative changes. The current school menus are radically different from just a few years ago. Gone are potato selections, rarely are potato's served during lunch, ever. When they are, it is sweet potato fries and only about 1 day every two weeks. All breads have been replaced with wheat bread options, and much smaller portions. In the past two years, salad, fruit, nut mixes and natural juices are becoming more common. Gone are breads heavy in yeast, fried chicken (replaced with grilled chicken) and many pastas. For the most part some of the changes are welcomed, however, I have witnessed more and more students bringing their lunch from home because of the changes in the menu. I guess it doesn't sit well with their palate. I actually like many of the food choices now being presented, but I do not like the "Big Brother," concept of forcing students to eat certain types of foods. It has been widely discussed that many of these changes are designed with the intent of directing students away from a "traditional," menu toward one that is more Vegan or Vegetarian in design. I don't know if changing the lunch menu will have that type of impact, after all these kids do most of their eating at home and in restaurants, but it is interesting to see how this collective approach to "feeding the cattle," will eventually play out.
  6. Not looking too conspiratorial now! more holes in the governments story than Swiss cheese! This just keeps getting more and more interesting......... 1. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano even said yesterday that Alharbi was just “in the wrong place at the wrong time” and was “never a subject,” after ridiculing inquiries into the matter last week. 2. Although Big Sis denied it, there IS an event file on this guy and he is declared "armed and dangerous." 3. When asked about the deportation of this guy, authorities have indicated that it was because his Visa was expiring, however his Visa does not expire until 2016 4. The person of interest was scheduled for deportation via a 212-3B, which is connected to the Patriot Act and it is the code for deportation based upon a person being deemed a terrorist. This is not easily obtained. Copies of this form have surfaced, proving it was going to happen. Once again, Big Sis said that this was hogwash. 5. Someone at a later time, decided to retract the deportation and some members of congress know who decided to alter the form. 6. The original event file was reviewed and approved by two high level agents – Chief Watch Commander Maimbourg and Watch Commander Mayfield. It did exist, despite efforts to to argue that it did not. Big Sis could take the fall for this one........
  7. Unfortunately for you that's not gonna happen. :-)
  8. I heard some of these over the weekend. Alex Jones was quick to call this a false flag incident, but then again, that is about what one would expect with him? Most of these are easily dismissed but I find the incident with the Saudi National somewhat intriguing, I imagine that there is something to it, just not the over the top blockbuster that some expect. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to see it play out!
  9. Don't know if I would call it a "Conspiracy Theory," at least not yet. My reasoning seems to lead me to ask the question, "what are the chances that a Saudi national, who just happens to be listed on the Terror Watch List, show up and be seen at the scene of one of the most heinous acts of terrorism in American history? In all fairness to finding out the truth about what happened, what reasonable person would not want to at least question this person as a possible suspect or at least as a witness to the event? Until proven guilty, I will give this guy the benefit of the doubt, (Gawker is reporting that the person that was questioned actually is not the same person, but that he has the same name as the man on the watch list) perhaps we need to deport him for his own safety. However, he being on the watch list and being in the vicinity of this bombing should not be taken lightly by anyone. Article of interest http://townhall.com/columnists/toddstarnes/2013/04/22/saudi-national-questioned-in-boston-attack-was-on-terror-watch-list-n1574863
  10. So, we catch a guy at the scene of a terrorist attack, a guy who is on the terrorist watch list and associated with Al Qaida, what do we do with him? Arrange to have him deported immediately and refuse to discuss him any further...... I smell a rat!
  11. of Government? It has always been understood that the unofficial, watchdog and understood fourth branch of government was the media. Is it reasonable to suggest that Social Media may very well be turning into or becoming the watchdog of the watchdog? ie, the fifth branch of government? The media has become so subjective, that today a huge portion of the population no longer trusts them to tell the "truth." A short interesting blog about this subject can be seen at the link below, thought some of you might find it interesting. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/04/dancing_on_the_graves_of_old_media.html
  12. In regards to the Boston bombing: MSNBC's Chris Matthews informed the proud peacock network's viewers that "as a category, normally, domestic terrorists tend to be on the far right." This is baiting and speculation at its finest. Horrible journalism and just another example of the subjective manner in which MSNBC and the rest of the lamestream media spins everything to fit their agenda. What ever happened to the "understood fourth" branch of government?
  13. True, welfare abuse is not only found at the personal level but also at the corporate level!
  14. but rain makes corn and corn makes.....
  15. My children play ball for their respective schools, I do not think or believe that they BELONG to the school. I understand exactly what you are saying and this is comon rhetoric, however, the context of the rhetoric must be taken into consideration. Most people associate themselves with teams, communities and even express a strong sense of nationalism, but they still embrace the power of choice as an individual, free to think, act and do as they please without the constraints of having to answer to the state. The implication being made in the video and the one being advocated by the Marxist/Progressives is one in which they suggest that parental rights be supplanted by childrens rights (and since children need an advocate to speak and act for them, the Govt. will be happy to stand in for them). In essence, they would support the notion that parents should not instill ideas, traditions, religious views, principles and values through the children in lieu of the notion that it is denying the child the right to become their "own person." These folks would much rather the STATE perform this duty. Once again, I understand your point, but respectfully disagree with your supposition that associating ourselves and our children with teams, communities, schools etc. implies the same thing as is being suggested in the video.
  16. You are correct, it is easy to suggest that someone who cannot afford something is just "too sorry," and we often do not take into consideration those who are unable. However, What the lady is suggesting is Marxism. She is not applying NATURAL LAW when she says that people have a right to "housing, education, and quality food." She is suggesting that government GRANT OR GIVE the right to those things, and it is important for us to remember that our rights as individuals come from our creator, and for for our atheist friends out there (our rights come from nature). The means to her end, is wealth re-distribution. Taking from one and giving to another. If you believe in NATURAL LAW, and I do, you will understand that you cannot deny the rights of one person in order to "grant" a right to another person. If "free education, housing and quality food," means robbing Peter so that Paul can have these "rights," we need to understand that Paul is having his rights to his own personal property violated and this is not in line with our Founding Principles. Food, housing, education and universal health care are commodities, they are purchased with currency. Individuals do not have a right to these items anymore than they have the right to a big screen t.v., a car, an iPhone etc. Should we as a society let children slip through the cracks and be deprived the needed necessities? Absolutely not! We as a society need to apply higher moral standards and protect those who cannot protect themselves. However, it is important that we understand exactly what it is that this woman, this network and these collectivist are suggesting. This ad and others like it are framed in compassion, yet they harbor a much more sinister plot. For example, she comes across as being so compassionate about children, yet she openly supports abortion on demand and refers to children in the womb as "things." Regardless of your position on abortion, it is difficult to see how she can be so calloused toward "things," and then be so concerned about those same "things," at a later time. Not being argumentative, Just some thoughts.......
  17. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/10/critics-pan-yet-another-msnbc-promo-with-harris-perry-you-have-right-to-health-care-decent-housing-and-quality-food-at-all-times/ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/08/glenn-beck-eviscerates-msnbc-promo-claiming-your-kids-belong-to-the-whole-community-and-makes-some-scary-connections/ IMO, this is nothing more than MARXISM. Human rights do not include Health Care, Education, and Quality food. In order to "guarantee" these "rights" to others as she suggests, we must first violate the rights of someone else. You cannot violate the rights of one individual in order to give another individual a certain "right!" Thoughts?
  18. This Saturday, April 13th, 2013. Twin Valley High School will host the first annual LEGENDS NIGHT REUNION. 5:00-9:00 pm This event will feature 4 alumni games and a collection of other festivities. The event will feature the following games/events. 1. Twin Valley Women Alumni Game 2. Twin Valley Men Alumni Game 3. Whitewood Women vs Garden Women Alumni Game 4. Whitewood Men vs Garden Men Alumni Game All former basketball players and cheerleaders are encouraged to participate in this Reunion. Even if you cannot play in the game, we would like to take this opportunity to recognize all former players and cheerleaders from the three schools. So, please come out and join in this reunion. Admission is $5 per person All former players need to arrive early to pre-register for the Roll Call of Legends. Once again, this will include ALL FORMER players and cheerleaders, regardless of whether or not they actually participate in the alumni games. Presently, there are over 90 former players scheduled to play in the games and several more who will be recognized during this event. Scheduled to appear: Former Coaches from all three schools Members of the first ever Whitewood Indians basketball squad Former State Champions from the Garden High School teams as well as several former All District, Region and All State Basketball players. The games will begin at 5:00 and last until 9:00 A meet and greet will take place from 4:00-5:00 Please Share!
  19. Castle Law in Virginia would permit anyone to protect and defend their life, liberty or property from such types. UVAO might be able to comment on this better......
  20. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/08/glenn-beck-eviscerates-msnbc-promo-claiming-your-kids-belong-to-the-whole-community-and-makes-some-scary-connections/
  21. Sorry, I was referring to preserving the current districts as they were. Not the former ones.
  22. the reason for maintaining some type of district system is as many have mentioned earlier, to maintain and ease scheduling conflicts. However, The more important reason is the powers that be, the VHSL, had opposition to many who just didn't want to lose the old rivalries, this was a HUGE issue. So the compromise was to maintain disctricts for "traveling and scheduling purposes," when actually it had more to do with people not wanting to see the district system completely dismantled. IMO, it is dismantled, but for the time being folks will be somewhat happy, that the old rivalries are maintained. Not saying I support this mess, just stating the obvious.
  23. My most favorite quote to date on this site!! Absolute Classic!
  24. I agree! on a side note, I once managed the Midnight Express to victory over the Drillers! Used the tennis racket and whole 9 yards! Lot of fun! Beautiful Bobby and Dennis Condrey version!
  25. As I "astutely" pointed out in my previous post, I was watching ESPN, not the youtube clip that you are referencing. So, the perspective that I am coming from is no more official than the one that you are referring to. BTW, the "official" decision..........BASKET GOOD!
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