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Everything posted by Stelley

  1. I’d put them above Union pretty easily they beat them once already and lost by 1 with a bunch of starters pretty banged up. Then that puts you in the conundrum of how Union has beat honaker 3 times and are 2-1 against lebanon. I’d say 1-10 could beat anyone on any night (excluding chilhowie).
  2. I know Marion beat Graham but I don’t think they’re the third best team. They got boat raced by Lebanon once and made it a closer game the second time. Got beat by ph and beat by v high 3 times.
  3. Also heard it was 10-15. Majority local guys but there’s guys from Allegheny down to nc and all the way over into elizabethon
  4. Also congrats to Lebanons Portia Campbell as being only the second female to ever win a weight class. The first happened last year with Kendi Dye of Richlands.
  5. According to Tim Hayes, the first time they played Marion’s best player was out with an ankle injury. Ray finished with 25 and 4 threes while dissibio only had 8 and zero threes
  6. Don’t think so. Heard that they had a bunch of guys transferring to Lebanon next year. Don’t know if they still are after the news of bubba going over to Richlands.
  7. Don’t see it happening but it’s the REGION tourney not the district. Placement for region (outside of the #1 seed) is all determined by how teams finish in the district tourney. So therefore RV would have to beat Union or Central in the district tournament to be the 3 seed.
  8. He’s the third coach to step down in a span of three weeks. Also 2 of Russell county’s football teams are without a coach. Does anyone think this is because he’s about to be approved for the Lebanon job?
  9. I’m pretty sure that’s what Lebanon and chilhowie had to do last year. But what happens if it’s a three way tie (I know it probably won’t but a pioneer fan can dream)
  10. Yes they’ll use the results of the district tournament to determine the seeding for the region tournament. But how will they determine the seeding for the district tourney bc that’s determined by the district record.
  11. How would they determine a tie breaker (I.e. The SWD). If Virginia high and Graham are tied ( which more than likely will happen) and even if Lebanon beats Graham and Virginia High (could see them beating Virginia High but probably not Graham. Might be a closer game this time tho). How would they break the tie?
  12. No he only had a one game suspension and he scored 12 points last night against Richlands. The smaller caywood brother from PH is on a 7 game suspension though and won’t be eligible till the postseason.
  13. Leb only lossed by one to Union with even more injuries than last night. Everyone should be back to nearly full health on Friday when they play v high. I’d say Lebanon will still be in the running for the region. Virginia High could possibly beat Union central and Lebanon but I don’t see them beating Graham or Gate City. Central also needs to hope that someone else beats Graham or gate city but I could also see them beating the other teams aforementioned. I’ll stick with the same tier list that I made near the start of the season.
  14. Graham should handle Virginia High easily next game since Carpenter is out for the season.
  15. The starter was chance parker. He played tonight but was limited. Still managed to have 3-4 pretty athletic blocks. If Lebanon wants to have a shot of winning anything they need to start playing as a team instead of individuals. Most importantly, get rid of the daddy ball factor. Still a very impressive win for the g men. I swear it felt like the point guard (I think it’s ray) didn’t miss a single three he shot till the second half. I understand that some kids have an off night shooting but I have no clue how v high beat that team by 20.
  16. They’ve beat them twice central has beat Union twice and Union has beat honaker twice. Crazy how matchups play a huge factor
  17. Their starting point guard and main ball handler has been banged up since the wise tourney and has been hurt again in the honaker and the first 2 minutes of the union game last week but I heard he was going to fight through it. Arguably the most athletic player they have will be out with an ankle sprain in Parker. He’s averaging close to double digit points. So best case scenario they will only be down one starter.
  18. Ethan Carpenter either tore his meniscus or acl at Richlands and is out for the season. Richlands needs to stop playing at that high school. There’s numerous videos of “nasty ankle breakers” at Richlands this season when in reality it’s just the floor is very slick.
  19. Def top 5. Still wouldn’t put them ahead of Lebanon. Lebanon already beat them once and they lost by 1 tonight while having two starters out and shooting a horrendous 12-21 from the line
  20. They play at Virginia High at 7. Have a feeling this time Union will get revenge and beat us by 20.
  21. Lebanon needs to turn the ship around if the want to beat Graham. Too many egos on the team and it especially doesn’t help the fact that they’re the latest to be affected by the worst disease in sports. Daddy ball. They play Union tonight so hopefully they will start playing as a team again tonight
  22. Not saying he officially had the job. I just heard that it was confirmed that he had put his name in for the job
  23. Should have been. Only three things are guaranteed in Lebanon. The two sports that are the most popular in our area are the worst of all of the programs. Honaker not putting Lebanon on the baseball schedule. And getting your a$$ blown out after eating at bonanza
  24. Numerous people are saying wicks from honaker
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