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Everything posted by bucfan64
  1. America is a MELTING POT not a MOSAIC and I think that is where liberals and conservatives have a fundamental difference. REgarding the economy, I would not have introduced a stimulus package unless it included 75% or more in tax cuts. I would be very clear as to whom the tax cuts would go to, middle class, small business, with a majority going to wage earning Americans. I would not have GONE DEEPER IN DEBT. My study of economics teaches me that sometimes when the free market fails, you permit it to fail. Eventually someone will come along and start over where the last business failed. An economic system based on principals of doing what is right and accepting liability for errors and mistakes works much better than a system that rewards you for greed, failings and improper management. My dad taught it best, spare the rod, spoil the child. Don't reward the kid for being bad and you sure as heck don't reward the kid for being good. After all you should do what is right and nobody should reward you for doing what you ought to do. Obama shouldn't care anyhow, if he left things along, times would be tough, but he could always blame it on Bush, (although, I entirely disagee that this economic problem is totally the fault of the Bush Admin.) if he messes with it, he now has nobody to blame but himself for choosing the wrong route. Of course the reason that Obama did not leave things along and let the economy fix itself, is because it was a wonderful opportunity to promote his SOCIALIST AGENDA. Just like Geithner said "you can't let a good crisis go to waste."
  2. anyone that voted for Barack Obama because he is black is a RACIST! As I said earlier, I do not subscribe to everything that Alex Jones says, does or believes, I do think that the video will be interesting however. It probably will include half truths and whole truths, the viewer will need to research and discern for themself. What is happening to America is called Liberal Fascism it is a brand of socialism and it is much like what is happening in Europe and preparing to happen in Israel with the newly elected government. Author Jonah Goldberg has written a great book that every American SHOULD read it is titled Liberal Fascism. Google it...............
  3. FAN Challenge! Fans are encouraged to attend both nights, we are attempting to set an attendance record and would like for everyone to bring someone with them to the games and help cheer on both teams! Let's create a genuine home court advantage Tuesday night for our Lady Panthers and then do the same on Wednesday night for our Varsity Men's team. Bring, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, even bring the dog............................
  4. This very rancher was on Glenn Beck the other night, it cost him 77,000 dollars after the case was over. I am not sure if that was damages to the plaintiffs or attorney fees, but either way that is ridiculous
  5. Wow! http://www.wsfa.com/global/story.asp?s=9859983
  6. Check this out! Wow http://www.wsfa.com/global/story.asp?s=9859983
  7. I don't hold to everything that Alex Jones says or does , but I am interested in watching this video.
  8. Symposium Planned To Discuss Implementation of Nationwide Mileage-Based Taxing System Harold Gray JustGetThere February 17, 2009 Public officials from several states are gathering in Austin, Texas this April for a symposium to discuss the implementation of a nationwide, mileage-based taxing system to replace the gas tax. Spearheaded by the Texas Transportation Institute, this symposium will feature representatives from several state transportation departments such as, Oregon, Minnesota and Texas. Over the course of this two day event, several panel sessions are planned to discuss past, current and upcoming pilot studies for the mileage tax, legislative and policy issues, public acceptance challenges, potential technology applications, and institutional issues. Several states across the nation, are seeking to implement a mileage tax for drivers to generate more tax revenue, some states are even talking about having gas and mileage taxes. The idea of a tax by the mile GPS system, being monitored and maintained by state or federal governments is about as "Orwellian" as you can get, and is extremely unpopular according to several polls. The proponents reasoning behind the mileage tax, is that states have lost tax revenue from the transition to higher fuel efficient cars by the public. We have been pushed towards "green" cars by government and man-made global warming alarmist, in order to reduce our carbon footprint, as well as our dependence on foreign oil. The drivers who have switched to higher fuel efficient cars will be rewarded by a new nationwide taxing and tracking grid that will give birth to another government bureaucracy. This will create the potential for more of the same corruption, privacy concerns and overbearing tax system that Americans are becoming all to familiar with. The technology that will be used is a RFID embedded sticker and GPS satellite boxes installed in all vehicles and gas stations. This type of system will require a total revamp of all fuel stations, along with the auto industry in order to make this happen. The hefty price tag for such a massive change in our transportation system will of course be somewhat funded by the federal government, but with strings attached. The government always has stipulations attached to the funds they relinquish to the states. So, the possibility exists that states who are not actively participating in the move for a nationwide system, will have transportation funding dropped. The Obama administration is seeking to transform the nations transportation system to this tax by mile model and has even sought advice from officials in the UK that are currently using it. The newly appointed Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood is also a big supporter of this idea as, stated on his blog. Trials of this system began in Oregon in 2006 and were deemed a success by their Governor, Ted Kulongoski, who is pushing hard for state legislation in the upcoming session. In the 2007 test which lasted 10 months with 300 motorists at two service stations, drivers were taxed 1.2 cents per mile and were refunded the 24 cents a gallon state gas tax. When the motorists got to the pump, their vehicles connected to government computers informing them of the mileage (calculated via GPS tracking) and issuing tax. With the global financial crisis now affecting several states, lawmakers nationwide are promoting new bills to start the transition to a mileage tax. Although the move for a mileage tax has been in process for many years, now they can use the financial crisis as the excuse to push it onto the people. The biggest problem that lies before them is the publics reaction to the idea of being taxed by the mile. Creating an effective PR campaign, paid for by our taxes, will be crucial in order to sell this as a necessary and good move for the people. A tough sell, considering the publics confidence level of government, big brother aspects of the plan, a possibility of increased taxes on a already cash-strapped public and the potential for more mismanagement of funds and corruption by public officials. Several examples I foresee include an initial increase of tax for every driver just to pay for this system, and a perceived penalty on those who chose to buy gas efficient cars. There could also be instances where an older person on a fixed income, who cannot afford a new car, will be taxed more using their older vehicle. The potential will also arise, with this per mile tax system, that some loopholes could be built in that could be exploited. Thus, enabling public officials to pay lower taxes or none at all, which has already occurred with the EZ Pass toll tag system. What about the potential lost revenue from other equipment that use gas such as, lawn mowers, weed eaters, dirt bikes, 4 wheelers, snowmobiles, generators, power washers, air compressors, forklifts, wood chippers, chain saws, leaf blowers, snow throwers, ice fishing drills, and boat motors to name a few. Although this would be hard to estimate, I’m sure this revenue will also be tacked onto the per mile tax. The mileage tax will also have the ability to control your movements by creating "peak" and "off peak" hours which will yield different tax rates. Even driving on different days and areas within the state will yield different rates. I can also visualize scenarios in which the city or state will designate "high congestion days", such as Thanksgiving and July 4th, or even hours of increased "celebration" such as New Years Eve to reduce the potential for drunk drivers on the road. Remember, it will all be pitched for your safety and the possibilities for continuous changes to the tax rate on a whim will be endless. Raising the gas tax is a common sense answer to the problem, but would eliminate the need for increased federal entanglement with the states, in turn limiting the growth of big government. This would also prevent the emergence of a centralized big brother system with the ability to tax, trace and track all movements by the people. Government always seeks to expand their power through crisis, and cement their control through legislation. Once they gain control, it is never relinquished and when their plan fails, the solution is always more money and control. We cannot afford to take another leap of faith and trust this regressive shift in the way we live our daily lives. If it’s all about lost revenue from higher fuel efficient vehicles, why not just raise the gas tax.
  9. This is the point that I have been trying to make all along. We are so caught up in defending this LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM, that we are neglecting to see the fat that GOVERNMENT IS RAN BY CROOKS. There are a few honest ones that slip through the cracks, but they are either voted out or conformed by the hypocrisy that has become Washington politics. God help us all...................
  10. Amen! Obama, is now realizing that he, as president, does not have as much control as he thought that he would, big money and the good ol' boys club still runs Washington. still waiting on POSITIVE change!
  11. The VEA may say that it will help, but they are amongst the most liberal organizations in America. Here in Buchanan County we are feeling the crunch, I hope that they are right, but something tells me that they aren't!
  12. Exactly right, this is not a DEMOCRAT VS REPUBLICAN ISSUE, the magnitude of the Patriot Act and the magnitude of this so called Stimulus package deserves more oversight and should be discussed for a least a few weeks on the house and senate floors. I can assure you that if you sat down and talked directly with everyone that voted for this package that 99% of them would not be able to tell you what 98% of the bill included! I have already emailed Boucher and asked him to clarify to me if he read the document. I am sure that he will put a spin on his response, nonetheless, I dissaprove of this arrogant form of government.
  13. Where was this refugee MONEY when Katrina Hit? and now due the economic CRISIS that we are in, The President finds it necessary to send 20.3 million to Palestine! This guy is constantly grandstanding, Barack Obama is a JOKE!
  14. Hours upon receiving the 1,000 + page document House members vote to pass it, it is at the present minute with the Senate. How can an elected official vote for something without first knowing what he is voting for? This is Government out of control......... Check out my website http://www.gorillaxpress.com
  15. Of everything that the Obama Administration has done so far, THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY BIG COUP. The implications of this move, if approved, could have long term ramifications unlike any that we have ever seen politically in this country. I am PISSED off that the mainstream media isn't discussing this issue more and giving it the HEADLINES that it deserves. This is BIG! By Controlliing the Census Bureau, the White House will be able to confirm and approve the work of the Bureau, denying a bipartisan review in the legislature. In the past, the numbers and data had to be approved by BOTH parties before being accepted. Now only the Dems will get to approve. This is not democracy, this is TOTALITARIANISM! There are basically two ways to conduct the Census, go door to door and question everyone, and estimate based on a few questionaires. The latter is what will take place under the proposed change. Why? By estimating the numbers, the electoral college will change. I PROMISE YOU that the population numbers will be HIGHER in Democratically controlled areas and states than in Republican areas and states. This will result in GERRYMANDERING on a grand scale, District boundaries will be redrawn at a larger number than ever. States that are likely to vote Democrat will see an increase in Electoral votes, while states that usually vote Republican will see a decrease in electoral votes. Federal District Boundaries will be redrawn in a manner that will give advantages to Pro Obama and Pro Democrat areas. This is heinous and of the lowest things that a President could possibly do, politically. In addition, by WORKING the numbers, federal funds will pour into so called "larger" populated areas. Thus securing the welfare state in those areas, by securing the government handouts, these sheeple will in turn vote for those that give the handouts, AKA THE PARTY IN CONTROL! DEMS!
  16. Regarding #1 the numbers vary but the percentage of increase could be huge, Obama proposed a 500 % increase in the price of Ammo while a senator in Illinois. Adding a 5% increase to the price per round, could lead to a significant increase in the price of ammo 2. Don't know about the fine, but it could carry criminal charges 3. Probably will be out a lot of money to prove that you were not negligent, guilty until proven innocent 4. The price increase will be HUGE on ammunition. In addition do you suppose that someone may get the great idea, to file off the engraved numbers? surely nobody would be able to figure that one out........... 5. People would be able to buy ammo, it would just cost so much that the price alone would be a deterrent. later...........
  17. There is this LIBERAL PROPAGATED MYTH that shells shoot harder if shot with a semi automatic, it's the same shells and the gun shoots with the same power if one shot is fired. Nonetheless, this registered ammo bit is something that the libs, want pushed through congress. Basically this is what Obama wants...... 1. All ammo that is currently in existence would have to be removed and used up by a specific date. 2. If you are found with any after that date, it would be classified as Unregistered ammo and you would be locked up or pay a HUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEE FINE. 3. The registered Ammo would carry serial numbers on the casing and on the box. Every purchase and every bullet could be traced to the person that made the purchase. Therefore, you would be liable if anyone used your shells in a criminal act. 4. This will cause the price of ammo to increase by as much as 500% according to some experts. This is in line with a plan that Obama tried to initiate while he was a senator. 5. If this passes it would lead to a "Cooperation with gun owners" change in Obama in which he would probably lay off for a while. The problem with this however is nobody will be able to purchase ammo so what good would their gun be anyhow. Amazing how the minds of these liberals work.........
  18. I find it incredibly hipocritical of Al Gore, to pretend to be so adamant about "HIS" cause that he still consumes meat. According to him, the meat industry is THE leading cause of green house emissions. If I truly believed in something as much as he pretends to, I would have to let my actions speak louder than my words. Blame the meat industry, but still eat meat! Blame SUV's for gas consumption, but still ride in his personal jet from city to city promoting his propaganda. That my friends is why anyone with any sense cannot take this man serious!
  19. Dear Idiot, You have demonstrated your ignorance and stupidity by referring to people from Buchanan and Tazewell counties as a bunch of ignorant hillbillies. I do know who Obama is and since it is o.k. to put a huge poster of him next to the American Flag because he is an American "just like me," then I assume that it would then be appropriate to put a huge poster of ME beside the flag. I currently hold a masters degree in education and a B.A. in History and Social Science, I recently completed the requirements which enabled me to add B.A. in Political Science to my resume. Thank you for the opportunity to acknowledge my educational background. Now that I have done so would you please share your academic accomplishments with the rest of the board?
  20. 1. Why are you watching anything but FOX NEWS? 2. I would sell condoms and build frisbee golf courses, water parks, spend 89 million on re-sodding the national mall, spend 80 billion to clean out rivers and streams so that trout and other native fish would be able to swim farther up stream, I would spend 600 Million on new HYbrid cars for government officials.......................Ooops wait some genius has already thought of these things! 3. I would look at President Obamas first three weeks and I would do the opposite! just kidding about those things above, but below are some interesting.............. FACTS President Obama has already in three short weeks. Pardoned the terrorist master mind that was responsible for the death of 17 U.S. Soldiers during the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole Signed the Freedom of Choice Act which will help eradicate MILLIONS OF MORE INNOCENT American Children. Suggested that Marijuana be DE-CRIMINALIZED and has requested that DEA officials STOP RAIDS on marijuana producers. Requested that a popular CHILD PORN DEFENSE ATTORNEY be appointed to the office of Attorney General, a man who has stated that "there is nothing wrong with Child porn as long as it is used in the privacy of ones home." Is using FEAR TACTICS to get congress to pass a SPENDING BILL that will do nothing but create HYPER-INFLATION. Shame on them for using fear tactics after blaming the Bush admin. for using the same tactics regarding terrorism. Shame, bad obama, bad... Created a FAITH BASED INITIATIVE that will do nothing but bring more power and support to groups like ACORN. God knows we need more good honest organizations like that come election time next year. Now here is the big question concerning the Faith based initiative, will the DailyKos and other liberals excoriate Obama for mixing politics and religion just like Bush did? Or does the Obammessiah get another pass from the hypocrites on the left? I am going to bet that suddenly KEITH OLBERMAN will think that this is a wonderful idea. and the execs at NBC, MSNBC, CNBC will embrace the idea for it's originality, After all it includes all faiths and don' t forget THOSE LOVELY FOLKS AT ACORN. Oh yeah, Obama said that he was going to encourage all Americans to "Buy American," only to find himself in need of a change of words after some Europeans frowned on the phrase, wow, thats what I call REAL CONVICTION, or to put it in his own words......... CHANGE!
  21. New cover of Newsweek magazine says it all...........(and I hate newsweek)
  22. Yep, the person in the first story posted
  23. I am in the process of including several more electronic products to my website. We now have a larger variety of MP3 units as well as other items, ie (video cameras, tv's, iPod docking stations etc.) Hopefully, by Tuesday of next week, I will have several more items posted to the site, it takes a while to get them all up. I will also have several other cell phone accessories, as well as iPod acessories. I am currently trying to work out a deal to sell iPod units as well. Hopefully, all will go through well. The site will be updated regularly, with new items. Please give us a try when shopping for electronics....... thanks, bucfan64
  24. I cannot 100% clarify this as an absolute truth. However, the person that posted this article on Restore the Republic has a pretty good history of reporting factual events, whether they benefit Obama, Bush or McCain. I can assure you that the writer of the story above, is NOT A REPUBLICAN SYMPATHIZER. On the contrary, the folks at Restore the Republic, agree that the problem is both Republicans and Democrats.
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