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About curly
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  1. maybe rlands will recruit him for next year (just had to say it before somebody else did)
  2. "those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither" (ben franklin). what is happening to our country when the rights of every goof ball in the world are recognized , except for the few who appreciate and defend our freedom.
  3. one of the larger fault lines in the eastern U.S. runs through cedar bluff and is known as the cedar bluff fault. the big one could hit right here!
  4. agreeded, the two parties are corrupt to the core. we the people need to identify the corrupt on both sides, purge the parties in november, and try to get back to the principals laid out by the founders
  5. i highly doubt it could be legalized considering the big insurance lobbies would rail against it. the fact that the length of time the hooch stays in your system is so much longer than booze. work comp and auto liability carriers would be denying every claim filed because of the failed pee test.
  6. anyone who cant see the cost of equipment going up to offset these new costs needs to get the blinders off. anytime a manufacturing based industry sees increases in the cost of production, the cost is passed through to the consumer. you may not buy the john deere but you will buy somthing that needed a john deere to produce it. there is no free ride. with everyone who gets free insurance ,the cost of providing the insurance now becomes a opperating expense to the manufactor. that expense is passed through to the industry buying the good for their specific service.those increases are continually factored into cost of the following goods produced, finally stopping in the good ole middle class. our taxes go up to pay for the entitlements to the low income and the cost of everything we purchase increases. and that is why everything we buy costs so much more than it should. its a vicious cycle but thats the way it is.
  7. boucher was obviously granted political cover with his no vote. when stupac flipped his crew gave the needed votes to pass. bouchers no statement did not pop up on his web page till then. as late as sunday afternoon his office was still declaring "undecided" . the fact is he completely sold us out with cap and trade so they gave him political cover to try and save his seat. if someone doesnt give him a legitamate challenge this year we are in big trouble.
  8. the people that dismiss this lawsuit as a waste really need to wise up. the constitution was written to limit the powers of the government and insure individual liberties. the 10th amendment deals with states rights and expressly limits the federal government to powers expressly stated by the constitution. to my knowledge there has been no constitutional amendment stating the federal government can require anyone to purchase a comodity(health care). in my opinion this challenge has plenty of merit and is worthy of the investment
  9. it is estimated that roughly 30 million people had no insurance. of those 30 million about 50% could have gotten insurance but CHOOSE not to. the other 279 billion of us had insurance. so this bill takes the freedom of choice away , spends a trillion dollars ,and expects us to trust our government to administer,manage and maintain 1 sixth of our national economy when they cant even deliver the mail on time and in budget . get real
  10. unfortunately, reguardless of which side of the debate you are on this 2700+ page bill does very little to address the parts of health care in need of reform. the actual reforms in this bill probably could have been written on less than 100 pages. the other 2600 pages amount to little more than bribes, payoffs and largest governmental power grab in our nations history.does the fact that the IRS will now be charged with inforceing the mandate that each of us have insurance or pay the penalty alarm anyone besides me? with this bill they have 17000 new agents to do just that. all of your personal financial and tax information will be shared with the dept of health to make sure your paying what you should for your treatment. the congress could have addressed torte reform, prexisting conditions, escalating insurance premiums, insured a safety net for the uninsureable etc.they could done this with unilateral bypartisan support. history will tell how good this bill is, as for me im afraid we are marching towards an irrelevant european stlye society and will beholden to the likes of china, russia, or india for our subserviant existance.
  11. Who says they would pay it at once? Could they not take a loan and make payments monthly for around 37k a year?
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