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DNC divided on God and Jerusalem


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I think that we can all agree that Obama is a terrible President. My dad is a lifelong democrat who will be voting Republican for the first time in his life this November.


I do not agree or come close to agreeing on that.


And I'm sorry to hear about your father but if he thinks Obama is a terrible President, then so be it. I'm sure he's making a decision this November that is best for him. But you don't speak for everyone here. Sorry.

Edited by deuceswild
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Thanks, I'm not sure anyone would rationally declare Jimmy Carter as having intellectual superiority. I have only met two atheists who would admit to being atheist. Both shared the characteristic you mention and loved telling anyone within earshot their stance.


I have never had an interest in politics outside of my community or religious politics of any kind until my wife began a career that requires her to be somewhat involved in politics at the state level. I am playing catch-up and like to read differing opinions from all sides to shape my own views.


Anytime, friend. Your last sentence should be something we all strive to do.

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I do not agree or come close to agreeing on that.


And I'm sorry to hear about your father but if he thinks Obama is a terrible President, then so be it. I'm sure he's making a decision this November that is best for him. But you don't speak for everyone here. Sorry.


Sorry, I forgot about the great job he has done thus far.

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Don't worry, everyone who understands what made this country great and truly understands what he has done for the last four years and how he is trying to completely transform the foundation of this country realize just how bad of a president he really is. I have yet to hear any of his supporters give a good reason (based on his record) for him to be re-elected. Meanwhile there are a vast number of reasons he shouldn't be re-elected. The latest evidence was today's jobs report. Of course he came out and said he wasn't satisfied either and that there was still a lot of work to do and it was congresses fault. First off, he had a democratic controlled senate and house for two years but he was too busy campaigning for obamacare to care about the economy during those two years. Secondly, if the amount of progress of economic recovery in his first 4 years are an indication of the progress America will experience during his second term, then in the words of Clint Eastwood "We gotta let him go"

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Listen to the Clinton speach. He said approx. " The republicans said ' we are sorry we left you with a big mess but you didn't clean it up fast enough so we will fire you so we can be in charge again".

If there is no chance you will ever need unemployment, welfare, food stamps, social sercurity, medicare/cade, and if you have enough money in the bank to take care of any illnesses or injuries you could ever have ( I work in the medical field this could be as much a 2 million dollars) then vote for Romney. Paul Ryan will do his best to get rid of all that. Take a trip to a third world country and see how that works.

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If there is no chance you will ever need unemployment, welfare, food stamps, social sercurity, medicare/cade, and if you have enough money in the bank to take care of any illnesses or injuries you could ever have ( I work in the medical field this could be as much a 2 million dollars) then vote for Romney.


People who have paid into things like social security certainly deserve to receive their return on their investment. But much of these government programs are being abused. Unemployment used to only last for 12 weeks. I personally know people who have been on unemployment for almost 2 years and I also personally know of situations where people have made no effort to apply for certain jobs because they were making more on unemployment.


I wise man once said the following and I think it describes where we are currently with all of the government handouts that are avaliable today.


"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the industrious out of it. You don't multiply wealth by dividing it. The government can't give anything to anybody that they don't first take from someone else. When someone receives something without working for it, someone else worked for it without receiving it. The worst thing that can happen in a nation is for half the people to get the idea that they don't have to work because someone else will work for them and for the other half to get the idea it does no good to work because they don't get to keep what they work for."

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People who have paid into things like social security certainly deserve to receive their return on their investment. But much of these government programs are being abused. Unemployment used to only last for 12 weeks. I personally know people who have been on unemployment for almost 2 years and I also personally know of situations where people have made no effort to apply for certain jobs because they were making more on unemployment.


I wise man once said the following and I think it describes where we are currently with all of the government handouts that are avaliable today.


"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the industrious out of it. You don't multiply wealth by dividing it. The government can't give anything to anybody that they don't first take from someone else. When someone receives something without working for it, someone else worked for it without receiving it. The worst thing that can happen in a nation is for half the people to get the idea that they don't have to work because someone else will work for them and for the other half to get the idea it does no good to work because they don't get to keep what they work for."






Adrian Pierce Rogers (September 12, 1931 – November 15, 2005), was an American pastor, conservative, author, and a three-term president of the Southern Baptist Convention (1979-1980 and 1986-1988).

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