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Beaver / Graham...


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i'll go ahead and start a new thread about the game being over...


don't know if Bluefield was having a bad night, but G-Men jumped on 'em quick - controlled the game. congrats... and good luck. ya'll got a good team. and i just hope we can move past it.

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beaver has a good team but the gmen dominated them with speed and inside runs especially the last series of the game. the backs for graham did not fall down when hit by beaver they gave as much or more as they got. congrats to ghs.

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i'll agree that the difference was wrapping up... Bluefield would hit, and act like Graham was supposed to just fall down. poor tackling. i hope it's a wake up call.


however, really good coaching by Marrs... that bomb to start the game, and the fake punt. a lot of good calls... kept us on our heels all night and we never did recover.

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what about the fifty yard field goal try that was down on the five. another good call. everyone from beaver thought that ghs backs were to small and would not want to be hit i think they showed everyone tonight what they are really made of.

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i don't think that field goal going out of bounds was on purpose... it was partially blocked - i thought. but it was a bogus call. i don't know what the rule is, but it should have came back to the 30 or wherever the line of scrimmage was.

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So, I'm guessing the game was pretty good. Lol I don't know I was to busy watching Talladegah (sp) Nights the Ballad of Ricky Bobby! lol But any way so the game was good? I did hear graham won... So I do have to say I am waiting for everyone from bluefield to get on here and make excuses... Even the people on the radio said that Graham was knocking heads out there... Tyler and Steve were the ish I heard. So everyone just update me!

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yes ghs kicked butt and took names tonight. thought you had to work tonight. lol it was a game ghs dominated in all aspects kicking passing defense offense special teams every way. had close to four hundred total yards to 202 for beaver i think

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i don't think that field goal going out of bounds was on purpose... it was partially blocked - i thought. but it was a bogus call. i don't know what the rule is, but it should have came back to the 30 or wherever the line of scrimmage was.


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That was done on purpose, first off that was a 50 yard FG try. Secondly Mahood was lined up straight on to kick it, instead of soccer style. He aimed that ball perfectly. Great call by Doug tonight, he severely outcoached Freddy tonight. Best of luck to the beavers the rest of the way.

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Someone explain that fg attempt to me though, I thought that was simply wrong and was the start of the exclamation point, I doubt they would have comeback or anything, but I thought that sealed it somewhat earlier. Or was the argument suggesting it was blocked?

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I don't know the black and white on this rule. But the refs seemed to be right on it, and Marrs was on the field quickly pointing so he knew the rule also. Since I've mentioned them, if the refs made the right call on the kick, which it seems they did, I think they did a good job tonight. They were a non-factor, which is exactly what you want them to be.

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I thought it might be some old school rule, I didn't know that 1. Here's another 1 I know of, but I've never witnessed this 1, a field goal can be attempted the way a punt can, but the ball has to bounce on the ground if I'm correct, then kicked just after the bounce. I've always thought that kickers or the holders should at least attempt that on fg attempts where something goes wrong because even though they likely wouldn't make it, they'd likely draw a roughing the kicker penalty if they'd simply kick it away from the defenders so it isn't blocked, because the other team likely wouldn't know the rule and would make contact. If it were blocked tough there's not roughing the kicker so they'd have to make certain it wasn't.




















kckers who

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I thought it might be some old school rule, I didn't know that 1. Here's another 1 I know of, but I've never witnessed this 1, a field goal can be attempted the way a punt can, but the ball has to bounce on the ground if I'm correct, then kicked just after the bounce. I've always thought that kickers or the holders should at least attempt that on fg attempts where something goes wrong because even though they likely wouldn't make it, they'd likely draw a roughing the kicker penalty if they'd simply kick it away from the defenders so it isn't blocked, because the other team likely wouldn't know the rule and would make contact. If it were blocked tough there's not roughing the kicker so they'd have to make certain it wasn't.




















kckers who


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That is correct it is called a "drop kick" as for the FG attempt it is treated just like a punt in high school football. The trade off is the FG attempt is easier to block and has a lower trajectory than a punt but the up side is that most high school teams do not cover a FG attempt. If the FG crosses the goal line and is unsucessful (does not go thru the uprights) it is a touchback but if it does the cross the goal line the kick is treated like a punt and can also be returned.


The official made the correct call on this one.

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My hats off to Graham, congrats on the victory. Bluefield seemed like they just expected things to happen for them and didn't feel like they had to earn it. Overall for Bluefield, there was a major lack of blocking and hitting altogether, almost like they were scared or intimidated by Graham.

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Graham was the dominating team.you wouldve never expected them to have more speed than bluefield but they do.the g-men were in a class all by theirself last night and it showed.bluefield needs to put this game behind them quickly and move on to their next game.one thing i have to say is it felt good sitting on the home side for a change.and i agree 100% that the home team sit on the home side.good luck to bluefield for the remainder of the season hope you guys can get back to wheeling and win it.

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