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Richlands field?


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Thanks WileyX. Coaches pitched in to officiate the games. It was called very loosely due to the fact that all of the games were scrimmages. I thought the concession people did an outstanding job, having said that I know the waiting line was a little long and we will look at ways to improve that in the future. We would have used the PA, but it was not operational (due to work on the field and scoreboard) It was our first jamboree, and not only did every team in every camp participate (24 total teams) we also did team pictures and cheerleader pictures, thanks to Steve Lane. I am happy with it, there are always things to work on. I appreciate that you came out to watch and your input.


That it was your first jamboree. And with all that was going on it was pretty good. I think it is great what you guys are doing for the area youth not just one school but all involved.


Yeah the lines at the food places were a bit long, but the turnout was unreal. The pictures yeah a little crazy but you're dealing with 4 to 12 yr olds who knows what can happen. And the PA I kinda thought that might be the deal. I would say do it again! It was a great atmosphere.


Maybe double the concessions or at least add another vendor. Get a T Shirt Maker there and sell some kinda BACKYARD BRAWL - 2009! With team colors for each area. :)


The officiating yeah was loose, but how many of those youngns were just learning. I hope I did not sound too overly critical, I think it was all awesome. And with having 4 teams on the field at a time, you always had some action. NONSTOP FOOTBALL. It's Awesome! Keep up the good work!

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The field does look really nice; FieldTurf is certainly the way to go. However, I cannot believe you guys allowed them to put down soccer lines on that beautiful football field. Isn't there a grassy field down there somewhere they could play soccer on?


Actually ,there is. Soccer is played at SVCC. There is no seating and no lights.

It will be nice to have a decent field for the kids to play soccer on as well.

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with the hump gone that will be a huge help on the visitors side....i never liked sitting over there...i'd always just go down on the track since you couldn't see anyway...once they get all of the current stuff completed I hope they go after some taller visitors seats.


I dont see that one happening. I would love to see it as well but the fact of the road 5 feet from the back of the bleachers on the visitor side will impede on that one. Would be nice thought.

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I would be interested to hear the reaction from any Honaker fans on if the view was improved any with the new field.


My best friend is Honakers band director so i went over there a couple times to talk to him and the view looked significantly better. You could see the out of bounds lines on the opposite side of the field. And what are they doing with that big open spot behind the endzone? They could make some bleachers there much like Tech does have them about 5-8 rows high and as long as the field will allow. That would be nice imo.

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My best friend is Honakers band director so i went over there a couple times to talk to him and the view looked significantly better. You could see the out of bounds lines on the opposite side of the field. And what are they doing with that big open spot behind the endzone? They could make some bleachers there much like Tech does have them about 5-8 rows high and as long as the field will allow. That would be nice imo.


That will be where the high jump and long jump landing will be for your track......

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The empty area behind the end zone will eventually be paved over. The track & field stuff that was there will be relocated behind the elementary school.


The field is marked for soccer for several reasons... It's closer than the college, it has seating and lights, it is now one of the best soccer facilities in the area (and could potentially host tournaments)... and because Jon Bowerbank likes soccer!!! The center line for soccer is the 37.5 yard line for football because there wasn't enough room on the end near the baseball field to make them line up. The only alternatives were to a) shift the football field 12.5 yards to the right or b) take the track out altogether.


I took some pictures from the press box Friday and it was a little aggravating to have those black lines clutter up my shots but it could be worse. The guys who installed it told me about a field they did up north that is marked for football, boys soccer, girls soccer, boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse, and I think one other sports. That means there were six different color lines on one field!


They tell me the future of these things is fiber optics that they will be able to turn on and off. For example, they would turn off the football lines and turn on the soccer lines. The technology isn't there yet (fiber optics can't withstand the traffic) but they are working on it.

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The empty area behind the end zone will eventually be paved over. The track & field stuff that was there will be relocated behind the elementary school.


The field is marked for soccer for several reasons... It's closer than the college, it has seating and lights, it is now one of the best soccer facilities in the area (and could potentially host tournaments)... and because Jon Bowerbank likes soccer!!! The center line for soccer is the 37.5 yard line for football because there wasn't enough room on the end near the baseball field to make them line up. The only alternatives were to a) shift the football field 12.5 yards to the right or b) take the track out altogether.


I took some pictures from the press box Friday and it was a little aggravating to have those black lines clutter up my shots but it could be worse. The guys who installed it told me about a field they did up north that is marked for football, boys soccer, girls soccer, boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse, and I think one other sports. That means there were six different color lines on one field!


They tell me the future of these things is fiber optics that they will be able to turn on and off. For example, they would turn off the football lines and turn on the soccer lines. The technology isn't there yet (fiber optics can't withstand the traffic) but they are working on it.



BigD I have seen a field done like that once on TV, I think the show was How It Was Made, and it was pretty cool the way they done it. And it was pretty cool because two teams shared the field, they could change the logos in the center field and end zone's to the team that was playing, it was real neat.... Btw nice to see ya back over here!.....

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Thanks, I wouldn't say I'm back over here. Just stopping in and thought this thread could use a few answers. I think the fiber optic thing will be pretty cool once it becomes practical enough.

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Thanks, I wouldn't say I'm back over here. Just stopping in and thought this thread could use a few answers. I think the fiber optic thing will be pretty cool once it becomes practical enough.



oh would you just get over it already..."I wouldn't say I'm back over here."...stop being such a little drama queen already...you got your weenie in a knot over something I said and have been crying about it for a month...get over it and get over yourself...stop saying you are not coming back, only to show up a few weeks later...even if you don't post you still visit almost daily.


Look if you want a public apology here it is: "I'm sorry I pissed you off Big D"...so...please just put this all to rest and feel free to hang out if you want...or leave if you want...either way it's up to you in what you want to do...I personally like you a lot and I enjoy reading what you have to say...but enough of the "I'm leaving" crap...it's old...I'd love for you to hang out with us and participate because you, for the most part, always have good info and educated input, especially about Richlands sports, not just football...and I enjoy your photography...and you know as well as I do that I've tried to help you out and put you in contact with people for photoshoots or whatever when you have asked...and I've seen you go from just some guy on the sideline taking pics to actually taking some professional grade pics...so...I'd really like it if we could all just get past this crap and get back to just talking football without everyone getting thier feelings hurt or bent out of shape or constantly saying "I'm taking my ball and going home"...


not to be a jerk or anything...just saying it straight up.

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Lol, first time I've been here in weeks. I stopped by to see if anyone was talking about the new field. I'm not crying and there is nothing to "get over". It has nothing to do with you Lance, and I do appreciate your comments, I just stopped enjoying this board and I wouldn't have time to participate even if I wanted to. My post today was an attempt to answer some of the questions in this thread. Nothing more.

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I took a good like at it last week, mainly because of the odd soccer lay-out.

The only way to center both soccer and football fields would have been a shift. Wondered why they didn't go ahead and do that... but realized that would REALLY screw up the press box and bleachers lay-out. Kinda hard to shift a concrete structure 12 yards over.

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