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kobe drops 81


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Are you surprised? That's what happen you shoot the basketball more times than the rest of your teammates combined. A number of other NBA players could and could have scored that many if they were as selfish as Bryant is. So put me in the group of being unimpressed by this "feat." I have no respect for selfish players that put personal accomplishment over team accomplishment. That isn't what sports is about and Bryant is a black eye for the TEAM concept.

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Are you surprised? That's what happen you shoot the basketball more times than the rest of your teammates combined. A number of other NBA players could and could have scored that many if they were as selfish as Bryant is. So put me in the group of being unimpressed by this "feat." I have no respect for selfish players that put personal accomplishment over team accomplishment. That isn't what sports is about and Bryant is a black eye for the TEAM concept.


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"It just happened, man" Bryant said. "It really hasn't, like, set in for me. It's about the `W,' that's why I turned it on. It turned into something special."


- Kobe Bryant



Yes, that really sounds like the words of a selfish individual. I thought the whole point of basketball was to win (which they did) and do the thing which gives your team the best chance of winning (putting the ball in the hands of your best player). This man can do nothing without being scrutinized because if I recall, last month when he dropped 62 points on Dallas and sat out the entire fourth quarter he was being criticized for that as well.

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This is the entire reason Kobe wanted rid of Shaq. He wanted a team 100% reliant on him, and ONLY him, to take 25-30 shots and score 35-40 a night just to be competitive. It really strokes his ego knowing he's the only go-to-man on his team.


And Kobe spare me with the "all I wanted was to get the win" B.S. The only ones buying that are the Kobe worshipers like Sources...grin.gif

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lol if you pay attention to kobe you can see he trys to talk and act like micheal jordan infront of the media and reporters he is a selfish individual and i believe there has been players that could have droped 81 or more if they wasnt as selfish as that and kobe really doesnt have a team around him im mean it is a good thing to have 81 points but im not that stund by it and it doesnt impress me

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Here is why Chamberlain is never called "selfish"...


"One of the main reasons coaches asked him to shoot less was to try to win more. Of the 14 years he played in the NBA, only twice did his teams emerge with the NBA title. In 1966-67, Sixers Coach Alex Hannum asked Chamberlain to pass the ball more often than shoot, and to play more aggressive defense. The strategy worked. Although he failed to win the NBA scoring title for the first time in his career, averaging 24.1 points, Chamberlain recorded the league's highest shooting percentage (.683), had the most rebounds (24.2 rpg), and was third in assists (7.8 apg).


Chamberlain took his new role so seriously that he led the league in assists the next season."





He sacrificed his "numbers" and "scoring" in order to make the team better.

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i wasn't pulling out anything on wilt.. i was just wondering why his name hadn't came up, i knew about leading in assists later in the year but i diudnt know about the other stuff. but imo with the team kobe has around him shooting 20+ times a game gives them the best chance to win

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but imo with the team kobe has around him shooting 20+ times a game gives them the best chance to win


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Exactly, that's my entire point. Kobe had a championship caliber team, but his whining and mandate that he wasn't playing with anymore Shaq destroyed that. As I said previously, Kobe wanted less talented players around him so that he looked better and needed to shot the ball everytime down the floor for them to compete. He's a selfish, self-centered, prima madonna...

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but imo with the team kobe has around him shooting 20+ times a game gives them the best chance to win


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Exactly, that's my entire point. Kobe had a championship caliber team, but his whining and mandate that he wasn't playing with anymore Shaq destroyed that. As I said previously, Kobe wanted less talented players around him so that he looked better and needed to shot the ball everytime down the floor for them to compete. He's a selfish, self-centered, prima madonna...


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Agreed whole heartedly! Kobe could've had two fists full of rings had he learned to play TEAM ball, but he didn't, so I don't see Kobe getting another ring anytime soon if ever.

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but imo with the team kobe has around him shooting 20+ times a game gives them the best chance to win


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Exactly, that's my entire point. Kobe had a championship caliber team, but his whining and mandate that he wasn't playing with anymore Shaq destroyed that. As I said previously, Kobe wanted less talented players around him so that he looked better and needed to shot the ball everytime down the floor for them to compete. He's a selfish, self-centered, prima madonna...


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Agreed whole heartedly! Kobe could've had two fists full of rings had he learned to play TEAM ball, but he didn't, so I don't see Kobe getting another ring anytime soon if ever.


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Especially if they get Artest, which they said Lakers are back into the running for him now that Sac doesnt want him.

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