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DNC divided on God and Jerusalem


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I was just curious if anyone saw the scene at the Democratic National Convention last night where the delegates were asked to vote to ammend their official party platform in order to include wording that recognized God as the foundation for our freedom and liberty and declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. This had been in their 08 platform but wasn't originally included in their 2012 platform. When the vote came up to include this phrase there was a big uproar of democratic delegates who were opposed to the motion. There is a link below that you can watch if you didn't see it yesterday. I was just wondering what your thoughts are??

For the record, I believe that our country was founded on biblical principles by men who feared and reverenced the God of the Bible. There is tons of evidence of that if you take the time to look and study America's history. I also believe that our blessings and our freedoms come from God and I think it is inexcusable to have not included a phrase to honor God in the democratic party platform. I also think the division seen in the voting shows that many on the left (not all) are anti God and anti freedom of religion. This on top of numerous economic failures under our current adminisatration makes it a no brainer for me as a Christian to know who I will not be voting for this fall.



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I was just curious if anyone saw the scene at the Democratic National Convention last night where the delegates were asked to vote to ammend their official party platform in order to include wording that recognized God as the foundation for our freedom and liberty and declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. This had been in their 08 platform but wasn't originally included in their 2012 platform. When the vote came up to include this phrase there was a big uproar of democratic delegates who were opposed to the motion. There is a link below that you can watch if you didn't see it yesterday. I was just wondering what your thoughts are??

For the record, I believe that our country was founded on biblical principles by men who feared and reverenced the God of the Bible. There is tons of evidence of that if you take the time to look and study America's history. I also believe that our blessings and our freedoms come from God and I think it is inexcusable to have not included a phrase to honor God in the democratic party platform. I also think the division seen in the voting shows that many on the left (not all) are anti God and anti freedom of religion. This on top of numerous economic failures under our current adminisatration makes it a no brainer for me as a Christian to know who I will not be voting for this fall.




For the Democratic party to have to even vote on something that should be a given just shows how far 'Out of Whack" Obama has this country. Untill the day I die This will always be One Nation Under GOD..period and I dont need to Vote on it and dont giive a damn what no no body else thinks about it and if some of those Intellectuals in DC would pick up a Bible they'd know Israel's place. Obama is a damn joke who's sending this country with the help of a bunch of ignorant dip shits strait to hell. This Democrat is now 110% Republican! I didn't leave them,they left me and every other hard working American.

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I would say that using God in any political way in America is wrong, even "one nation under god"(which only came about in 1945). Am I christian, yes. Do I believe this country was made strong because it held fast to christian principles, yes. But the founders left the word God out of all of our original documents for a reason. For the most part they were Christian men, but the intermingling of politics and religion leads to using religion to gain political power and that is a very dangerous thing, and I believe they saw how dangerous it could be.


People should have the freedom to be American and not have to bend to a religion they dont believe in. Thats not opposing God, thats being all loving and imo what Jesus would want us to do

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My brother is smack dab in the middle of this mess. He is an eleven year veteran of the Charlotte Mechlenburg Police Department. They were told a year ago that no vacations, sick leave, etc would be approved for 12 days surrounding the DNC. Every officer (2,200 strong) is required to work 12 consecutive days of 12 hour shifts without exception.

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I would say that using God in any political way in America is wrong, even "one nation under god"(which only came about in 1945). Am I christian, yes. Do I believe this country was made strong because it held fast to christian principles, yes. But the founders left the word God out of all of our original documents for a reason. For the most part they were Christian men, but the intermingling of politics and religion leads to using religion to gain political power and that is a very dangerous thing, and I believe they saw how dangerous it could be.


People should have the freedom to be American and not have to bend to a religion they dont believe in. Thats not opposing God, thats being all loving and imo what Jesus would want us to do


While it is true that their is not Scripture in the founding documents it is very obvious that the founders knew that our freedoms came from God as they plainly state in the Declaration of Independence. There is, however, plenty of Scripture and Biblical references in other places far before 1945. Look at Lincoln's second inaugrial address. Look at the Jefferson Memorial. Look at JFK's inaugrial address (after 1945). Idk if your implying seperation of church and state but most people misunderstand that principle anyway. It is not in the constitution and it was intended to keep the state out of the church, not to keep the church from influencing the government.

Also with your reference to Christ wanting us to be all loving. Jesus in Matthew 12:30 said whoever wasn't with Him was against Him. In John 14:6 He stated that He was the only way to obtain eternal life. While we are supposed to act in a loving way toward all people, there is an absolute truth which can only be found in Scripture. If the Bible is not the moral authority for this nation then what is?? It becomes a situation where everyone does what is right in their own eyes which leads to chaos and anarchy.

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I was just curious if anyone saw the scene at the Democratic National Convention last night where the delegates were asked to vote to ammend their official party platform in order to include wording that recognized God as the foundation for our freedom and liberty and declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. This had been in their 08 platform but wasn't originally included in their 2012 platform. When the vote came up to include this phrase there was a big uproar of democratic delegates who were opposed to the motion. There is a link below that you can watch if you didn't see it yesterday. I was just wondering what your thoughts are??

For the record, I believe that our country was founded on biblical principles by men who feared and reverenced the God of the Bible. There is tons of evidence of that if you take the time to look and study America's history. I also believe that our blessings and our freedoms come from God and I think it is inexcusable to have not included a phrase to honor God in the democratic party platform. I also think the division seen in the voting shows that many on the left (not all) are anti God and anti freedom of religion. This on top of numerous economic failures under our current adminisatration makes it a no brainer for me as a Christian to know who I will not be voting for this fall.




Watched the video... why was God left out in the first place??

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So this is what conservatives are harping over?


I'm a big fan of letting religious views be personal. God is not for everyone. If that's your thing, then it's your freedom to have that frame of mind. It's not the choice of the entire nation and should in no way be advertised as such.

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Thank you Mavsgrad for your post--


Truth always have clarity and is timeless (just as God's word is)--


Opinions vary from one culture and generation to another (strong one day, obsolete the next, never dependable, never foundational, a feel-good moment, nothing to get you through the difficult times.)




Life has many choices---eternity two

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While it is true that their is not Scripture in the founding documents it is very obvious that the founders knew that our freedoms came from God as they plainly state in the Declaration of Independence. There is, however, plenty of Scripture and Biblical references in other places far before 1945. Look at Lincoln's second inaugrial address. Look at the Jefferson Memorial. Look at JFK's inaugrial address (after 1945). Idk if your implying seperation of church and state but most people misunderstand that principle anyway. It is not in the constitution and it was intended to keep the state out of the church, not to keep the church from influencing the government.

Also with your reference to Christ wanting us to be all loving. Jesus in Matthew 12:30 said whoever wasn't with Him was against Him. In John 14:6 He stated that He was the only way to obtain eternal life. While we are supposed to act in a loving way toward all people, there is an absolute truth which can only be found in Scripture. If the Bible is not the moral authority for this nation then what is?? It becomes a situation where everyone does what is right in their own eyes which leads to chaos and anarchy.


"the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them", "are endowed by their Creator" Imo thats not "God" in the Christian sense but God in a general sense. I think its purposely vague, acknowledging a supreme being but not specifically a christian one.


None of the scripture you quoted says "make them praise me, even if they dont believe it", I think thats opressive and pushes nonbelievers away from christ. The country is/was/should be based on biblical principals, but alot of those principals are universal. I look at religon as a very personal thing, proclaiming it to the public is just not my way and to me has no purpose. Now if someone asks how do I stay grounded and where my strength comes from im more than glad to tell them. The moral authority for this country should come from a desire to make this country great and to help our fellow man.

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Romney is not even a christian he is a morman look it up, they believe that they will get there own planet and be like jesus with lots of sister wives when they die. I'm with redtiger on this one. I believe politics and religion should be apart, but if you are going to mix them you should chech out what a morman is. Sure he believes in jesus but so do muslims and hindus and most other religions but not what he stands for and means to humanity like we do.

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Romney is not even a christian he is a morman look it up, they believe that they will get there own planet and be like jesus with lots of sister wives when they die. I'm with redtiger on this one. I believe politics and religion should be apart, but if you are going to mix them you should chech out what a morman is. Sure he believes in jesus but so do muslims and hindus and most other religions but not what he stands for and means to humanity like we do.


"Believes" in Jesus is a very broad interpretation. Hindus are notably flexible and accept other religions to be equally true as theirs. This doesn't mean they worship Christ but they acknowledge Christianity as a true religion. Hinduism has some polytheistic elements which may be the foundation for their flexibility. Christians, for the most part, do not return this favor - it's Christ or it's nothing.


Muslims and Christians both see Jesus as divine but their main differences center around Jesus. They don't agree on his identity or his death.

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Redtiger: I understand why you would say that the founders were speaking of God as a general term based on the decleration alone but I see too many other pieces of evidence to convince me they had the God of the Bible in mind.

The Mayflower compact states:"In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia"


The Liberty Bell has part of Leviticus 25:10 engraved on it.


Lincoln in his secong inaugrial address said that the Union and Southern soldiers: "Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other." He also quoted from 3 different verses of Scripture.


I'm not at all implying the government should require citizens to praise Jesus or be thrown in jail. No one can make a person believe something in their heart. But I don't think it is too much to ask people in this country who have been so blessed by God to acknowledge God or say One nation under God.


God's Word even indicates the significance of acknowledging God for His blessings.

Psalms 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.


Com74bsslc:I do know very well what mormonism teaches. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers. They believe in 3 levels of heaven. They believe that God was once a man and that if you are a good enough mormon you can become a god. I'm not exactly sure why you brought that up. I never said anything about Gov. Romney and I know very well that he is not a Christian. My point was it is disgraceful that the democrats, unlike the republicans had to have a big debate as to whether even include the name of God in their party's platform. Is it really that hard to humble yourself and recognize that there is an all powerful God who is responsible for all of our blessings.

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I believe that they had God of the Bible in mind, but they didnt state it, they left it vague. Thats a very important distinction. And I feel that asking people to include God in political works is too much to ask. I see what you are saying and in my heart I agree. But I dont think its in the spirit of America.

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Not at all I'm a christian. Thats what im saying I leave religion out of politics it has no bussiness their. That being said for someone one who so rightous as to include it in politics like you are doing I find it ironic that you would vote for a morman over a christian just saying. To me politics are simple if you make more than $250,000 as a household you should be a republican if you make less than that you should be a dem simple everything else is just smoke and mirrors no offense to anyone its just a fact.

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I find it ironic that you would vote for a morman over a christian just saying.


I hate to bust your bubble man but Barack Obama is not a Christian. He can put on an act all he wants to but the religion that guides his convictions is Islam not Christianity. If you don't believe me click the link below or go watch the new 2016 movie about Obama's past.


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Well one big difference is mormonism doesn't promote spreading their religion through force, violence, and threat of death unlike Islam. The bottom line for me is we don't have a Christian candidate in either party running for president. However, Islam is much more dangerous and antaganistic toward all other religions than mormonism. Please understand that this is by far not the only reason I will once again not be voting for our president in his re-election campaign. 8 plus percent unemployment and 5 trillion added to the national debt doesn't help his case either.

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I will once again not be voting for our president in his re-election campaign. 8 plus percent unemployment and 5 trillion added to the national debt doesn't help his case either.


And i will not be voteing for nobama this election either!

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I hate to bust your bubble man but Barack Obama is not a Christian. He can put on an act all he wants to but the religion that guides his convictions is Islam not Christianity. If you don't believe me click the link below or go watch the new 2016 movie about Obama's past.



Just when I thought you couldn't be any more ignorant you had to go and say something like that.

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Well one big difference is mormonism doesn't promote spreading their religion through force, violence, and threat of death unlike Islam.


Mormanism does not promote those things but at times Christanity has. 3 examples of Christianity/Catholicism using force, violence and the threat of death to spread their religion; the crusades, the American conquering of the west, the spanish exploration/conqurering of Central America. All were done for various reasons($, land, power, etc) but all justified by "were spreading the word of God" or "God has lead us to do this in his name". No worse than what some Muslims are promoting now. Its all in how its precieved and manipulated.

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Don't care who you are, or where you are from, the Godly heritage of this nation cannot be denied with anything other than falsehoods! The simple truth is the very fundamental base for the idea that is AMERICA, is based on a creator GOD!


The Founders embraced Enlightenment thinkers such as Locke who espoused NATURAL LAW and the LAWS OF NATURE. If there are natural laws and laws of nature, then there must be, by default, a GOD that establishes those laws and or rights!


The very argument and idea behind the American Revolution is based on the natural rights that we are "endowed with by our Creator."


Nowhere in our documents does it say that we are to worship any type of god, but to suggest that this country was built on a foundation absent from God is absolutely false and nothing more than revisionist history.


The DNC is not my granfathers DNC, he would roll over in his grave today if he knew what it had become!




btw, the first English bible printed in the U.S. was commissioned by the FEDERAL GOVT.!


Apparently, the Federal Govt. believed that it would be a good idea to do so because, "it would provide the youth with an excellent resource to use in the classroom!"


The capital building in Washington was used for Sunday worship services. (so much for the modern day interpretation of separation of church and state)


The Continental Conress issued 15 separate prayer proclamations asking the colonists to pray and fast for the country.


of 56 founders, over half had received degrees from what we would today consider religious institutions.


The words "separation of church and state," appears NOWHERE in the founding documents!


Most people know the above phrase, but few actually know its source and the context with which it was used, revisionist history argues that it means, no prayer in a public facility, no 10 commandments posted on walls of public buildings (check out Moses "the law giver," portrayed around the supreme court building facade!"

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Don't care who you are, or where you are from, the Godly heritage of this nation cannot be denied with anything other than falsehoods! The simple truth is the very fundamental base for the idea that is AMERICA, is based on a creator GOD!


The Founders embraced Enlightenment thinkers such as Locke who espoused NATURAL LAW and the LAWS OF NATURE. If there are natural laws and laws of nature, then there must be, by default, a GOD that establishes those laws and or rights!


The very argument and idea behind the American Revolution is based on the natural rights that we are "endowed with by our Creator."


Nowhere in our documents does it say that we are to worship any type of god, but to suggest that this country was built on a foundation absent from God is absolutely false and nothing more than revisionist history.


The DNC is not my granfathers DNC, he would roll over in his grave today if he knew what it had become!


btw, the first English bible printed in the U.S. was commissioned by the FEDERAL GOVT.!


Apparently, the Federal Govt. believed that it would be a good idea to do so because, "it would provide the youth with an excellent resource to use in the classroom!"


The capital building in Washington was used for Sunday worship services. (so much for the modern day interpretation of separation of church and state)


Just because they did something a long time ago, doesnt mean it was right.


Do we also forget that this country was found on the work of slaves?


I guess if the founders did it, we should still be doing it.

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